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authorHui Lan <>2020-03-20 17:52:51 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2020-03-20 17:52:51 +0800
commit715358e2051039c040685ec6fb649a2dfc105908 (patch)
parent1152382bac38362432ce1f9cae284e0051fe8f49 (diff)
DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst: include lecture notes on 2 March 2020 (graduate sections).
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
index e951f7d..6e254e9 100644
--- a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
+++ b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
@@ -15,6 +15,456 @@ Preface
This book contains a series of special lecture notes in a dialog form on software project management during the Great Lockdown period due to the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus.
+Monday, 2 March 2020
+Afternoon section
+*Advantages and disadvantages of audio communication - A critical bug in LRR - Don't throw away your code - Old code - New code - Coopetition - Rhythm of releases*
+Twizere Pacifique 唐平 15:04:00
+Hello Teacher , I hope you are doing well
+I realized how Learning online has been a challenge to both the Teacher and students, I have suggestion about it
+My suggestion is that we use:
+- Audio call (as a way of communication) and
+- Chats (to outline important points as we used the blackboard in class)
+Why is Audio call Important ?
+- It keeps students focused
+- It saves time (we can learn a lot)
+- It simplifies communication
+Why do i suggest that ?
+- I realized that since we have taken your courses , Your teaching method is unique, It does not involve the use of PPT but rather blackboard , Which is a good thing as it is clear and flexible. so Audio + chats will match your teaching method.
+- another thing is that students tend to be focused when there is a call than only chats
+That's my suggestion.
+Thank you and have a great day.
+2020-03-02 15:31:25 Lan Hui(1348141770) We will start at 3:40 and end at 5:10pm.
+2020-03-02 15:34:04 Lan Hui(1348141770) ==============================
+2020-03-02 15:34:07 Lan Hui(1348141770) Thanks for the suggestion about using audio. I don't think that will work out very well. Blackboard is great. The point that blackboard is great is that it slows things down and give people more time to think and absorb knowledge. But we do not have blackboard now. You could do audio. I will do text, at least for today. I will do more research on how to teach effectively, online. However, I could experiment with audio clip now (not real-time).
+2020-03-02 15:34:09 Lan Hui(1348141770) =======================================
+2020-03-02 15:41:26 Lan Hui(1348141770)
+2020-03-02 15:41:53 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+hello Sir
+2020-03-02 15:42:16 Lan Hui(1348141770)
+2020-03-02 15:42:28 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+Hello professor
+2020-03-02 15:42:54 Lan Hui(1348141770) A downside of audio is that I cannot keep my script.
+2020-03-02 15:44:19 Lan Hui(1348141770) This becomes worse when I am not a native English speaker.
+2020-03-02 15:45:06 Lan Hui(1348141770) One drawback of text is that you can lose focus easily.
+2020-03-02 15:45:35 Lan Hui(1348141770) Because it is slow ...
+2020-03-02 15:45:40 Lan Hui(1348141770) That is fine.
+2020-03-02 15:45:57 Lan Hui(1348141770) I don't know whether or not you are day dreaming,
+2020-03-02 15:46:22 Lan Hui(1348141770) First of all, could you write your student number below?
+2020-03-02 15:46:54 Lan Hui(1348141770) As a form of taking attendance.
+2020-03-02 15:47:02 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<>
+2020-03-02 15:47:27 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+2020-03-02 15:47:28 Lan Hui(1348141770) [Announcement] Several things are due tonight: Quiz 2 and Group Information. Don't miss that.
+2020-03-02 15:47:46 Lan Hui(1348141770) I'll go to grab a drink.
+2020-03-02 15:49:06 Lan Hui(1348141770) Guys. Please write your student number below. Thanks.
+2020-03-02 15:49:18 Kumson爸爸(3157209053)
+2020-03-02 15:50:29 Lan Hui(1348141770) I saw 8 out of 9 people are on the Member Panel.
+2020-03-02 15:50:34 Lan Hui(1348141770) Where are other guys?
+2020-03-02 15:50:52 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+2020-03-02 15:50:57 Lan Hui(1348141770) Where is Nicole?
+2020-03-02 15:51:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) Kumson, it is 8am at your location, isn't it?
+2020-03-02 15:52:13 Kumson爸爸(3157209053)
+yes it's 8:52AM
+2020-03-02 15:52:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Not too bad.
