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	This page was last edited on 14 December 2019 by Hui				
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					<h2>  System Features </h2>
					The following table shows a list of features that LRRS support
					<th> No </th>
					<th> Feature </th>
					<th> Description </th>
					<th> User Role </th>
					<td> 1 </td>
					<td> Create lecturer/TA accounts  </td>
					<td> To create lecturers and Teaching Assistants (TA)    </td>
					<td> Administrators </td>
					<td> 2 </td>
					<td> Students registration </td>
					<td>  Students can register 
with their passport number & student id. Student registration consists of two steps. Step 1: the student identity is checked in the database.  Step 2: if found, the system allows the student to create his/her account with email and password. </td>
					<td> Students </td>
					<td> 3 </td>
					<td> Login </td>
					<td>  Entry of only authorized
users through valid
login email or student id
and password </td>
					<td> All except Visitors </td>
						<td>  4 </td>
					<td> Password Reset </td>
					<td> To reset lost password by sending a link to the user's sign-up email address </td>
					<td> All except Visitors </td>
					<td> 5 </td>
					<td> Create courses </td>
					<td> Create Course Portals </td>
					<td> Administrators/Lecturers </td>
					<td> 6 </td>
					<td> Join course  </td>
					<td> Students can enroll in course portals. </td>
					<td> Students </td>
					<td> 7 </td>
					<td> Student groups  </td>
					<td>  Create course groups for group assignments  </td>
					<td>  Students </td>
					<td>  8</td>
					<td>  Accept students </td>
					<td> To accept students joining a specific course
. The
member acceptance step can be disabled in the course portal setting by the lecturer.
					<td> Lecturers / TAs </td>
					<td>  9</td>
					<td> Post lab report </td>
					<td>To post a new lab report and assign a deadline for it.  </td>
					<td> Lecturers </td>
					<td> 10 </td>
					<td> Update deadline  </td>
					<td>To update deadline for specific students(e.g sick students) or for all
students.  </td>
					<td>Lecturers </td>
					<td> 11 </td>
					<td>Lab report submission   </td>
					<td>  Student can submit his/her lab report individually or for his
group  </td>
					<td>  Students</td>
					<td> 12 </td>
					<td> Lab report result posting  </td>
					<td>  To post lab results for students  </td>
					<td> Lecturer & TAs </td>
					<td> 13 </td>
					<td>  View Assignment grading  </td>
					<td>  To view assignment grading posted by lecturer </td>
					<td>Students  </td>
					<td> 14 </td>
					<td> Request remarking  </td>
					<td> To request submission remarking from the lecturer </td>
					<td> Students </td>
					<td> 15 </td>
					<td> Visitor portal </td>
					<td>   Visitors can see public lab reports without authentication.</td>
					<td> Visitors </td>
					<td>  </td>
					<td>  </td>
					<td>  </td>
					<td>  </td>
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