Create a test script to automate newly signup students searching for a course #32

Golden wants to merge 1 commits from AutoTesting-Golden into master

This pull request is for an automated test script written for bug 312. See the kanboard card for more information about the bug and how it was fixed.

This pull request is for an automated test script written for [bug 312]( See the [kanboard card]( for more information about the bug and how it was fixed.
Ibrahim was assigned by Golden 2021-12-26 17:13:08 +08:00
mrlan was assigned by Golden 2021-12-26 17:13:08 +08:00
Golden added 1 commit 2021-12-26 17:13:08 +08:00
mrlan was unassigned by Golden 2021-12-26 17:33:23 +08:00
Ibrahim was unassigned by Golden 2021-12-26 17:33:23 +08:00
Golden requested review from Ibrahim 2021-12-26 17:33:35 +08:00
Golden requested review from mrlan 2021-12-26 17:33:35 +08:00

I have run the test suite on my machine as well after inspection, works fine.



I have run the test suite on my machine as well after inspection, works fine. LGTM. Thanks.

Thanks for the review.

Thanks for the review.
mrlan reviewed 2021-12-27 22:12:04 +08:00
@ -136,3 +136,3 @@
submit = signup_form.find_element(By.ID, "signup_btn")
return 0
return driver

@Golden @Ibrahim

Thanks, Golden. Will this change (i.e., from return 0 to return driver) break Ibrahim's tests?


@Golden @Ibrahim Thanks, Golden. Will this change (i.e., from `return 0` to `return driver`) break Ibrahim's tests? Hui

Changing the return value to driver won't break other tests. It makes the signup function a utility function that other functions can depend on (i.e. Those functions can only be executed if the signup process is successful).

Changing the return value to driver won't break other tests. It makes the signup function a utility function that other functions can depend on (i.e. Those functions can only be executed if the signup process is successful).
mrlan reviewed 2021-12-27 22:15:41 +08:00
@ -99,1 +98,4 @@
admin.assign_TA() == cond
def test_case_17():


Instead of using a random string, you could use the Faker package to generate names.


@Golden Instead of using a random string, you could use the [Faker]( package to generate names. Hui

I agree, Faker is better.

I agree, Faker is better.

I have run the test suite on my machine as well after inspection, works fine.




Thanks. Are you sure? The following change does not have any bad consequence?

- utility = MyUtility("")
+ utility = MyUtility("")


> I have run the test suite on my machine as well after inspection, works fine. > > LGTM. > > Thanks. @Ibrahim Thanks. Are you sure? The following change does not have any bad consequence? ``` - utility = MyUtility("") + utility = MyUtility("") ``` Hui
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Reference: mrlan/LRR#32
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