+2020-03-02 15:52:49 Lan Hui(1348141770) In terms of group information,
+2020-03-02 15:53:48 Lan Hui(1348141770) pacitwizere, NGOUNOU BERNARD, MOHAMED MOUMMOU, KUMSON and Mary Doe have already submitted that information.
+2020-03-02 15:54:36 Lan Hui(1348141770) For other guys, please make sure you submit your group information by tonight (for the 3 easy marks).
+2020-03-02 15:55:02 Lan Hui(1348141770) None of you know PHP, don't you?
+2020-03-02 15:55:11 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+I’m here
+2020-03-02 15:55:21 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+2020-03-02 15:55:26 Lan Hui(1348141770) Thanks Nicole.
+2020-03-02 15:55:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) Perhaps you could learn some basic PHP,
+2020-03-02 15:55:47 Lan Hui(1348141770) in the first few weeks?
+2020-03-02 15:55:54 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+Sorry for the delay
+2020-03-02 15:55:59 Lan Hui(1348141770) PHP is a really useful programming language,
+2020-03-02 15:56:15 Lan Hui(1348141770) particularly useful for web development.
+2020-03-02 15:57:20 Lan Hui(1348141770) A CRITICAL (even BLOCKER) bug in the current LRR is that a new user could not login immediately after sign up. This is Really annoying because it prevents users from using LRR!
+2020-03-02 15:57:53 Lan Hui(1348141770) So I think the top priority will be fixing that. A top 2 priority is that the password resetting link is not always sent successfully. Below are the relevant bug reports:
+2020-03-02 15:58:07 Lan Hui(1348141770)
+2020-03-02 15:59:27 Lan Hui(1348141770) First picture - failed to send the password resetting link.
+2020-03-02 15:59:39 Lan Hui(1348141770) Second picture - failed to login with correct password.
+2020-03-02 15:59:55 Lan Hui(1348141770) I believe some of you have encountered these problems last semester.
+2020-03-02 16:00:59 Lan Hui(1348141770) That is the project thing. I think we have the best resources in learning software project management in China.
+2020-03-02 16:01:35 Lan Hui(1348141770) Now the coronavirus provides a Real opportunity for doing remote, collaborative software development.
+2020-03-02 16:02:19 Lan Hui(1348141770) "Prince is a programmer and a tester. Mary is a documentation writer and a tester".
+2020-03-02 16:02:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:02:43 Lan Hui(1348141770) Does that mean Kumson could do programming?
+2020-03-02 16:03:11 Lan Hui(1348141770) Kumson?
+2020-03-02 16:03:19 Marie(2928285277)
+2020-03-02 16:03:28 Marie(2928285277)
+Sorry for being late
+2020-03-02 16:03:43 Lan Hui(1348141770) I feel that Twizere may be a programmer.
+2020-03-02 16:04:03 Lan Hui(1348141770) He could also be a documentation writer.
+2020-03-02 16:04:14 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<>
+@Lan Hui Yes Teacher I can do some programming
+2020-03-02 16:04:17 Lan Hui(1348141770) He is able to write long and organized email. A great ability.
+2020-03-02 16:05:29 Lan Hui(1348141770) BTW, we are going to have a pop-up quiz next Monday.
+2020-03-02 16:05:54 Lan Hui(1348141770) It is like a "surprise attack".
+2020-03-02 16:06:11 Lan Hui(1348141770) The content of the quiz won't be disclosed until the lecture time.
+2020-03-02 16:06:26 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+@蓝珲@蓝珲 [表情]
+2020-03-02 16:06:29 Lan Hui(1348141770) You need to read Chapter 2 for preparing that quiz (2 marks there).
+2020-03-02 16:06:45 Lan Hui(1348141770)
+2020-03-02 16:07:00 Lan Hui(1348141770) You have one week to read.
+2020-03-02 16:07:13 Lan Hui(1348141770) In fact, I remember Nicole took my course before.
+2020-03-02 16:07:22 Lan Hui(1348141770) So you have an advantage.
+2020-03-02 16:07:36 Lan Hui(1348141770) However, I will add lots of new stuff, to be fair with others.
