diff options
authorHui Lan <>2020-03-31 11:26:10 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2020-03-31 11:26:10 +0800
commit190b8f6a1fe51b2024eae6d2997969490bd68e24 (patch)
parentb889bc26083da9448a2140eb43b3ddc8a9552de4 (diff)
DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst: lecture transcripts on 30 March 2020 (morning and afternoon sections).
1 files changed, 599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
index 639cdfc..a8478ff 100644
--- a/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
+++ b/DialogOnSoftwareProjectManagement.rst
@@ -6002,6 +6002,605 @@ Feature-branching Workflow
ReadTheDocs or GitHub Wiki? Use ReadTheDocs.
+Monday, 30 March 2020
+Morning section
+*Feature-branching workflow - More comments than code - From Pull Request to merge - Requirement Traceability Matrix*
+2020-03-30 10:08:14 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+Is there a class today Laoshi?
+2020-03-30 10:10:31 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-03-30 10:10:58 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+2020-03-30 10:33:59 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+good morning
+2020-03-30 10:34:21 蓝老师(1348141770) Morning.
+2020-03-30 10:34:32 201732120161-armand(2431154023)
+2020-03-30 10:34:33 蓝老师(1348141770) 蓝珲 邀请您参加腾讯会议 会议主题:蓝珲预定的会议 会议时间:2020/3/30 11:00-12:00 点击链接直接加入会议: 会议 ID:599 789 567 手机一键拨号入会 +8675536550000,599789567# (中国大陆) +85230018898,,,2,599789567# (中国香港) 根据您的位置拨号 +8675536550000 (中国大陆) +85230018898 (中国香港)
+2020-03-30 10:34:56 蓝老师(1348141770) Guys. We will use Tencent Meeting at 11am.
+2020-03-30 10:35:10 蓝老师(1348141770) Meeting ID: 599 789 567
+2020-03-30 10:35:40 蓝老师(1348141770) Could you type your student number?
+2020-03-30 10:35:47 201732120134_Michelle(3304952232)
+2020-03-30 10:35:51 Mohamed Jifry Hazzaly Mohamed爸爸(3028786026)
+2020-03-30 10:35:54 谢佳聪(1249923715)
+2020-03-30 10:35:56 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:35:56 ibrahim(1525200991)
+2020-03-30 10:35:57 郑晓钰(280768265)
+2020-03-30 10:35:59 LUL GUOBA RUOT (2217724540)
+2020-03-30 10:36:00 FADHEL ABDULLAH(3071163205)
+2020-03-30 10:36:01 软英171 吕伊豪(745291576)
+2020-03-30 10:36:09 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) 201732120151
+2020-03-30 10:36:10 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+2020-03-30 10:36:12 Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)
+2020-03-30 10:36:14 ALBOROM WARD-201732120143家长(3279308836)
+2020-03-30 10:36:20 软英171郑洪宇(1633787262)
+2020-03-30 10:36:22 陈真赐(1312502742)
+2020-03-30 10:36:23 软英171陈金龙(864945570)
+2020-03-30 10:36:29 201732120147 Anderson (3034352269)
+2020-03-30 10:36:44 蓝老师(1348141770) Thanks, guys.
+2020-03-30 10:36:46 软英171 陆博业(2794513466)
+2020-03-30 10:36:47 201732120127 张滨(2350711965)
+2020-03-30 10:36:56 系统消息(10000)
+201732120135 玛莎撤回了一条消息
+2020-03-30 10:37:05 软英171陈伟超(937202326)
+2020-03-30 10:37:14 201732120135 玛莎(3534763826)
+2020-03-30 10:37:16 Tarmom 201732120166(2104297320)
+2020-03-30 10:37:30 叶涵涛(2289316051)
+2020-03-30 10:37:39 蓝老师(1348141770) Share an article with you. How to identify a strong open source project?
+2020-03-30 10:37:42 king(3346380072)
+2020-03-30 10:37:45 201732120168_Golden(2984538488)
+2020-03-30 10:37:50 201732120142 Ahmed(3608360354)
+2020-03-30 10:38:17 蓝老师(1348141770) [Announcement]
+2020-03-30 10:38:24 蓝老师(1348141770) Quiz 4 will be due next Monday.
+2020-03-30 10:38:55 蓝老师(1348141770) Quiz 4 looks really long. But it is not "long" in terms of time required. It could be finished in less than 30 minutes.
+2020-03-30 10:39:00 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+laoshi i reported this issue to you last time again through email please look onto it
+2020-03-30 10:39:16 蓝老师(1348141770) Which issue?
