diff options
authorHui Lan <>2019-03-31 16:32:31 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2019-03-31 16:32:31 +0800
commit7005f55b94989bdbdb976b1721ea6e9d7ff87d48 (patch)
parent4d85ee545c85b3f20d2f73738ec13dd4166e15d3 (diff)
updated lecture notes
2 files changed, 110 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/LectureNotesOnPython.html b/LectureNotesOnPython.html
index 3e55a72..6e8a1f7 100644
--- a/LectureNotesOnPython.html
+++ b/LectureNotesOnPython.html
@@ -685,6 +685,7 @@ A list of objects</dd>
+<p>以上 <tt class="docutils literal"># [start,stop,step]</tt> 代表注释(comment),注释以 <tt class="docutils literal">#</tt> 号开头。</p>
<div class="section" id="concatenation">
@@ -952,11 +953,17 @@ error-prone(易错)</p>
<dd>return t[1:]</dd>
+<dl class="docutils">
+<dd>Test-driven Development。测试驱动开发。 使用pytest。如何安装? 使用命令 <tt class="docutils literal">pip install pytest</tt></dd>
+<p>用Big O表述复杂度。O(n), O(n^2), O(n^3)。</p>
<div class="section" id="dictionary">
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">d = {} or d = dict()</div>
@@ -977,7 +984,59 @@ error-prone(易错)</p>
<p>key-value pair (item)</p>
+<p>练习:给定一个字符串,数出每个字母出现的频率。使用 <strong>Incremental Development</strong> 。</p>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">def histogram(s):</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">''' Cannot pass any test cases. '''</div>
+<div class="line">pass</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">def histogram(s):</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">''' Can pass the test case in which s is an empty string. '''</div>
+<div class="line">d = {}</div>
+<div class="line">return d</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">def histogram(s):</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">''' Can pass the test cases in which all characters in s are unique. '''</div>
+<div class="line">d = {}</div>
+<div class="line">for c in s:</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">d[c] = 1</div>
+<div class="line">return d</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">def histogram(s):</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">''' Can pass all test cases. '''</div>
+<div class="line">d = {}</div>
+<div class="line">for c in s:</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">if c not in d:</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">d[c] = 1</div>
+<div class="line">else:</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">d[c] += 1</div>
+<div class="line">return d</div>
+<div class="line-block">
+<div class="line">h = histogram('good')</div>
+<div class="line">print(h)</div>
<div class="section" id="id9">
diff --git a/LectureNotesOnPython.rst b/LectureNotesOnPython.rst
index 52b2c2c..b47b929 100644
--- a/LectureNotesOnPython.rst
+++ b/LectureNotesOnPython.rst
@@ -349,6 +349,9 @@ len()函数。返回字符串字符个数。len(fruit)。
| print(c)
+以上 ``# [start,stop,step]`` 代表注释(comment),注释以 ``#`` 号开头。
@@ -638,14 +641,25 @@ error-prone(易错)
return t[1:]
+ Test-driven Development。测试驱动开发。 使用pytest。如何安装? 使用命令 ``pip install pytest``
+用Big O表述复杂度。O(n), O(n^2), O(n^3)。
| d = {} or d = dict()
@@ -666,7 +680,38 @@ key-value pair (item)
+练习:给定一个字符串,数出每个字母出现的频率。使用 **Incremental Development** 。
+ | def histogram(s):
+ | ''' Cannot pass any test cases. '''
+ | pass
+ | def histogram(s):
+ | ''' Can pass the test case in which s is an empty string. '''
+ | d = {}
+ | return d
+ | def histogram(s):
+ | ''' Can pass the test cases in which all characters in s are unique. '''
+ | d = {}
+ | for c in s:
+ | d[c] = 1
+ | return d
+ | def histogram(s):
+ | ''' Can pass all test cases. '''
+ | d = {}
+ | for c in s:
+ | if c not in d:
+ | d[c] = 1
+ | else:
+ | d[c] += 1
+ | return d
+ | h = histogram('good')
+ | print(h)