+2020-03-02 16:08:09 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+Yes this time it’s seem to be different than last time
+2020-03-02 16:08:18 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+I had your course
+2020-03-02 16:08:51 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+Or maybe I don’t remember much
+2020-03-02 16:08:55 Lan Hui(1348141770) I posted another video documentary (The Code) for you to watch after class.
+2020-03-02 16:09:16 Lan Hui(1348141770) Of course, I think Nicole has forgotten everything. Me too.
+2020-03-02 16:09:36 Lan Hui(1348141770) Documentary The Code:
+2020-03-02 16:10:05 Lan Hui(1348141770) The Code is about how the Linux OS is originated and managed by loosely organized communities.
+2020-03-02 16:10:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) If you never saw it before, it is worth watching.
+2020-03-02 16:10:46 Lan Hui(1348141770) Thus far I've talked about proprietary code, open source code, two reasons for open source (More Publicity and Reap the Benefits), difficulty in letting outside people understand your codebase, and the important management tip DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR CODE.
+2020-03-02 16:11:28 Lan Hui(1348141770) Did you guys have a chance to read in more depth about the DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR CODE advice?
+2020-03-02 16:11:51 Lan Hui(1348141770) The author is Joel Spolsky,
+2020-03-02 16:12:01 Marie(2928285277)
+2020-03-02 16:12:02 Lan Hui(1348141770) Co-founder of Stack Overflow.
+2020-03-02 16:12:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:12:45 Lan Hui(1348141770) (Thanks, Marie.)
+2020-03-02 16:13:10 Lan Hui(1348141770) Wow, Joel is good at writing convincing blogs.
+2020-03-02 16:13:27 Lan Hui(1348141770) Every Chinese professor should read his 1,000+ blog posts.
+2020-03-02 16:13:51 Lan Hui(1348141770) Could you see the picture?
+2020-03-02 16:14:16 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<>
+yes I do see the picture
+2020-03-02 16:14:23 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+2020-03-02 16:14:30 Kumson爸爸(3157209053)
+2020-03-02 16:14:40 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+2020-03-02 16:14:57 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+2020-03-02 16:15:04 Lan Hui(1348141770) His points in this blog are really insightful.
+2020-03-02 16:15:13 Lan Hui(1348141770) I never thought about those before:
+2020-03-02 16:15:29 Lan Hui(1348141770) We have spent a tremendous amount of time on the Old Code.
+2020-03-02 16:15:46 Lan Hui(1348141770) More importantly, the Old Code has been used and tested, while New Code has not.
+2020-03-02 16:16:06 Lan Hui(1348141770) This difference is really important.
+2020-03-02 16:16:58 Lan Hui(1348141770) Any comments on the browser war between Microsoft and Netscape Communications?
+2020-03-02 16:17:38 Lan Hui(1348141770) Perhaps Netscape Communications was doomed to fail because his competitor was way too strong.
+2020-03-02 16:18:22 Lan Hui(1348141770) I believe even the Netscape team had not thrown away their old code, their chance to win was quite slim.
+2020-03-02 16:19:16 Lan Hui(1348141770) Windows was a dominant desktop OS and IE was bundled (not for sale) with it.
+2020-03-02 16:19:58 Lan Hui(1348141770) Average users won't download another web browser unless IE is too bad, which is of course not the case.
+2020-03-02 16:20:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) Very few companies in the world has the ability to develop and maintain OS.
+2020-03-02 16:21:26 Lan Hui(1348141770) IBM, Microsoft, Canonical, Redhat, etc. Very hard to name other companies.
+2020-03-02 16:21:47 Lan Hui(1348141770) Ubuntu is not a company just as Windows is not a company.
+2020-03-02 16:21:59 Lan Hui(1348141770) Apple is also able to develop and maintain OSes.
+2020-03-02 16:22:19 Lan Hui(1348141770) Google's android is based on Linux.
+2020-03-02 16:22:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Today's web browser market share ...
+2020-03-02 16:22:42 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:23:02 Lan Hui(1348141770) Chrome has taken over IE.
+2020-03-02 16:23:25 Lan Hui(1348141770) IE was dead around five years ago. Now Microsoft bundles Edge with Windows 10.
+2020-03-02 16:23:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Let's take a 5-minute break.
