path: root/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
diff options
authorHui Lan <>2020-04-26 12:34:39 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2020-04-26 12:34:39 +0800
commit1a667d0e9836d6f7f6731a2d38f7b0418daf079b (patch)
treecefb40bde2704b4e19154e8323ad785acd45833b /DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
parentfa18314413e0389cfec57e73268b265104904c68 (diff)
DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst: lecture notes on morning section Monday 2020-04-20.
Diffstat (limited to 'DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
index c64b7ff..85ea7b5 100644
--- a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
+++ b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
@@ -7944,6 +7944,361 @@ datum 不常见
刘莉莉Weekly Review:
+Monday, 20 April 2020
+Morning section
+2020-04-20 10:30:09 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Tencent Meeting ID: 439 756 912
+2020-04-20 10:31:10 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Mon 10:35-12pm Software Project Management. QQ Group# 1051157307.
+2020-04-20 10:35:48 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Good morning. Could you type your student number? Thanks.
+2020-04-20 10:35:50 201732120135 玛莎(3534763826)
+2020-04-20 10:35:52 201732120134_Michelle(3304952232)
+2020-04-20 10:35:57 软英171陈金龙(864945570)
+2020-04-20 10:36:00 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+2020-04-20 10:36:03 软英171郑洪宇(1633787262)
+2020-04-20 10:36:03 郑晓钰(280768265)
+2020-04-20 10:36:03 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723)
+2020-04-20 10:36:04 软英171 陆博业(2794513466)
+2020-04-20 10:36:05 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+2020-04-20 10:36:06 201732120168_Golden(2984538488)
+2020-04-20 10:36:11 LUL GUOBA RUOT (2217724540)
+2020-04-20 10:36:12 201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)
+2020-04-20 10:36:26 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-04-20 10:36:30 软英171高增(1520653544)
+2020-04-20 10:36:31 FADHEL ABDULLAH(3071163205)
+2020-04-20 10:36:44 201732120127 张滨(2350711965)
+2020-04-20 10:36:49 叶涵涛(2289316051)
+2020-04-20 10:36:58 201732120140 Agonza(1017919227)
+2020-04-20 10:37:05 陈真赐(1312502742)
+2020-04-20 10:37:07 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+2020-04-20 10:37:07 软英171陈伟超(937202326)
+2020-04-20 10:37:37 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-04-20 10:37:38 201732120142 Ahmed(3608360354)
+2020-04-20 10:37:38 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Annoucement: Quiz 5 is out. Due date: April 27.
+2020-04-20 10:38:02 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+You could hear me, right?
+2020-04-20 10:38:10 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-04-20 10:38:11 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+2020-04-20 10:38:47 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+LRR doesn’t work well laoshi I couldn’t submit it
+2020-04-20 10:39:04 Dean Majaya201732120164爷爷(3623840484)
+2020-04-20 10:39:33 201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)
+2020-04-20 10:40:23 谢佳聪(1249923715)
+2020-04-20 10:40:23 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+2020-04-20 10:40:29 Tarmom 201732120166(2104297320)
+2020-04-20 10:41:26 软英171周仙龙(1748153603)
+2020-04-20 10:41:33 1n(2835813510)
+2020-04-20 10:42:14 201732120175-yonathan hunetaw zewdie(1565888714)
+2020-04-20 10:43:37 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+2020-04-20 10:43:49 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+2020-04-20 10:43:54 201732120167 Clive妈妈(3321692247)
+2020-04-20 10:44:00 ibrahim(1525200991)
+I haven't
+2020-04-20 10:44:22 李佳兴(421281726)
+2020-04-20 10:48:15 软英171 郑可富(1924773187)
+2020-04-20 10:49:30 201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)
+2020-04-20 10:49:35 201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)
+2020-04-20 10:49:43 201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)
+I just managed on my local machine
+2020-04-20 10:50:15 软英171 吕伊豪(745291576)
+2020-04-20 10:51:02 king(3346380072)
+2020-04-20 10:51:41 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+2020-04-20 10:52:53 hamunyela(3325982083)
+2020-04-20 10:53:40 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-04-20 10:53:44 ibrahim(1525200991)
+slides isn't changing
+2020-04-20 10:54:02 ibrahim(1525200991)
+i mean the stream
+2020-04-20 10:54:32 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Annoucement: Quiz 5 is out. Due date: April 27.
