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authorHui Lan <>2020-03-24 12:41:15 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2020-03-24 12:41:15 +0800
commit1c37fd4e3678c1b375e11a8dd4ade37949376ada (patch)
parentf858d16ea2f289ffb53e8e5fad5aa5816e0c40f5 (diff)
DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst: morning section on 24 Feb 2020.
1 files changed, 785 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
index 345b402..c3c82b2 100644
--- a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
+++ b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Dialog On Software Project Management
:Authors: Hui Lan (lanhui at
-:Version: 0.0.8 of 2020-03-23
+:Version: 0.0.9 of 2020-03-24
.. contents:: Table of content
@@ -19,6 +19,790 @@ This book contains a series of special lecture notes in a dialog form on softwar
Monday, 24 February 2020
+Morning section
+*Discussing communications method - Reuse old project - Atomic commit - Old plan getting outdated very soon - People factor - Feature creep - Bloatware - Proprietary software - Positive reinforcement - Seemingly free but not actually free - No free lunch theorem - Netscape versus Microsoft on the web browser market share - Bundle sale of software products*
+@蓝老师 Good morning. Some students can't access the QQ group and they wish if you could use DingTalk instead, it's more accessible for them
+(2459455104)10:28:52 good morning laoshi i have an error on the site
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)10:29:06 yes ding talk works for me too
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:29:43 Sorry I don't have DingTalk.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:30:15 Don't enter Password at
+ibrahim(1525200991)10:30:41 and we can't find the channel on freenode network
+ibrahim(1525200991)10:31:36 it's available in Nettalk(which is empty)
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:32:42 In the bottom panel of the Nettalk software. Enter the following three commands in sequence.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:33:19 /server
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:33:29 /nick MY_REAL_NAME
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:33:37 /join #spm
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:34:55 If you use the online client
+Are we using qq or nettalk
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:36:25 We will primarily use QQ.
+@蓝老师 连不上诶
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:38:41 You can. I believe that.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:39:34 Hi guys. Let's wait for five minutes for more people to come.
+I can
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:41:44 Anyway, we are going to use QQ Group primarily.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:41:57 IRC channel is for people who could not connect to QQ Group.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:43:40 I am not very familiar with QQ Group. You should pardon me if I appear to be slow in response.
+so,if we can use QQ,we needn't use IRC?
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:44:10
+freenode :what is that for ?
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)10:45:15
+keeps on saying connecting then still gives error so will fix it later since we will do class here
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:45:15 A freenode IRC channel is like a chatting room. But since we have QQ group, we will use QQ group.
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)10:45:25
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:46:01 OK. Guys. If you have QQ access, you are fine. If you (or your friends) do not have QQ access, you are fine too.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:46:23 I will post our talking scripts after class.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:46:37
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:47:01 I guess everyone knows our course home page. The third bullet.
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)10:47:20
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:47:24 The home page is the main place where I post quizzes, assignments, etc.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:47:42
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:48:29 Here is the textbook. I think it is great. It has a French translation -- good news for a number of students who speak French).
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:48:54 It also has a Chinese translation. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a PDF file from the XML files.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:49:29
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:49:34 I plan to use this textbook, plus some essays on software project management.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:49:51
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:50:05 Remind me to create quiz 2 submission portal on LRR.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:50:49 So I put more weight on Final Examination than before, 10% more.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:51:07 The reason is that I want you to do more independent reading.
+teacher,I think you can use QQ phone
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:51:42 Quizzes are easy. Most people can get full marks I think, as long as your answers make sense (and are Short).
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:52:41
+201732120135 玛莎(3534763826)10:52:44
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:52:45 Not good at sound, video stuff.
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)10:52:46
+软英171 郑可富(1924773187)10:52:52
+@蓝老师 Yh 201732120147
+Anderson (3034352269)10:53:01
+Laoshi so what do we do since we can’t connect to the free node?
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)10:53:03
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:53:19 My sound is badly distorted.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:53:28 Don't you think so?
