path: root/Code/
diff options
authorHui Lan <>2020-10-10 19:39:25 +0800
committerHui Lan <>2020-10-10 19:39:25 +0800
commitd5fd834de918f248107593b73e42af380886cb2d (patch)
treeb8ba6176ef9756fac6d399fc878266f574b5da19 /Code/
parent1d54c30c2660e29ae7ab2503b1c40d8065e1d61e (diff) use string instead of float to store TPM values. This script could run out of memory space (7GB) when there are more than 1000 RNA-seq samples.
Diffstat (limited to 'Code/')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Code/ b/Code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a460d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Usage: python edges.txt
+# Purpose: draw a sub-network given a list of genes from thermomorphogenesis paper.
+# The paper Molecular and genetic control of plant thermomorphogenesis.
+# Created on 5 December 2019 by Hui Lan (
+import os, sys
+import networkx as nx
+import pylab as plt
+import glob
+import math
+from networkx.algorithms.distance_measures import diameter, eccentricity
+def build_network_from_file(edge_fname, gene_lst, gene_dict):
+ G = nx.DiGraph()
+ for g in gene_lst:
+ G.add_node(gene_dict[g])
+ f = open(edge_fname)
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ lst = line.split('\t')
+ if len(lst) == 10:
+ g1 = lst[0].split()[0] # target gene ID
+ g2 = lst[1].split()[0] # source gene ID
+ strength = float(lst[8])
+ method_or_tissue = lst[9]
+ g1_label = lst[0].split()[1].split(';')[0] if lst[0].split()[1] != '.' else g1
+ g1_name = lst[0].split()[1] if lst[0].split()[1] != '.' else ''
+ g2_label = lst[1].split()[1].split(';')[0] if lst[1].split()[1] != '.' else g2
+ g2_name = lst[1].split()[1] if lst[1].split()[1] != '.' else ''
+ if g1 in gene_lst and g2 in gene_lst:
+ G.add_node(gene_dict[g1], full_name=g1_name, label=g1_label) # if g1 is also a TF, then istf='0' will overwrite it in the following for loop
+ G.add_node(gene_dict[g2], full_name=g2_name, label=g2_label) # tf_category contains default TF category code. It can be modified later given user's input
+ G.add_edge(gene_dict[g2], gene_dict[g1], weight=strength, strength=strength, method=method_or_tissue) # g2 is source, and g1 is target
+ f.close()
+ return G
+def build_thermomorphogenesis_network(gene_lst, gene_dict):
+ ''' Edges from thermo.png in my asus laptop. '''
+ G = nx.DiGraph()
+ for g in gene_lst:
+ G.add_node(gene_dict[g])
+ pairs = [('PIF4', 'PAR1'), ('PIF4', 'PRE1'), ('PIF4', 'YUC8'), ('PIF4', 'TAA1'), ('PIF4', 'IAA4'), ('PIF4', 'SAUR21'),
+ ('HY5', 'PAR1'), ('HY5', 'PRE1'), ('HY5', 'YUC8'), ('HY5', 'TAA1'), ('HY5', 'IAA4'), ('HY5', 'SAUR21'),
+ ('FCA', 'PAR1'), ('FCA', 'PRE1'), ('FCA', 'YUC8'), ('FCA', 'TAA1'), ('FCA', 'IAA4'), ('FCA', 'SAUR21'),
+ ('BZR1', 'PAR1'), ('BZR1', 'PRE1'), ('BZR1', 'YUC8'), ('BZR1', 'TAA1'), ('BZR1', 'IAA4'), ('BZR1', 'SAUR21'),
+ ('ARF6', 'PAR1'), ('ARF6', 'PRE1'), ('ARF6', 'YUC8'), ('ARF6', 'TAA1'), ('ARF6', 'IAA4'), ('ARF6', 'SAUR21'),
+ ('PAR1', 'IBH1'), ('PRE1', 'IBH1'),
+ ('PAR1', 'PIF4'), ('PRE1', 'PIF4'),
+ ('IBH1', 'HBI1'),
+ ('IAA4', 'ARF6'),
+ ('ARF6', 'SAUR21')
+ ] # see paper Molecular and genetic control of plant thermomorphogenesis.