+2020-04-20 10:54:33 ibrahim(1525200991)
+we can see only LRR
+2020-04-20 10:54:43 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-04-20 10:55:21 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)::
+ Things that have been merged to LRR master
+ lanhui@VM-0-14-ubuntu:~/git-tutorial/LRR$ git pull origin master
+ remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
+ remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
+ remote: Total 8 (delta 3), reused 2 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
+ Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+ From
+ * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
+ 53ec7c8..058eb2a master -> origin/master
+ Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
+ Course.php | 37 +++++---
+ Courses.php | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ Script.php | 411 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
+ SubmitLab.php | 16 ++--
+ homepage/overview.html | 33 +++----
+ index.php | 2 +-
+ lrr (1).sql | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+2020-04-20 10:57:34 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Hub contributors.
+2020-04-20 11:02:16 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-04-20 11:02:39 ibrahim(1525200991)
+and switch off your mics guys
+2020-04-20 11:03:09 软英171戴泽荣(975336710)
+2020-04-20 11:05:49 201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)
+2020-04-20 11:11:13 201732120157 hossain arif<>
+2020-04-20 11:15:12 201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)
+2020-04-20 11:24:15 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Talking about Pull Request 21 for LRR:
+2020-04-20 11:24:25 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Take 3-minute break.
+2020-04-20 11:25:26 Bekele mussie girma(792067471)
+2020-04-20 11:31:08 软英171包振丰(984456043)
+2020-04-20 11:31:39 Npl.(593635848)
+2020-04-20 11:32:18 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+Laoshi I can’t see any benefits of kanboard
+2020-04-20 11:34:00 ibrahim(1525200991)
+Can we have a several tasks of the same priority level in kanban ?
+2020-04-20 11:34:51 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+Ok Laoshi i see
+2020-04-20 11:52:11 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Talking about Reward for Code Reivew.
+2020-04-20 12:01:54 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Don't forget Quiz 5.
+2020-04-20 12:02:51 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+You should finish reading Chapter 3 by the end of this week. You can omit the section "The Great Reply-to Debate".
+2020-04-20 12:02:56 SPM软件项目管理-蓝老师(1348141770)
+Afternoon section
+2020-04-20 15:39:53 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Meeting ID: 588 872 377
+2020-04-20 15:40:21 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Good afternoon, could you type your student number here?
+2020-04-20 15:40:29 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+2020-04-20 15:40:42 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+good afternoon sir
+2020-04-20 15:40:56 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+2020-04-20 15:41:15 Kumson爸爸(3157209053)
+2020-04-20 15:41:27 Marie(2928285277)
+2020-04-20 15:41:44 莫莫(3481157233)
+2020-04-20 15:41:54 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Annoucement: Quiz 5 is out. Due date: April 27.
+2020-04-20 15:44:46 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<>
+2020-04-20 15:45:35 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+2020-04-20 15:46:47 Corneille (3078246579)
+2020-04-20 15:50:58 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Selenium WebDriver
+2020-04-20 15:51:18 Tabitha(2954060050)
+2020-04-20 15:52:59 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Hub contributors.
+2020-04-20 15:53:14 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Most significant contributors.
+2020-04-20 15:53:43 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)::
+ lanhui@VM-0-14-ubuntu:~/git-tutorial/LRR$ git pull origin master
+ remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
+ remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
+ remote: Total 8 (delta 3), reused 2 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
+ Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+ From
+ * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
+ 53ec7c8..058eb2a master -> origin/master
+ Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
+ Course.php | 37 +++++---
+ Courses.php | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ Script.php | 411 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
+ SubmitLab.php | 16 ++--
+ homepage/overview.html | 33 +++----
+ index.php | 2 +-
+ lrr (1).sql | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
+2020-04-20 16:21:33 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Went over Pull Request 21:
+2020-04-20 16:25:59 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Get marks for making comments on Pull Requests on
+2020-04-20 16:44:08 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+What is the format of this file: update password design draft?
+2020-04-20 16:44:00 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+The attached file is a pdf file.
+2020-04-20 16:59:03 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
+Five minutes break.
+2020-04-20 17:12:30 Software Project Management-Lan Hui(1348141770)
How to cite