+2020-03-02 16:24:31 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+Okay Sir
+2020-03-02 16:25:16 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+ alright
+2020-03-02 16:30:17 Lan Hui(1348141770) =======================================================================
+2020-03-02 16:30:40 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:30:59 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:31:12 Lan Hui(1348141770) I won't go through their history year by year.
+2020-03-02 16:31:37 Lan Hui(1348141770) One point I want to make is that Microsoft actually negotiated with Netscape when Netscape was Really hot (in 1994).
+2020-03-02 16:32:05 Lan Hui(1348141770) Microsoft is good at marketing strategy: If I could not beat you, we become friends.
+2020-03-02 16:32:27 Lan Hui(1348141770) Now it has already started embracing open source.
+2020-03-02 16:32:36 Lan Hui(1348141770) A very adaptive and flexible company.
+2020-03-02 16:32:59 Lan Hui(1348141770) Joel Spolsky worked for Microsoft for a period of time.
+2020-03-02 16:33:14 Lan Hui(1348141770) I guess Microsoft will last at least 10 more years.
+2020-03-02 16:33:37 Lan Hui(1348141770) Strangely, Microsoft does not do very well in the mobile market.
+2020-03-02 16:33:48 Lan Hui(1348141770) Windows Phone is not a success.
+2020-03-02 16:34:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Competition is good in a healthy society.
+2020-03-02 16:34:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) It promotes innovation.
+2020-03-02 16:35:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:35:35 Lan Hui(1348141770) Here we have the contrived word "coopetition".
+2020-03-02 16:35:45 Lan Hui(1348141770) What does that word mean?
+2020-03-02 16:36:17 Lan Hui(1348141770) Compete and Collaborate.
+2020-03-02 16:36:46 Lan Hui(1348141770) I take the Big part of the interest, you take the small parts.
+2020-03-02 16:36:58 Lan Hui(1348141770) In fact, Netscape Communications did quite well on that.
+2020-03-02 16:37:24 Lan Hui(1348141770) It published standards, and attracted partners (e.g., GE, Sun, and Informix).
+2020-03-02 16:38:00 Lan Hui(1348141770) Like Apple, it needs thousands of developers to develop Apple Apps that run on the MacOS.
+2020-03-02 16:39:02 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:39:09 Lan Hui(1348141770) Two persons with the last names ended with 'ski(y)'.
+2020-03-02 16:39:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Zawin-ski and Spol-sky
+2020-03-02 16:40:09 Lan Hui(1348141770) “Netscape was shipping garbage, and shipping it late.”
+2020-03-02 16:40:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) This talks about the time when the Netscape team tried in vain to write everything from scratch.
+2020-03-02 16:41:04 Lan Hui(1348141770) Do not underestimate the amount of work that requires.
+2020-03-02 16:41:34 Lan Hui(1348141770) In fact, Netscape 5.0 was delayed and never released.
+2020-03-02 16:42:49 Lan Hui(1348141770) Developing Groupware also sucked up their energy badly.
+2020-03-02 16:43:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) Short Time + Big Ambition = Failure
+2020-03-02 16:44:22 Lan Hui(1348141770) A Baby Step Each Day * 360 Days = Success.
+2020-03-02 16:45:10 Lan Hui(1348141770) "Open source does work, but it is most definitely not a panacea. If there's a cautionary tale here, it is that you can't take a dying project, sprinkle it with the magic pixie dust of *open source*, and have everything magically work out. Software is hard. The issues aren't that simple."
+2020-03-02 16:45:33 Lan Hui(1348141770) The above sentence appears in our textbook (Chapter 1).
+2020-03-02 16:45:45 Lan Hui(1348141770) There is no such a thing that can cure everything.
+2020-03-02 16:45:53 Lan Hui(1348141770) Open source is not an exception.
+2020-03-02 16:47:15 Lan Hui(1348141770) For the Netscape team, I do not think open source is an option in their original plan.
+2020-03-02 16:47:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) Instead, open source is likely their last resort.
+2020-03-02 16:48:30 Lan Hui(1348141770) If you look at the present market share, Firefox, although still in the 3rd place, has only less than 5% of the market.
+2020-03-02 16:48:48 Lan Hui(1348141770) BTW, Firefox evolved from Netscape.
+2020-03-02 16:48:57 Lan Hui(1348141770) Let's take a break.