+ for (g2, g1) in pairs: # g2 is source, g1 is target
+ G.add_edge(g2, g1, weight=2) # g2 is source, and g1 is target
+ return G
+def compute_total_edge_weight(edges, G):
+ total = 0
+ for e in edges:
+ u = e[0]
+ v = e[1]
+ total += G[u][v]['weight']
+ return total
+def draw_graph(G, fname):
+ pos=nx.circular_layout(G)
+ tau = 2.5
+ elarge=[(u,v) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] >tau]
+ esmall=[(u,v) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] <=tau]
+ labels = {}
+ for (n,d) in G.nodes(data=True):
+ if 'label' in d:
+ labels[n] = d['label']
+ else:
+ labels[n] = n
+ nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos,alpha=0.1)
+ nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos,edgelist=elarge,width=1,alpha=0.2)
+ nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos,edgelist=esmall,width=1,alpha=0.1,edge_color='k',style='dashed')
+ nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,font_size=8,font_color='k',font_family='sans-serif')
+ plt.axis('off')
+ plt.savefig(fname)
+ plt.close()
+ # display
+def better_date(s):
+ ''' Add a dash between year and month, and a dash between month and day.'''
+ if len(s) == 8:
+ return '-'.join([s[:4], s[4:6], s[6:]])
+ else:
+ return s
+def draw_graph2(G, fname, date):
+ pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
+ all_edges = []
+ all_widths = []
+ for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True):
+ all_edges.append((u, v))
+ all_widths.append(math.sqrt(d['weight']))
+ nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos,alpha=0.05)
+ nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos,edgelist=all_edges,width=all_widths,alpha=0.2,edge_color='k',style='dashed')
+ nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,font_size=11,font_color='b',font_family='sans-serif')
+ plt.axis('off')
+ plt.title(better_date(date))
+ plt.savefig(fname)
+ plt.close()
+ # display
+def draw_graph3(G, fname):
+ pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
+ all_edges = []
+ for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True):
+ all_edges.append((u, v))
+ nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos,alpha=0.05)
+ nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos,edgelist=all_edges,alpha=0.2,edge_color='k',style='dashed')
+ nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,font_size=11,font_color='b',font_family='sans-serif')
+ plt.axis('off')
+ plt.savefig(fname)
+ plt.close() # it is important to close the plot before creating another one. Otherwise, plots will overlap.
+ # display
+## main
+thermomorphogenesis_genes = [
+ 'AT4G28720',
+ 'AT2G25930',
+ 'AT2G40080',
+ 'AT3G46640',
+ 'AT5G11260',
+ 'AT2G43010',
+ 'AT3G59060',
+ 'AT4G10180',
+ 'AT2G32950',
+ 'AT3G13550',
+ 'AT4G05420',
+ 'AT4G21100',
+ 'AT2G46340',
+ 'AT4G11110',
+ 'AT3G15354',
+ 'AT1G53090',
+ 'AT1G02340',
+ 'AT4G08920',
+ 'AT4G39950',