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)10:54:22
+It’s good
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)10:55:00
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:55:27 We are going to have 7-10 quizzes.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:55:47 We already have 2 now.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:56:06 You guys submit to LRR before the deadline.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:56:19 Course code: CSC322.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:56:39 Course project.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:56:58 You can re-do stuff you did in my OOAD class. Just make sure it is better.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:57:28 Most people did poorly in our OOAD project, particularly the part about commit messages.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:58:14 I hope you can understand the importance of atomic commits and use that concept in practice.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:58:21 ATOMIC COMMIT
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)10:58:40
+Is it so important Laoshi?
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:58:48 I am quite flexible on group size. 1,2,3,4, all acceptable.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:59:12 Quite important, for future maintainers.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:59:35 I am a bit worried about how you are going to collaborate remotely.
+蓝老师(1348141770)10:59:57 But coronavirus is giving us a great chance to test that out.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:00:16 China's remote learning might become world-class after this epidemic.
+201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)11:00:51
+201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)11:01:06
+Is good laoshi
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:01:07 No country in the last century has suffered such a shutdown - everyone is forced to stay at home.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:01:34 Thank you, DingTalk guy. Not going to use that now.
+FADHEL ABDULLAH(3071163205)11:01:46
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:01:58
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:02:07 Welcome FADHEL ABDULLAH
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:02:31 So you have a great advantage since you have taken my OOAD course.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:02:48 You could continue to work on the OAPS project.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:03:30 Make sure you make it better, e.g., better commit messages, better comments.
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:04:08
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:04:42 This is something we need to worry later. Hopefully we can have an on-site exam.
+For maintaining the LRR, are the files uploaded the most recent updates?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:05:37: Probably not. I will upload the most updated LRR source code shortly. Remind me if I forget.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:05:37 If not, I plan to do takehome exam. That is, I give you a really long exam booklet, and you finish it in one day.
+201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)11:05:58
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:05:58 You finish it in one day, without consulting to external resources.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:06:04
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:06:16 You may need to sign something, e.g., Code of Conduct.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:06:21 Hope that won't happen.
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:06:26
+Not good
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:06:30 Let's take a five-minute break.
+OK laoshi
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:06:52 Will be back at 11:11am.
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:06:59
+AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)11:08:12
+大家好,我是AHAMED SABUJ的妈妈。
+201732120141-AHAMED SABUJ加入本群。
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:09:33
+when are we supposed to submit quiz 2?
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:10:11
+Will create Quiz 2 late today.@蓝老师
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:10:11
+Check website
+201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)11:10:34
+There is no link in LRR
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:11:05
+quiz 2 is not showing on LRR for me
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:11:27
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:11:32
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:11:38
+He didn’t create link yet
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:11:40
+@Samantha 201632120140
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:11:46
+oh okay thank you
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈邀请201732120157 hossain arif加入了本群。
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:12:39 Guys. Let's move on. I may take attendance at 11:55 by taking a screenshot.
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:12:59
+you just said there is no attendance ??
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:13:55 As long as I am concerned, people factor is the most important.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:14:20 Developers are really valuable.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:14:48 One primary job of management is to create an environment in which developers can produce.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:15:20 Manager's job: "Create a Development Abstraction Layer" - Joel Spolsky.
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:15:55
+how do I join this thing?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:16:17 ???
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:16:42
+are you teaching live?
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:16:48
+@蓝老师 : How we can take the course online or just typing
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:17:05 Just typing. No video, no sound.
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:17:13
+oh okay
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:17:21
+How about attendance
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:17:30
+How it can be
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:18:38 This above link has an essay talking about development abstraction layer. Maybe it will be your next reading.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:19:22 The other difficulty in management is that Old Plan becomes Old very soon.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:19:51 Things change really rapidly, before and after your customers see your product.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:20:31 Feature creep could drive you like crazy.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:20:42 Netscape team suffered this.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:21:36 They were working like crazy to compete with Microsoft, wanting to add more features to their browser, Netscape Navigator.