+2020-03-02 16:50:29 莫莫(3481157233)
+2020-03-02 16:50:43 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+2020-03-02 16:56:37 Lan Hui(1348141770) =========================================
+2020-03-02 16:57:19 Lan Hui(1348141770) It seems that we should really establish corporations (companies) to take over market share.
+2020-03-02 16:57:38 Lan Hui(1348141770) A charity organization is unable to compete with companies.
+2020-03-02 16:58:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) Maybe in the long term, the charity organization may have an upper hand?
+2020-03-02 16:58:44 Lan Hui(1348141770) Who knows?
+2020-03-02 16:59:36 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 16:59:53 Lan Hui(1348141770) OK. Since Netscape has failed, we can blame it unscrupulously.
+2020-03-02 17:00:11 Lan Hui(1348141770) You shouldn't have done this, and shouldn't have done that. Say things like that.
+2020-03-02 17:00:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) Perhaps Microsoft was making these mistakes too,
+2020-03-02 17:00:41 Lan Hui(1348141770) but probably in a lesser degree.
+2020-03-02 17:01:15 Lan Hui(1348141770) Hopefully we won't repeat that.
+2020-03-02 17:01:38 Lan Hui(1348141770) Be aware of Feature Creep or Request Creep.
+2020-03-02 17:02:08 Lan Hui(1348141770) Something becomes creep if it exceeds the current team's capacity.
+2020-03-02 17:02:26 Lan Hui(1348141770) You might have a great idea. But to realize that idea requires great craftsmanship (Steve Jobs).
+2020-03-02 17:02:51 Lan Hui(1348141770) And don't forget you have competitors who are doing their best to eat our market share.
+2020-03-02 17:03:40 Lan Hui(1348141770) If we don't keep a rhythm of releases, chances are that customers may forget us.
+2020-03-02 17:04:10 Lan Hui(1348141770) In the commercial world, you must release your product often and robust.
+2020-03-02 17:05:01 Lan Hui(1348141770) To that end, refactor your code to make your codebase reasonably clean. (Remember the cumulative functionality vs. time curve from Martin Fowler, ?)
+2020-03-02 17:06:58 Lan Hui(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-02 17:07:40 Lan Hui(1348141770) The point of setting release expectation is to reassure people and supply comfort.
+2020-03-02 17:07:58 Lan Hui(1348141770) Will you use a product that is no longer supported?
+2020-03-02 17:08:26 Lan Hui(1348141770) The really crucial thing in software industry is support and maintenance.
+2020-03-02 17:08:57 Lan Hui(1348141770) If support and maintenance are discontinued, the life of the software has ended.
+2020-03-02 17:09:16 Lan Hui(1348141770) ======================================================
+2020-03-02 17:09:27 Lan Hui(1348141770) That's everything for today.
+2020-03-02 17:09:39 Lan Hui(1348141770) Please write your student number below. Thanks. Bye.
+2020-03-02 17:10:09 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700)
+2020-03-02 17:10:41 NGOUNOU家长(438499151)
+2020-03-02 17:10:41 Kumson爸爸(3157209053)
+2020-03-02 17:11:15 Guedalia Youma (3014432207)
+2020-03-02 17:12:51 莫莫(3481157233)
+2020-03-02 17:14:41 系统消息(10000)
+Twizere Pacifique 唐平撤回了一条消息
+2020-03-02 17:14:52 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<>
+2020-03-02 17:19:48 Marie(2928285277)
Friday, 6 March 2020
@@ -2516,6 +2966,8 @@ Twizere Pacifique 唐平<> Good Bye Sir
Friday, 20 March 20
+*Feedback on software improvement plan - Tutorial for remote collaboration using Git and GitHub - GitHub Organizations - Do not throw away code - Starting from what you have*
Morning section
@@ -2676,7 +3128,7 @@ Morning section
2020-03-20 8:54:18 蓝珲(1348141770) 休息5分钟
-2020-03-20 8:54:22 蓝珲(1348141770) 一个中心源码仓库,用于大家协作:。 协作的教程在
+2020-03-20 8:54:22 蓝珲(1348141770) 一个中心源码仓库 (GitHub Organizations Repo),用于大家协作:。 协作的教程在
2020-03-20 8:54:48 蓝珲(1348141770)