path: root/Code
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Diffstat (limited to 'Code')
3 files changed, 40 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
index 782ab78..4a81e18 100644
--- a/Code/
+++ b/Code/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
# 2 June 2017, slcu, hui
# Last modified 19 June 2017, slcu, hui
+# Last modified 5 November 2022, hui
import os, sys, json
-import urllib2
def make_tissue_dict(fname):
f = open(fname)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def make_sample_dict(fname):
lines = f.readlines()
d = {}
- for line in lines[1:]:
+ for line in lines[1:]: # skip the head line
line = line.strip()
lst = line.split('\t')
if len(lst) >= 2:
@@ -94,24 +94,23 @@ def stringfy_json(d):
def make_information(s, info_dir):
lst = s.split('...')
- sample_id = lst[0]
+ sample_id = lst[0] # looks like SAMD00012930
filename = '%s/%s.json' % (info_dir, sample_id)
- #url = '' % (sample_id)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
- cmd = 'curl -s -H Content-Type:application/json\?accession\=%s > %s' % (sample_id, filename)
+ #cmd = 'curl -s -H Content-Type:application/json\?accession\=%s > %s' % (sample_id, filename)
+ cmd = 'curl -s -H Content-Type:application/json > %s' % (sample_id, filename)
f = open(filename)
d = json.load(f)
- #d = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- if len(d["_embedded"]["samples"]) > 0:
- return stringfy_json(d["_embedded"]["samples"][0])
+ if 'tissue' in d['characteristics']:
+ return d['characteristics']['tissue'][0]['text'].lower() + '\t' + sample_id
- return '.\t.'
+ return '.' + '\t' + sample_id
# main
-BIOSAMPLE_INFO_DIR = '/home/hui/network/v03/Data/information/BioSample' # put downloaded BioSample json files here
+BIOSAMPLE_INFO_DIR = '../Data/information/BioSample' # put downloaded BioSample json files here
if not os.path.isdir(BIOSAMPLE_INFO_DIR):
@@ -122,18 +121,21 @@ os.system(cmd)
lst = get_experiment_id('../Data/temp/a.txt')
d = make_tissue_dict('../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.json') # excuting > rnaseq_info_database.txt, mainly for getting tissue names (inferred by word frequency in the description)
-d2 = make_sample_dict('../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.txt') # > rnaseq_info_database.txt, mainly for getting the BioSample id for each run
+d2 = make_sample_dict('../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.txt.temp') # > rnaseq_info_database.txt, mainly for getting the BioSample id for each run
head = ''
-for x in lst:
- k = get_sra_id(x) # get rid of prefix R00... and suffix ..XX
- s = x
- if k in d:
- s += '\t' + d[k]['tissue'] + '\t' + make_information(d2[k][0].decode('utf8'), BIOSAMPLE_INFO_DIR) + '\t' + d2[k][1].decode('utf8')
- elif x.startswith('R0001') and ('146' in x or '147' in x): # inhouse data
- s += '\t' + 'seedling\t' + '\t'.join(8*['.'])
- elif x.startswith('R0002'): # pcubas (Spain) data
- s += '\t' + 'meristem\t' + '\t'.join(8*['.'])
- else:
- s += '\t' + '\t'.join(9*['.']) # k is gene_id
- print(s)
- head += s.replace('\t', '_') + '\t'
+# inferred.tissue biosample.tissue
+with open('../Data/temp/experiment.and.tissue.1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
+ for x in lst:
+ s = x # run id, such as R0DRR016125XXX
+ k = get_sra_id(x) # get rid of prefix R00... and suffix ..XX
+ if k in d:
+ s += '\t' + d[k]['tissue'] + '\t' + make_information(d2[k][0], BIOSAMPLE_INFO_DIR)
+ elif x.startswith('R0001') and ('146' in x or '147' in x): # inhouse data
+ s += '\t' + 'seedling\t' + '\t'.join(8*['.'])
+ elif x.startswith('R0002'): # pcubas (Spain) data
+ s += '\t' + 'meristem\t' + '\t'.join(8*['.'])