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:22:52
+what happens to people who does not have QQ?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:22:55 Feature creep, if not well controlled, could mess up your codebase.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:23:22 Could also delay a planned release.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:24:14 If people do not have QQ, they should sign up for one. If they could not sign up (I don't see the reason why they cannot), I will send them the lecture script.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:24:53 Netscape tried to make a bloatware.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:25:19 A bloatware that includes Netscape Navigator, Netscape Address Book, Netscape Mail, Newsgroups, and Netscape Composer.
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:25:44
+they couldn't.....what about attendance?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:26:01 The more you try to do, the more likely you make errors.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:26:18 Could they do IRC?
+201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723)11:26:18
+@Abadura Yahya 201732120136 read above messages
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:26:33 Appearing on IRC is acceptable too.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:27:02 AVOID FEATURE CREEP.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:27:46 Admit that.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:27:58 You cannot do a lot of things in a limited period of time.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:28:06 Not to mention Great things.
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:28:10
+they can't it's not working for them
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:28:10 Great things need time.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:28:28 Yes?
+what about if the stakeholders are asking to add more features?
+that may harm the base
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:29:16
+he addressed the issues before @Abadura Yahya 201732120136 so you can ask him after the class so let him procees with the class and ask questions later please
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:29:21 Tell them the impact of adding more features on the schedule.
+ABDALMUHAYMEN M.A.KHALIL 201730210234(1071107298)11:29:24
+Yes I was about to ask thie same question
+the same thing happend to Netscape
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:29:35
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:29:53 So the Netscape team was like crazy in catching up.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:30:26 As a result, they delivered buggy products.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:30:39 Version 5.0 was delayed.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:30:55 Because they were unable to deliver a stable product.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:31:06 In fact, version 5.0 was never delivered.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:32:35 There is a documentary called Code Rush (55 minutes long).
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:32:58 You could watch it when you have time.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:33:05 Let's take a five-minute break.
+ABDALMUHAYMEN M.A.KHALIL 201730210234(1071107298)11:33:25
+ok laoshi!
+The address is invalid
+For the documentary
+ABDALMUHAYMEN M.A.KHALIL 201730210234(1071107298)11:34:21
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:34:38 We will be back at 11:40.
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:35:35
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:41:17 Let's move on.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:41:29 You watch the video when you have time.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:41:38 I won't use the lecture time for watching videos.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:42:58 The other thing that is Really important is that you need to make sure: am I developing/using Proprietary Software?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:43:30 If you use part of Proprietary Software (code) in your product, you are in danger of future trouble.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:43:37 Netscape team had that trouble.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:44:31 A few days before their major release, they noticed that their code depended on Apple's code!
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:44:49 Bang! They had to beg Apple for permission to use that code.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:44:52 Not allowed.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:45:03 They had to re-write that part overnight.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:45:33 It is generally OK if you don't sell your product which contains code of not your own.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:46:26 However, if you want to sell millions of copies of your product to make profit and include something from elsewhere (Proprietary, i.e., Owned by Others), then you are going to have headaches.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:48:05 As a serious software manager, you do need to know the Difference between Proprietary and Open source.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:48:24 People are looking at your money.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:49:08 In the US, people take copyright really seriously.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:49:18 That is good for a society.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:49:41 If people do not buy other people's efforts, no further efforts will be made.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:50:12 Positive reinforcement is needed in a healthy society. The US government knows that.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:50:45 Some people may wonder: I am using QQ for Free.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:50:58 The question is: is it Really free of charge?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:51:12 According to the No Free Lunch theorem, the answer is No.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:51:27 Tencent treats you (the customer) as a product!
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:52:02 The company could make profit elsewhere, e.g., advertisements, social influence, government funds, etc.
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:52:02
+It’s totally not free
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:52:10
+Part of it free
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:52:34 Microsoft did something similar. IE is free.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:53:11 Miscrosoft spent lots of money (billions) on developing IE.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:53:24 How could it give it away for free?
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:53:34 There is a purpose behind that: market share.
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)11:54:10
+that's how netscape loose thear market
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:54:28 Same thing on online education, Tencent Meeting, Zoom Conferencing, etc. They are free during the epidemic.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:55:01 Netscape tried to be free too, for personal use.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:55:17 But the bad thing is that Microsoft bundled their IE with the Windows operating system.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:55:40 90% of personal desktop computers were pre-installed with Windows.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:55:52 That is definitely an upper hand for Microsoft.
