path: root/Code
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Code')
2 files changed, 33 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
index d05f2d4..d4a774a 100644
--- a/Code/
+++ b/Code/
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ draw_graph2(G0, '../Data/temp/graph-%s.pdf' % ('20160101'), '')
graph_lst = []
graph_names = []
for fname in sorted(glob.glob('../Analysis/edges.txt.2019*')):
- if fname == '../Analysis/edges.txt.20190801':
+ if fname == '../Analysis/edges.txt.20190801' or '.gz' in fname:
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
index 11e8d72..0e56d95 100644
--- a/Code/
+++ b/Code/
@@ -72,7 +72,34 @@ def delete_edge_files(fname_lst):
write_log_file('[] In function delete_edge_files. Check file %s. It is probably still being written (age less than %d hours). So I don\'t delete it.' % (fname, age_in_hours), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
+def summarize_edge_file(fname):
+ ''' Return number of lines in file fname. '''
+ if not os.path.exists(fname):
+ return 'File %s does not exist.' % (fname)
+ f = open(fname)
+ tau = 2.0
+ count_below = 0
+ count_above = 0
+ count_total = 0
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split('\t')
+ if len(lst) == 10:
+ association_strength = float(lst[8])
+ count_total += 1
+ if association_strength > tau:
+ count_above += 1
+ else:
+ count_below += 1
+ f.close()
+ if count_total > 0:
+ return '#edges above %4.1f: %d (%4.3f percent), #edges below %4.1f: %d (%4.3f percent).' % (tau, count_above, 100.0*count_above/count_total, tau, count_below, 100.0*count_below/count_total)
+ else:
+ return 'Total edges is 0.'
########## Merge edges #######################
# update edges.txt, a merged file from two sources, HISTORY_DIR and HISTORY_DIR2. Some new edge files are being generated ...
@@ -102,10 +129,12 @@ elif os.path.getmtime(MERGED_EDGE_FILE) < most_recent_edge_modification_time: #
if os.path.getmtime(MERGED_EDGE_FILE) < os.path.getmtime(EDGE_POOL_DIR): # edge pool directory has been updated, create new edges.txt
write_log_file('[] Make a new edges.txt from edge files in %s.' % (EDGE_POOL_DIR), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
- write_log_file('[] Number of lines in the old edges.txt: %d.' % (num_line(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
+ write_log_file('[] Number of lines in the old edges.txt: %d.' % (num_line(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
+ write_log_file('[] %s' % (summarize_edge_file(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
cmd = 'python3'
- write_log_file('[] Number of lines in the new edges.txt: %d.' % (num_line(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
+ write_log_file('[] Number of lines in the new edges.txt: %d.' % (num_line(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
+ write_log_file('[] %s' % (summarize_edge_file(MERGED_EDGE_FILE)), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
manual_copy_commands = 'Please copy files to the web application: sudo cp /home/lanhui/brain/Data/temp/edges.txt /var/www/brain/brain/static/edges/edges.txt sudo find /home/lanhui/brain/Data/temp/html_edges -name "*.html" -exec mv -t /var/www/brain/brain/static/edges {} +'
write_log_file('[] %s' % (manual_copy_commands), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
copy_and_backup_file(MERGED_EDGE_FILE, '../Analysis') # the backup file will be used for further analysis