+2020-03-30 10:39:25 蓝老师(1348141770) I did not see that.
+2020-03-30 10:39:28 蓝老师(1348141770) Could you paste here?
+2020-03-30 10:39:42 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:39:42 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:39:58 软英171周仙龙(1748153603)
+2020-03-30 10:40:00 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:40:25 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+we can't submit work to the last 3 assignment
+2020-03-30 10:40:26 软英171 郑可富(1924773187)
+2020-03-30 10:40:45 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+it keeps showing that when you presss submit
+2020-03-30 10:40:55 蓝老师(1348141770) (Deadline passed?)
+2020-03-30 10:41:04 蓝老师(1348141770) (Group Admin could not submit?)
+2020-03-30 10:41:30 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+even before it passed like that error is shown for quiz 4
+2020-03-30 10:41:49 蓝老师(1348141770) (Probably it is a bug. Probably not, because I did not hear that from other people.)
+2020-03-30 10:41:59 蓝老师(1348141770) (I will look into that.)
+2020-03-30 10:42:12 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+and the previous work too was the same error i sent you email if you remember
+2020-03-30 10:42:42 蓝老师(1348141770) (I will look at your email again. Kind of forget.)
+2020-03-30 10:42:51 蓝老师(1348141770) Quiz 4 will be due next Monday.
+2020-03-30 10:43:00 蓝老师(1348141770) The purpose of quiz 4 is to get you familiar with the feature-branching workflow.
+2020-03-30 10:43:10 蓝老师(1348141770) We will use this workflow A LOT.
+2020-03-30 10:43:12 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+the first two parts for group i made group with Ashley his end he said he submitted my end kept getting the same error
+2020-03-30 10:43:12 Saeed : 201732120146(446571011)
+2020-03-30 10:43:44 蓝老师(1348141770) OK. If he successfully submitted, then there is no problem.
+2020-03-30 10:44:00 蓝老师(1348141770) You could check your term grade
+2020-03-30 10:44:21 蓝老师(1348141770) So, the purpose of quiz 4 is to get you familiar with the feature-branching workflow.
+2020-03-30 10:44:24 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+2020-03-30 10:44:31 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+ok please look into it so we manage to submit quiz 4 well
+2020-03-30 10:44:43 蓝老师(1348141770) (Sure.)
+2020-03-30 10:44:44 软英171高增(1520653544)
+2020-03-30 10:44:45 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+same problem as well
+2020-03-30 10:45:18 蓝老师(1348141770) (Thanks for letting me that. Will be solved.)
+2020-03-30 10:45:22 蓝老师(1348141770) You clone a repo from a central place.
+2020-03-30 10:45:56 蓝老师(1348141770) This will make a local repo, exactly the same the remote one.
+2020-03-30 10:46:42 蓝老师(1348141770) You make a branch locally using this command: git checkout -b FeatureName
+2020-03-30 10:46:45 201732120167 Clive妈妈(3321692247)
+2020-03-30 10:47:08 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+and we fix those old assignments because that missed part and loosing marks [表情]
+2020-03-30 10:47:11 蓝老师(1348141770) Work on that branch (FeatureName). In this quiz, you add your group information to Contributor List in
+2020-03-30 10:47:33 KELVIN Chimtengo(3110702155)
+2020-03-30 10:47:46 蓝老师(1348141770) (I am quite sure you received marks.)
+2020-03-30 10:48:09 蓝老师(1348141770) Finally, you push that branch to the central place.
+2020-03-30 10:48:18 蓝老师(1348141770) Create a Pull Request there so that someone could review it and make comments.
+2020-03-30 10:49:05 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) @蓝老师 it says the root permission is denied ...I tried to push my collaboration list on the central repo using my newly created branch
+2020-03-30 10:49:38 蓝老师(1348141770) Are you in my organization (
+2020-03-30 10:50:04 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) I am not
+2020-03-30 10:50:25 蓝老师(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-30 10:50:47 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+how do we join the org
+2020-03-30 10:50:54 蓝老师(1348141770) You should first be a organization member to be able to push your local branch to lanlab-org (
+2020-03-30 10:51:27 蓝老师(1348141770) You have to be invited. Tell me your GitHub account name. I will invite you.
+2020-03-30 10:51:43 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:52:09 蓝老师(1348141770) I will do it now. One minute.
+2020-03-30 10:52:48 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) sanoussibarkay
+2020-03-30 10:53:19 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) beside where can we find the branch url ? I tried to look for it but I couldn't find
+2020-03-30 10:53:49 蓝老师(1348141770) Why do you give me two account names?