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)11:56:00
+yes here is the answer of quiz 2 haha
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:56:27 Average people usually do not switch default browser if it is that bad.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:56:44 I mean average people, 70% of the people.
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)11:57:06
+teacher it's time to take attendance
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:57:47
+@201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈 yeah
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)11:58:06
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)11:58:09
+ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)11:58:11
+Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)11:58:12
+陈真赐(1312502742)11:58:13 201732120114
+软英171 陆博业(2794513466)11:58:13 201732120119
+郑晓钰(280768265)11:58:14 201732120110
+nainezz(2407048879)11:58:15 201732120173
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)11:58:16 201732120146
+FADHEL ABDULLAH(3071163205)11:58:17 201532120139
+201732120134_Michelle(3304952232)11:58:17 201732120134
+叶涵涛(2289316051)11:58:17 201732120125
+李佳兴(421281726)11:58:21 201732120118
+张滨(2350711965)11:58:21 201732120127
+201732120157 hossain arif<;11:58:23 201732120157
+201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723)11:58:24 201732120151
+谢佳聪(1249923715)11:58:28 201732120123
+软英171 吕伊豪(745291576)11:58:28 201732120120
+201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)11:58:30 201732120147
+201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)11:58:43 201632120150
+Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)11:58:50 201632120140
+软英171 郑可富(1924773187)11:58:53 201732120129
+软英171高增(1520653544)11:58:54 201732120117
+软英171陈金龙(864945570)11:58:57 201732120112
+应宇腾(1356633192)11:58:57 201732120126
+软英171戴泽荣(975336710)11:59:07 201732120115
+杰西卡(2422938906)11:59:11 201732120133
+201732120135 玛莎(3534763826)11:59:32 201732120135
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:59:33 Thanks guys. Bye.
+蓝老师(1348141770)11:59:52 Please do not ask questions here outside lecture time. Use email.
+So the class is over
+@蓝老师 check the people in iec
+Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)12:00:02
+Class is over ?
+oh is class over?
+201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)12:00:09
+ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)12:00:20
+Yeah over
+time flies
+201732120167 Clive妈妈(3321692247)12:16:06
+[Attendance from the IRC channel #spm]
+- Hui joined
+- MY_REAL_NAME joined
+<lanhui>Hi guys. Let's wait for five minutes for more people to come.
+<lanhui whispers to MY_REAL_NAME>Please change your nick name using the following command: /nick MyRealName
+<lanhui whispers to MY_REAL_NAME>Replace MyRealName with your real name.
+- MY_REAL_NAME is now known as Ashly_2016321201
+<lanhui>Thanks for joining #spm channel.
+- MYRealName joined
+<lanhui>You guys don't have QQ?
+<Ashly_2016321201>we have
+<MYRealName>I have it
+<Ashly_2016321201>we are in the group too
+- MyRealName15 joined
+<ALBOROMWARD>hello world
+- YEBOAH joined
+- MYRealName quit (Remote host closed the connection)
+- IBRAHIM201732120 joined
+- MyRealName15 is now known as JESSICA201731220
+- JESSICA201731220 is now known as JESSICA20133
+- zhouxianlong quit (Remote host closed the connection)
+<JESSICA20133>Helloooo... anyone there?
+<Ashly_2016321201>we are using QQ now
+<JESSICA20133>i thought it was both. i wanted to see how this works..
+- YEBOAH quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
+- IBRAHIM201732120 quit (Quit: IBRAHIM201732120)
+- Mohamed201732120 joined
+<Mohamed201732120>My student I.D : 201732120165
+<Mohamed201732120>since it's not fully shown in the list
+<Mohamed201732120>I'm here lanhui
+<Mohamed201732120>can't join QQ
+<lanhui>What is your student number?
+<lanhui>Hi guys. Please write your student number below.
+<lanhui>I will post our lecture script later.
Afternoon section