Student can create the accounts on their own without the need for the Teacher to create the accounts for the students.
Also removed the inputs for the passport.
Line 44, 53 - 60 we removed the passport portal not just from the form as our colleagues did but completely. Apart from the change above we also added a portal for inputting the student number on line 64.
Updated the Logo from "LRRS" to "LRR".
Removed the signup form from the index.php file (Index.php file had two forms now with only one form for signing in and a link that leads to the signup form).
On the signup form, we have removed the portal for putting the passport because I have realized that our colleagues from this repository "Ashik-Nafis_Bug 53" only removed the passport portal from the form.
We also added a background and some CSS properties for the hovers effects on the new form.
For the LRR website, we don't need to display both the sign-in and sign-up forms on one page. The best thing that we can do to have a clean and neat LRR website UI/UX we should only display the logo and sign in form. Then we are also going to put a signup link on the sign-in page that will lead to the signup form and on the signup form the top left corner lrr logo will lead us back to the sign-in form.
On the sign-up form I have removed the portal for inputting the passport and added an if statement for inputting student number on the same form.
Fixed some tying errors as well as grammatical errors.
Tanaka Michelle Sandati (201732120134)
Yeboah Martha Asamoah (201732120135)
Tamene Robel (201732120170)
This commit temporarily fixed the bug reported at
This bug was introduced after a recent functionality addition, i.e., allowing Lecturer to edit assignment information.
See the following pull request for details.
It seems that $group_id is not properly assigned after merging the above pull request.
Therefore, when someone tried to insert a record to the database table lab_report_submissions, he encountered a running error.
In this fix, I just set $group_id 0 to avoid the database insertion error.
This is OK when an assignment is of type Individual.
Of course, this fix is not ideal, as it cannot handle the situation where the assignment is of type Group.
In the future, $group_id must be properly initialized, depending on the assignment type.