+2020-03-30 10:54:19 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+i gave 1
+2020-03-30 10:54:30 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 10:54:38 蓝老师(1348141770) samrusike, sanoussibarkay?
+2020-03-30 10:54:40 KELVIN Chimtengo(3110702155)
+2020-03-30 10:54:47 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+his another person
+2020-03-30 10:54:56 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+no mine is just samrusike
+2020-03-30 10:55:11 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) yeah it is different accounts name
+2020-03-30 10:55:38 蓝老师(1348141770) Are both accounts owned by you?
+2020-03-30 10:55:52 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+no we are two different people
+2020-03-30 10:55:59 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+his another student
+2020-03-30 10:56:10 蓝老师(1348141770) In my class?
+2020-03-30 10:56:38 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104) its two qq names that sent you their git accounts names
+2020-03-30 10:57:01 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+yes mine is samrusike thats the only 1 i have
+2020-03-30 10:57:13 蓝老师(1348141770) (Very confusing)
+2020-03-30 10:57:16 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) and mine is sanoussibarkay
+2020-03-30 10:57:26 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) [表情]
+2020-03-30 10:57:48 201732120151 Barkay sanoussi(3178573723) @Samantha 201632120140 our names look similar
+2020-03-30 10:57:49 蓝老师(1348141770) Anyway, you should have received my invitation.
+2020-03-30 10:57:57 蓝老师(1348141770) [图片]
+2020-03-30 10:58:26 蓝老师(1348141770) I have written a short note on the feature-branching workflow.
+2020-03-30 10:58:40 蓝老师(1348141770) It should be quite straightforward to follow.
+2020-03-30 10:59:05 蓝老师(1348141770) I followed these steps and it was successful.
+2020-03-30 10:59:27 蓝老师(1348141770) Why Pull Request?
+2020-03-30 10:59:59 蓝老师(1348141770) Because I (or We) want to review your changes before merging your code to the remote master branch (the production branch).
+2020-03-30 11:00:26 蓝老师(1348141770) Given enough eyeballs, all bugs (mistakes) are shallow.
+2020-03-30 11:00:28 蓝老师(1348141770) "More comments than code."
+2020-03-30 11:00:52 蓝老师(1348141770) A great project usually has "more comments than code."
+2020-03-30 11:01:08 蓝老师(1348141770) Of course, the comments are not only code comments.
+2020-03-30 11:01:27 蓝老师(1348141770) They could be comments in Pull Request, discussion forums, documentation, etc.
+2020-03-30 11:02:03 蓝老师(1348141770) Whenever you write a line of code, you should have asked yourself, "Why? What? How?".
+2020-03-30 11:02:37 蓝老师(1348141770) If you write these questions and answers down and treat them as comments, then the project has "more comments than code."
+2020-03-30 11:02:56 蓝老师(1348141770) Let's take a 5-minute breaks.
+2020-03-30 11:03:17 蓝老师(1348141770) Please join the Tencent Meeting Room. Meeting ID: 599 789 567
+2020-03-30 11:03:24 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+okay thank you
+2020-03-30 11:03:42 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+as we take break please i haven't recieved invitation yet
+2020-03-30 11:04:17 蓝老师(1348141770) Could you send me your GitHub link?
+2020-03-30 11:06:28 Samantha 201632120140(2459455104)
+2020-03-30 11:08:15 Abadura Yahya 201732120136(1714796258)
+2020-03-30 11:08:27 201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)
+2020-03-30 11:08:49 201732120142 Ahmed(3608360354)
+2020-03-30 11:09:00 Karen 201632120134(2080922809)
+2020-03-30 11:09:21 KELVIN Chimtengo(3110702155)
+2020-03-30 11:09:50 蓝老师(1348141770) (Will add you guys).
+2020-03-30 11:09:52 蓝老师(1348141770) ====================================
+2020-03-30 11:14:03 杰西卡201732120133(2422938906)
+@蓝珲 here is mine:
+2020-03-30 11:20:51 201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈(2686217157)
+my github Name: AhamedSabuj
+2020-03-30 11:23:43 201732120157 hossain arif<>
+2020-03-30 11:26:46 ibrahim(1525200991)
+@201732120141--AHAMED SABUJ妈妈 your mic
+2020-03-30 11:35:18 蓝老师(1348141770) Let's take a break
+2020-03-30 11:36:10 蓝老师(1348141770) (Went through the "Pull Request -> Merge" process using LRR's ProjectHomePage branch as an example)
+2020-03-30 11:43:58 蓝老师(1348141770) ======================================
+2020-03-30 11:44:00 蓝老师(1348141770) Move on.
+2020-03-30 11:50:16 蓝老师(1348141770) Expectation.
+2020-03-30 11:51:08 蓝老师(1348141770) Each week each group makes at least one Pull Request at the central repo.
+2020-03-30 11:53:25 蓝老师(1348141770) This Pull Request does not have to be about adding code. Sometimes removing code is also great. "Removing a feature is also a feature." It could be anything that is helpful for the repo (docs, test, etc).
+2020-03-30 11:53:30 ibrahim(1525200991)
+would you demonestrate how to navigate between branches on the git command line ? @蓝老师
+2020-03-30 11:54:41 蓝老师(1348141770) (git checkout the-branch-i-want-to-go). No more than five commits one week.
+2020-03-30 11:55:25 蓝老师(1348141770) If your group does not have any substantial commit in a week (a week starts from Monday and ends on Sunday), then your group loses 1 mark in "Submit github commits". I will record that.
+2020-03-30 11:57:04 蓝老师(1348141770) Do not forget to add your group information in the commit message (so that I could give marks to each of you). A template group info file is a great idea, so that you could just copy and paste that info without having to type them each time. Make that information available on Kanboard.
+2020-03-30 11:57:51 蓝老师(1348141770) Requirement Traceability Matrix
+2020-03-30 11:59:19 201632120150-Ashly(1661411131)
+2020-03-30 12:00:34 蓝老师(1348141770)
+2020-03-30 12:01:27 蓝老师(1348141770) Bye.
+2020-03-30 12:01:52 蓝老师(1348141770) RTM software:
+2020-03-30 12:02:04 蓝老师(1348141770) Download that and run to generate a test report.
+2020-03-30 12:03:44 软英171包振丰(984456043)
+2020-03-30 12:03:58 ABDALMUHAYMEN 201730210234(1071107298)
+2020-03-30 12:04:37 李佳兴(421281726)
+2020-03-30 12:10:25 软英171高增(1520653544)
+2020-03-30 12:11:50 软英171戴泽荣(975336710)
+2020-03-30 12:12:03 应宇腾(1356633192)
+2020-03-30 12:17:32 系统消息(10000)
+2020-03-30 12:17:33 Bekele mussie girma(792067471)
+大家好,我是Bekele mussie girma。
+Afternoon section
+*Requirement Traceability Matrix - Set priority in Kanban - Responsibility Card*
+2020-03-30 12:17:51 Lan Hui(1348141770) 蓝珲 邀请您参加腾讯会议 会议主题:蓝珲预定的会议 会议时间:2020/3/30 15:30-17:30 点击链接直接加入会议: 会议 ID:753 892 991 手机一键拨号入会 +8675536550000,753892991# (中国大陆) +85230018898,,,2,753892991# (中国香港) 根据您的位置拨号 +8675536550000 (中国大陆) +85230018898 (中国香港)
+2020-03-30 12:18:05 Lan Hui(1348141770) Tencent Meeting ID: 753 892 991
+2020-03-30 12:18:11 Lan Hui(1348141770) For this afternoon's lecture.
+2020-03-30 12:22:09 Marie(2928285277) Okay sir
+2020-03-30 12:45:35 NGOUNOU家长(438499151) ok laoshi
+2020-03-30 14:34:32 Guedalia Youma (3014432207) Okay professor
+2020-03-30 15:40:04 Lan Hui(1348141770) ========================================
+2020-03-30 15:40:05 Lan Hui(1348141770) Good afternoon guys.
+2020-03-30 15:40:14 Lan Hui(1348141770) Could you type your student number below?
+2020-03-30 15:40:43 Kumson爸爸(3157209053) 201925800166
+2020-03-30 15:40:56 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<> 201925800174
+2020-03-30 15:41:00 Guedalia Youma (3014432207) 201925800221
+2020-03-30 15:41:32 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700) 201925800169
+2020-03-30 15:41:39 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700) Good afternoon sir
+2020-03-30 15:42:19 Lan Hui(1348141770) I talked about Kanboard last time.
+2020-03-30 15:43:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) I talked about how to quickly get familiar with any codebase - studying the most recent changes.
+2020-03-30 15:43:48 NGOUNOU家长(438499151) 201925800180
+2020-03-30 15:46:54 Lan Hui(1348141770) "ALIMASIOMARICORNEILLE teacher i have a probleme with QQi ALIMASIOMARICORNEILLE i can not acces on QQI"
+2020-03-30 15:52:31 Marie(2928285277) 201925800173
+2020-03-30 15:53:37 Lan Hui(1348141770) (Talking about RequirementTraceabilityMatrix -
+2020-03-30 15:53:49 Lan Hui(1348141770) Project management tools: Trello, Jira, Microsoft Project.
+2020-03-30 15:54:18 Lan Hui(1348141770) I noticed one group (Nicole and Pacifique) has created a Kanban for the project.
+2020-03-30 15:55:32 Lan Hui(1348141770) Can you see the Kanboard screen?
+2020-03-30 15:55:32 Lan Hui(1348141770)
+2020-03-30 15:56:43 Guedalia Youma (3014432207) Yes i can see it
+2020-03-30 15:56:43 Twizere Pacifique 唐平<> yes but it needs to login first
+2020-03-30 16:01:20 Lan Hui(1348141770) Guys. I could not hear you.
+2020-03-30 16:01:35 Lan Hui(1348141770) Because I plugged in my microphone.
+2020-03-30 16:01:53 Lan Hui(1348141770) So you should type if you want to send me message.
+2020-03-30 16:02:20 Nicole Rutagengwa (1403962700) We can hear you
+2020-03-30 16:03:19 Marie(2928285277) [图片]
+2020-03-30 16:03:32 Marie(2928285277) sir i cant login
+2020-03-30 16:07:44 Lan Hui(1348141770) (I have updated your password. Please check your email.)
+2020-03-30 16:08:34 Marie(2928285277) okay Sir
+2020-03-30 16:15:21 Lan Hui(1348141770) =================================================
+2020-03-30 16:15:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) Move on.
+2020-03-30 16:16:38 Lan Hui(1348141770) Now I am talking more about Nicole & Pacifique's Kanban.
+2020-03-30 16:19:56 Lan Hui(1348141770) Perhaps you could start writing User/Developer Documentation. Use a markup language, e.g., MarkDown, reStructuredText.
+2020-03-30 16:21:45 Lan Hui(1348141770) Code is not everything.
+2020-03-30 16:22:25 Lan Hui(1348141770) Only ~25%.
+2020-03-30 16:33:06 Lan Hui(1348141770) Responsibility card.
+2020-03-30 16:33:10 Lan Hui(1348141770) ::
+ Write down a person's name before each bullet.
+ A bullet represents one responsibility.
+ Note that a person can take more than one responsibility.
+ Develop
+ ---------
+ - Write code
+ - Comment code
+ - Refactor code
+ Testing
+ ---------
+ - (Write requirements)
+ - Write test cases
+ - Test code
+ - Make screenshots, videos that show the code works
+ - Generate test report `test_report.html` using [](
+ Documentation
+ -------------------
+ - Write user documentation
+ - Write developer documentation
+ - Write project home page
+ - Write README
+ - Maintain FAQ
+ QA
+ ------------
+ - Proofread documentation (spelling errors, grammar errors)
+ - Proofread test report
+ - Proofread code comments
+ Contact information
+ -------------------------
+ Name <email address> - GitHub Account Name
+2020-03-30 16:39:10 Lan Hui(1348141770) Let's take a break.
+2020-03-30 16:41:57 Tabitha(2954060050) 201925800170
+2020-03-30 16:48:13 Lan Hui(1348141770) ==========================================
+2020-03-30 16:48:15 Lan Hui(1348141770) Move on.
+2020-03-30 17:02:16 Lan Hui(1348141770) Expectation.
+2020-03-30 17:02:27 Lan Hui(1348141770) Each week each group makes at least one Pull Request at the central repo.
+2020-03-30 17:03:51 Lan Hui(1348141770) "More comments than code."
+2020-03-30 17:06:25 Lan Hui(1348141770) Rationale.
+2020-03-30 17:07:42 Lan Hui(1348141770) If your group does not have any substantial commit in a week (a week starts from Monday and ends on Sunday), then your group loses 1 mark in "Submit github commits" component. I will record that.
+2020-03-30 17:08:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) This Pull Request does not have to be about adding code. Sometimes removing code is also great. "Removing a feature is also a feature." It could be anything that is helpful for the repo (docs, test, etc).
+2020-03-30 17:09:31 Lan Hui(1348141770) Do not forget to add your group information in each commit message (so that I could give marks to each of you). A template group information file is a great idea, so that you could just copy and paste that information without having to type them each time. Make that information available on Kanboard.
+2020-03-30 17:10:17 Lan Hui(1348141770) That is everything for today.
+2020-03-30 17:10:23 Lan Hui(1348141770) Bye.
+2020-03-30 17:10:55 Guedalia Youma (3014432207) Good Bye Sir
+2020-03-30 17:11:43 Tabitha(2954060050) Ok bye
How to cite