+ else:
+ s += '\t' + '\t'.join(9*['.']) # k is gene_id
+ f.write(s + '\n')
+ head += s.replace('\t', '_') + '\t'
diff --git a/Code/correlation_per_group_fixed_number.R b/Code/correlation_per_group_fixed_number.R
index 3f48220..3407973 100644
--- a/Code/correlation_per_group_fixed_number.R
+++ b/Code/correlation_per_group_fixed_number.R
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# the groups and tissue label. More specifically, within each group
# there should be as few distinct tissues as possible.
-TISSUE.FILE <- '../Data/information/experiment.and.tissue.txt'
+TISSUE.FILE <- '../Data/information/experiment.and.tissue.2.txt'
DATA.FILE <- '../Data/history/expr/TPM.txt'
TARGET.TF.FILE <- '../Data/information/target_tf.txt'
AGINAME.FILE <- '../Data/information/AGI-to-gene-names_v2.txt'
@@ -70,30 +70,33 @@ normalize <- function(X) {
# Choose the optimal number of clusters such that they have best agreement with tissue labels
-# Added on 28 June 2017, slcu, hui
+# Added on 28 June 2017, slcu, hui, last modified on 5 Nov 2022, hui
get.optimal.number.of.clusters <- function(X, clusters, tissue.matrix, min.cluster, max.cluster) {
labels <- as.vector(tissue.matrix$suggested.tissue)
labels <- unlist(lapply(labels, function(x) {e<-regexpr("\\.", x)[1]; if (e > 0) {y<-substr(x, 1, e-1)} else {x} })) # remove subcategories
- tissue.label <- c()
+ run.label <- c() # what tissue does each run experiment come from?
for (rseqid in colnames(X)) { # X is the gene expression matrix
i <- which(as.vector(tissue.matrix$ == rseqid) # tissue.matrix contains tissue information for each RNA-seq ID <- labels[i]
- tissue.label <- c(tissue.label,
+ run.label <- c(run.label,
- <- min.cluster
+ <- min.cluster # best cluster number
best.mix.rate <- 0 # perfect mix rate is 1.0
+ # find the best cluster number that results in largest tissue homogeneity
for (cn in seq(min.cluster, max.cluster, 1)) { # cn is number of clusters
cut <- cutree(clusters, cn)
mix.sum <- 0
mix.count <- 0
for (c in unique(cut)) { # each cluster
sample.index <- (cut == c)
- t <- tissue.label[sample.index]
- mix.sum <- mix.sum + max($Freq)/sum($Freq)
+ t <- run.label[sample.index] # t is a list of tissue names in this cluster
+ max.freq = max($Freq) # what is the frequency of the most frequent tissue name in this cluster?
+ sum.freq = sum($Freq) # what is the total number of tissue names in this cluster?
+ mix.sum <- mix.sum + max.freq/sum.freq
mix.count <- mix.count + 1
- mix.rate <- log10(length(tissue.label)/mix.count) * (mix.sum/mix.count)^8 # make sure high tissue homogeneity is much preferred. also make sure the cluster is not too small.
- #cat(sprintf('get.optimal.number.of.clusters: %d\t%4.1f\t%4.2f\t%4.2f\n', cn, length(tissue.label)/mix.count, mix.sum/mix.count, mix.rate))
+ mix.rate <- log10(length(run.label)/mix.count) * (mix.sum/mix.count)^8 # make sure high tissue homogeneity is much preferred. also make sure the cluster is not too small.
+ cat(sprintf('In get.optimal.number.of.clusters: cluster number:%d\t%4.1f\tpercentage:%4.2f\tmix.rate:%4.2f\n', cn, length(run.label)/mix.count, mix.sum/mix.count, mix.rate))
if (mix.rate > best.mix.rate) {
best.mix.rate <- mix.rate <- cn
@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ total.pair <- dim([1]
cat(sprintf('min.cluster=%d, max.cluster=%d, min.sample=%d, r.tau=%4.2f\n', min.cluster, max.cluster, min.sample, r.tau))
cat('Hclust ...\n')
-X2 <- normalize(X2) # each row of X2 has mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
+X2 <- normalize(X) # each row of X2 has mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
clusters <- hclust(dist(t(X2)), method = 'average')
cat(sprintf('Determine optimal number of clusters ...\n'))
tissue <- read.table(TISSUE.FILE, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, sep='\t')
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
index 8bc111c..182de1a 100644
--- a/Code/
+++ b/Code/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def map_tissue(s):
'leaf vein':'leaf.vein',
'leaf lamina':'leaf.lamina',
- 'leaf rosette':'leaf rosette',
+ 'leaf rosette':'leaf.rosette',
'rosette leaf':'leaf.rosette',
@@ -286,9 +286,6 @@ for line in f:
if lst[2] != 'part_unknown' and lst[2] != '.':
s = lst[2].lower()
s = map_tissue(remove_punctuation(s))
- # elif lst[2] == '.':
- # s = lst[1]
- # s = remove_parenthese(s)
s = lst[1]
if not ';' in s: