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					<h3>About LRRS</h3>
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						<li><a href="screenshots.html">Screenshots</a></li>
						<li><a href="DevelopmentPlan.html">Development Plan</a></li>
					<h3>Getting LRRS</h3>
						<li><a href="sourcecode.html">Source Download</a></li>
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	This page was last edited on 14 December 2019 by Hui				
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					<h2>  Development Plan </h2>
					The project is under active development and there are new features planned as well as some known issues in the current version
					<b>Planned Features</b>
					<li> Implemeting local mail sender instead of depending external APIs  </li>
						<li> Ability to upload new student information from excel sheet by administration   </li>
					<li> Notify students via email when assignments graded by the lecturer </li>
					<br><b> Known issues </b>
					<li> System could not send password reset links to school email accounts (@zjnu.edu.cn)  </li>
					<li> Submission date's seconds field is always shown  as 00  </li>
					<li> Text in each marked submission is not selectable </li>
					<li> Feedback does not show properly in a student's account </li>
					<li> Better directory structure is needed when storing students' assignments. (The current directory structure may cause overwriting files with same name.) </li>
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