path: root/Code/
diff options
authorHui Lan <>2019-12-04 19:03:19 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2019-12-04 19:03:19 +0800
commit97fdefab064f63642fa3ece05b807d29b459df31 (patch)
treea058530023224f3e35b1783996f3530c80c04bc5 /Code/
brain: add python and R code to local repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'Code/')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb5147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Usage: python parameter_for_net.txt > target_tf.txt
+# Purpose: Make a target tfs file: each line is 'Target TF1 Condition.list'.
+# See ../Data/information/target_tf.txt for an example.
+# Created on 17 JAN 2017, hui
+# Last modified on 16 Mar 2017, slcu, hui
+# Last modified on 5 Aug 2019, zjnu, hui
+# Last modified on 9 Oct 2019, zjnu, hui
+# Last modified on 22 Nov 2019, zjnu, hui [include binding information from two sources: target_tf.txt.20170629_143000 (results I made when I was at SLCU between 2016 and 2017) and target_tf_agris.txt]
+import sys, os, operator, itertools
+import numpy as np
+from param4net import make_global_param_dict
+def read_matrix_data(fname):
+ '''
+ fname - a file, first line is head, first column is row name.
+ '''
+ lineno = 0
+ colid = []
+ rowid = []
+ d = {} # {gene1:{cond1:val1, cond2:val2, ...}, gene2: {...}, ...}
+ d2 = {} # {cond1:{gene1:val1, gene2:val2, ...}, cond2: {...}, ...}
+ d3 = {} # {gene1: [], gene2: [], ...}
+ d4 = {} # {cond1:[], cond2:[], ...}
+ f = open(fname)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ head_line = lines[0].strip()
+ lst = head_line.split()
+ colid = lst[1:]
+ for c in colid:
+ d2[c] = {}
+ d4[c] = []
+ for line in lines[1:]:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split()
+ g = lst[0]
+ rowid.append(g)
+ d[g] = {}
+ levels = lst[1:]
+ if len(levels) != len(colid):
+ print('Incomplete columns at row %s' % (g))
+ sys.exit()
+ d3[g] = []
+ for i in range(len(colid)):
+ c = colid[i]
+ d[g][c] = float(levels[i])
+ d2[c][g] = float(levels[i])
+ d3[g].append(float(levels[i]))
+ d4[c].append(float(levels[i]))
+ lineno += 1
+ d_return = {}
+ d_return['xy'] = d # first gene, then condition
+ d_return['yx'] = d2 # first condition, then gene
+ d_return['xx'] = d3 # each item is an array of gene expression levels, i.e., each item is a row
+ d_return['yy'] = d4 # each item is an array of gene expression levels, i.e., each item is a column
+ d_return['nrow'] = lineno - 1
+ d_return['ncol'] = len(colid)
+ d_return['rowid'] = rowid
+ d_return['colid'] = colid
+ d4_sorted = {}
+ for k in d4:
+ d4_sorted[k] = sorted(d4[k], reverse=True) # largest numbers on the top
+ d_return['yy_sorted'] = d4_sorted
+ return d_return
+def get_value(s, delimit):
+ lst = s.split(delimit)
+ return lst[1].strip()
+def read_info_data(fname):
+ ''' Read ChIP-seq data information '''
+ if not os.path.exists(fname):
+ print('%s not exists.' % (fname) )
+ sys.exit()
+ d = {'ID_LIST':[]}
+ f = open(fname)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == '' or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'):
+ continue
+ if line.startswith(DATA_SYMBOL):
+ s = line[line.rfind(DATA_SYMBOL[-1])+1:]
+ s = s.strip()
+ if s in d:
+ print('make_target_tf: ID %s duplicate' % (s))
+ sys.exit()
+ d[s] = {'PROTEIN_ID':'', 'PROTEN_NAME':'', 'DATA_NAME':'', 'DATA_FORMAT':'', 'DESCRIPTION':'', 'LOCATION':'', 'NOTE':''}
+ d['ID_LIST'].append(s)
+ if line.startswith('DESCRIPTION:'):
+ d[s]['DESCRIPTION'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('PROTEN_NAME:'):
+ d[s]['PROTEN_NAME'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('PROTEIN_ID:'):
+ d[s]['PROTEIN_ID'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('DATA_NAME:'):
+ d[s]['DATA_NAME'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('DATA_FORMAT:'):
+ d[s]['DATA_FORMAT'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('LOCATION:'):
+ d[s]['LOCATION'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ elif line.startswith('NOTE:'):
+ d[s]['NOTE'] = get_value(line, ':')
+ return d
+def get_gene_list(fname):
+ result = []
+ f = open(fname)
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split()
+ result.append(lst[0])
+ f.close()
+ return result
+def get_threshold2(lst, glb_param_dict):
+ x = np.array(lst)
+ x = x[x > 0]
+ max_num = int(glb_param_dict['MAX_NUM_TARGETS']) # max number of targets for a protein
+ percent = float(glb_param_dict['OVERFLOW_TARGETS_PERCENTAGE']) # if we have more targets than the max number, then include this percent of exceeding targets
+ n = len(x)
+ if n < max_num:
+ return x[-1]
+ else: # include some overflowing targets, but not all
+ overflow = n - max_num
+ keep = int(overflow * percent)
+ index = keep + max_num
+ return x[index]
+def convert_dict(d):
+ '''
+ d = {tf:{cond1:[target1, target2], cond2:[...]}}
+ result = {target:{tf:[c1,c2], tf:[c2,c3]}, ... }
+ '''
+ result = {}
+ for k in d: # k is tf
+ vd = d[k] # vd is something like {cond1:[target1, target2], cond2:[...]}
+ for c in vd:
+ lst = vd[c] # a list of targets
+ for x in lst: # x is a target
+ if not x in result:
+ result[x] = {k:[c]}
+ else:
+ if not k in result[x]:
+ result[x][k] = [c]
+ else:
+ result[x][k].append(c)
+ return result
+def get_tf(bind_dict, info_dict, input_dict, glb_param_dict):
+ tf_dict = {} # key is TF, value is a list of targets:[target1, target2, target3, ...]
+ #input_cond = input_dict['colid']
+ if len(input_dict) > 0:
+ input_cond = input_dict['colid'][0] # use the first column of INPUT matrix as input (improve). INPUT is used for format BW.
+ else:
+ input_cond = 'NA'
+ gene_id = np.array( bind_dict['rowid'] )
+ for c in bind_dict['colid']: # check each column (protein) in binding matrix. Find the protein's targets.
+ #print(c)
+ g2 = info_dict[c]['PROTEIN_ID'] # g2 is TF
+ bind_val = np.array( bind_dict['yy'][c] ) # a column of values
+ if info_dict[c]['DATA_FORMAT'].upper() == 'BW': # require more consideration in the future
+ input_val = np.array( input_dict['yy'][input_cond] )
+ index = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(input_val > 0, input_val < 10000), (bind_val / input_val) > SIGNAL_INPUT_RATIO_TAU) # ignore intensities greater than 10000 as these are definitely noise
+ elif info_dict[c]['DATA_FORMAT'].upper() == 'NARROWPEAK':
+ tau = get_threshold2(bind_dict['yy_sorted'][c], glb_param_dict)
+ index = bind_val >= tau
+ else:
+ print('make_target_tf: Data format %s not recognised. Only bw and narrowPeak are valid.' % (info_dict[c]['DATA_FORMAT']))
+ sys.exit()
+ target_gene_id = gene_id[index]
+ if g2 != '' and g2 != 'id_unknown':
+ if not g2 in tf_dict:
+ tf_dict[g2] = {c:list(target_gene_id)}
+ else:
+ tf_dict[g2][c] = list(target_gene_id)
+ # tf_dict is a bit complicated: key is TF, value is a dictionary
+ # where its key is condition, and value is a list of target genes.
+ # It basically say this TF under condition c binds to a list of
+ # target genes.
+ d = convert_dict(tf_dict)
+ return d
+def augment_dict(d, target, tf, cond_lst):
+ ''' Enlarge d '''
+ if not target in d:
+ d[target] = {tf:cond_lst}
+ else:
+ if not tf in d[target]:
+ d[target][tf] = cond_lst
+ else:
+ cond_lst.extend(d[target][tf])
+ d[target][tf] = sorted(list(set(cond_lst)))
+def target_tf(bind_dict, bind_info_dict, input_dict, glb_param_dict):
+ ''' Print lines in this format: target TF ChIP-seq conditions, e.g., ../Data/information/target_tf.txt
+ For example, 'AT1G01270 AT3G46640 C0001000008426 C0001000008427 C0001000008428'
+ '''
+ d = get_tf(bind_dict, bind_info_dict, input_dict, glb_param_dict)
+ # d has the following format {target:{tf1:[c1,c2], tf2:[c2,c3]}, ... }
+ # augment d with information from ../Data/information/target_tf_agris.txt and ../Data/information/target_tf.txt.20170629_143000
+ if os.path.exists('../Data/information/target_tf_agris.txt'):
+ f = open('../Data/information/target_tf_agris.txt')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split('\t')
+ if len(lst) == 3:
+ target0 = lst[0]
+ tf0 = lst[1]
+ cond_lst0 = lst[2].split()
+ augment_dict(d, target0, tf0, cond_lst0)
+ if os.path.exists('../Data/information/target_tf.txt.20170629_143000'):
+ f = open('../Data/information/target_tf.txt.20170629_143000')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split('\t')
+ if len(lst) == 3:
+ target0 = lst[0]
+ tf0 = lst[1]
+ cond_lst0 = lst[2].split()
+ augment_dict(d, target0, tf0, cond_lst0)
+ for target in sorted(d.keys()):
+ tf_d = d[target]
+ if len(tf_d) > 0:
+ for tf in sorted(tf_d.keys()):
+ cond_lst = sorted(list(set(tf_d[tf])))
+ #if len(cond_lst) > 1 and 'C0000000000001' in cond_lst: # C0000000000001 is for binding evidence from agris
+ # cond_lst.remove('C0000000000001')
+ print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (target, tf, ' '.join(cond_lst) ) )
+########## main ##################################################
+param_file = sys.argv[1] # a single prameter file parameter_for_net.txt
+glb_param_dict = make_global_param_dict(param_file)
+#print('Read binding data ...')
+bind_dict = read_matrix_data(glb_param_dict['BINDING_MATRIX'])
+bind_info_dict = read_info_data(glb_param_dict['BINDING_INFO'])
+if os.path.exists(glb_param_dict['INPUT_MATRIX']):
+ input_dict = read_matrix_data(glb_param_dict['INPUT_MATRIX']) # for comparing with bw files
+ input_dict = {}
+#print('Make target TF lines ...')
+target_tf(bind_dict, bind_info_dict, input_dict, glb_param_dict)