+ 'AT2G22330',
+ 'AT2G42870',
+ 'AT5G39860',
+ 'AT1G70560',
+ 'AT3G62980',
+ 'AT4G03190',
+ 'AT3G26810',
+ 'AT1G12820',
+ 'AT4G24390',
+ 'AT5G49980',
+ 'AT5G01830',
+ 'AT5G18010',
+ 'AT5G18020',
+ 'AT5G18050',
+ 'AT5G18060',
+ 'AT5G18080',
+ 'AT1G29440',
+ 'AT1G29510',
+ 'AT4G18710',
+ 'AT1G75080',
+ 'AT1G30330',
+ 'AT1G19850',
+ 'AT3G33520',
+ 'AT4G16280',
+ 'AT2G43060',
+ 'AT2G18300',
+ 'AT4G16780',
+ 'AT1G01060',
+ 'AT1G22770',
+ 'AT4G25420',
+ 'AT1G15550',
+ 'AT1G78440',
+ 'AT5G43700',
+ 'AT4G32280',
+ 'AT2G38120',
+ 'AT1G15580',
+thermomorphogenesis_genes_small = [
+ 'AT2G43010', #PIF4
+ 'AT5G11260', #HY5
+ 'AT2G42870', #PAR1
+ 'AT5G39860', #PRE1
+ 'AT5G43700', #IAA4
+ 'AT4G16280', #FCA
+ 'AT2G43060', #IBH1
+ 'AT2G18300', #HBI1
+ 'AT4G28720', #YUC8
+ 'AT1G70560', #TAA1
+ 'AT1G30330', #ARF6
+ 'AT1G19850', #ARF5
+ 'AT5G01830', #SAUR21
+ 'AT1G75080' #BZR1
+# 'AT2G25930', #ELF3
+# 'AT2G40080', #ELF4
+# 'AT3G46640', #LUX
+gene_dict = {
+ 'AT2G43010':'PIF4',
+ 'AT5G11260':'HY5',
+ 'AT2G42870':'PAR1',
+ 'AT5G39860':'PRE1',
+ 'AT5G43700':'IAA4',
+ 'AT4G16280':'FCA',
+ 'AT2G43060':'IBH1',
+ 'AT2G18300':'HBI1',
+ 'AT4G28720':'YUC8',
+ 'AT1G70560':'TAA1',
+ 'AT1G30330':'ARF6',
+ 'AT1G19850':'ARF5',
+ 'AT5G01830':'SAUR21',
+ 'AT1G75080':'BZR1',
+ 'AT2G25930':'ELF3',
+ 'AT2G40080':'ELF4',
+ 'AT3G46640':'LUX'
+print('Make sub graphs ...')
+G0 = build_thermomorphogenesis_network(thermomorphogenesis_genes_small, gene_dict)
+print('Number of edges in the paper thermomorphogenesis is %d' % (len(G0.edges())))
+draw_graph2(G0, '../Data/temp/graph-%s.pdf' % ('20160101'), '')
+graph_lst = []
+graph_names = []
+for fname in sorted(glob.glob('../Analysis/edges.txt.2020*')):
+ if fname == '../Analysis/edges.txt.20190801' or '.gz' in fname:
+ continue
+ print(fname)
+ graph_names.append(fname)
+ G = build_network_from_file(fname, thermomorphogenesis_genes_small, gene_dict)
+ graph_lst.append(G)
+for i in range(len(graph_lst)):
+ G = graph_lst[i]
+ print('Graph from %s' % (graph_names[i]))
+ e = G.edges(data=True)
+ n = len(e)
+ print('Number of edges is %d' % (n))
+ print('------------------------------------------------------------------------')
+ draw_graph2(G, '../Data/temp/graph-%s.pdf' % (graph_names[i].split('.')[-1]), graph_names[i].split('.')[-1])
+print('Compute network differences ...')
+print('In G0 but not in G ...')
+Gdiff1 = nx.difference(G0, G)
+draw_graph3(Gdiff1, '../Data/temp/graph-in-G0-not-in-G.pdf')
+print('In G but not in G0 ...')
+Gdiff2 = nx.difference(G, G0)
+draw_graph3(Gdiff2, '../Data/temp/graph-in-G-not-in-G0.pdf')
+print('Compute network intersection ...')
+print('In both ...')
+Gcommon = nx.intersection(G0, G)
+draw_graph3(Gcommon, '../Data/temp/graph-in-G0-and-in-G.pdf')
+print('Compute edit distance ...')
+ged = nx.algorithms.similarity.graph_edit_distance(G0, G) # sometimes take very long time to finish
+print('Edit distance is %4.0f' % (ged))