diff options
author | Hui Lan <lanhui@zjnu.edu.cn> | 2025-03-09 17:36:13 +0800 |
committer | Hui Lan <lanhui@zjnu.edu.cn> | 2025-03-09 17:36:13 +0800 |
commit | d47bfb5da360ac675b335d169c49f42f272038d5 (patch) | |
tree | 765377f083b20c87bee05829c62f4f550d37123f | |
parent | 92ef45014d95e029f227e9332ac0e2bb80541c83 (diff) |
Append DONE to the download log in case the downloading process cannot move on. Added two helper functions: age_of_file_in_hours() and append_done(). Ran dos2unix; that is why there are so many changes.
-rw-r--r-- | Code/download_and_map.py | 801 |
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/Code/download_and_map.py b/Code/download_and_map.py index 568032c..bc1c190 100644 --- a/Code/download_and_map.py +++ b/Code/download_and_map.py @@ -1,390 +1,411 @@ -# Usage: python dowload_and_map.py
-# python download_and_map.py run_ids.txt
-# This program checks RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE for not yet downloaded, *public* RNA-seq data, make a list of them, download and map using Salmon. It is very important to prepare
-# RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE (see parse_end_xlm.py). In fact, only first column of RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE is required in this file, that is a list of RNA-seq IDs.
-# Purpose: automate downloading RNA-seq files from ENA or SRA. This program checks MAPPED_RDATA_DIR and RAW_RDATA_DIR to ensure that we are not re-mapping or re-downloading already mapped or downloaded data.
-# Note: use download_data2() to download from SRA, and download_and_map_data() to download from ENA (closer to Cambridge so faster). This script depends on get_TPM_by_salmon.py
-# 23 DEC 2016, hui, slcu. Updated: 9 Feb 2017
-# Last modified 10 APR 2017, hui, slcu
-# Last reviewed 31 July 2018
-# Last revised 10 Feb 2021
-import os, sys, glob, json
-import fnmatch
-import time
-import re
-from datetime import datetime
-FASTQ_DUMP_PATH = '/home/hui/software/sratoolkit/sratoolkit.2.8.0-ubuntu64/bin/fastq-dump'
-def glob_files(directory, pattern):
- ''' return all file names (without paths) given directory and pattern '''
- result = []
- for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
- result.append(filename)
- return result
-def glob_files_include_path(directory, pattern):
- ''' return all file names (with paths) given directory and pattern '''
- result = []
- for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
- result.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
- # all check *.txt files where downloaded files are recorded.
- for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, 'download*.txt')):
- f = open(fname)
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(line), pattern):
- result.append(os.path.join(directory, line))
- return result
-def get_list(fname):
- ''' Convert a file to a list, each line is an element in the list '''
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- return []
- result = []
- f = open(fname)
- d = {}
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- if line != '':
- lst = line.split()
- s = lst[0].strip() # SRR, ERR, or DRR id
- if (not s in d) and ('SRR' in s or 'ERR' in s or 'DRR' in s):
- d[s] = 1
- result.append(s)
- f.close()
- return result # only return unique elements
-def make_download_list(mapped_dir, rna_data_info_dict):
- '''
- Make next n sample IDs. These samples must have not been downloaded yet.
- all_run_ids - a list of NextGen-Seq IDs to select from
- mapped_dir - contain all mapped samples
- rna_data_info_dict - a dictionary containing all RNA-seq samples from ENA.
- '''
- result = []
- mapped_files = glob_files(mapped_dir, '*_quant.txt')
- mapped_run_ids = get_list(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE)
- small_ids = get_list(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) # these files are too small
- for run_id in sorted(rna_data_info_dict.keys(), reverse=True): # SRR first, then ERR, then DRR
- include_me = True if rna_data_info_dict[run_id]['library_strategy'].lower() == 'rna-seq' and rna_data_info_dict[run_id]['library_source'].lower() == 'transcriptomic' else False
- if not (run_id + '_quant.txt') in mapped_files and (not run_id in result) and (not run_id in small_ids) and (not run_id in mapped_run_ids) and include_me: # not mapped yet and is RNA-seq
- result.append(run_id)
- return result
-def num_of_digits(s):
- count = 0
- for c in s:
- if c.isdigit():
- count += 1
- return count
-def get_file_url(fname):
- ''' for wget '''
- f = open(fname)
- url_list = []
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- if 'ftp://' in line and '.fastq.gz' in line:
- lst = line.split()
- address = lst[-1].strip()
- if '.fastq.gz' in address and address.startswith('ftp://') and not address in url_list:
- url_list.append(address)
- f.close()
- return url_list
-def get_file_size(fname):
- sz = 0
- f = open(fname)
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('==> SIZE'):
- lst = line.split()
- sz = int(lst[-1])
- f.close()
- return sz
-def get_remote_file_size(link):
- cmd = 'rm -f ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt'
- os.system(cmd)
- cmd = 'wget --spider %s 2> ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt' % (link)
- os.system(cmd)
- return get_file_size('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt')
-def get_sample_id(fname):
- ''' extra id from file name'''
- index = fname.find('.fastq.gz')
- if index < 0:
- return ''
- s = fname[0:index]
- lst = s.split('_')
- return lst[0]
-def download_and_map_data(lst, daily_map_num, dest):
- ''' Download data from ENA; fast (but can be interruptive) '''
- downloaded_files = [] # a list of paths to downloaded files, small files (size less than MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE) won't be included in the list
- map_list = []
- if len(lst) < daily_map_num or daily_map_num < 1:
- return downloaded_files, map_list
- count = 0
- for line in lst: # lst - a list of run IDs
- run_id = line
- dir1 = line[0:6]
- dir2 = ''
- n = num_of_digits(line)
- address = ''
- if n == 6: # follow ENA's data path convention
- address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/' % (dir1, run_id)
- elif n == 7:
- dir2 = '00' + run_id[-1]
- address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id)
- elif n == 8:
- dir2 = '0' + run_id[-2:]
- address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id)
- elif n == 9:
- dir2 = run_id[-3:]
- address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id)
- if os.path.exists('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt'):
- cmd = 'rm -f ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt'
- os.system(cmd)
- cmd = 'wget --spider -T 20 %s 2> ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt' % (os.path.join(address, '*.gz'))
- os.system(cmd)
- url_lst = get_file_url('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt')
- if url_lst == []:
- write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, run_id+'\n')
- time.sleep(1)
- curr_lst = []
- for link in url_lst:
- sz = get_remote_file_size(link)
- if sz >= MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE: # remote file must be big enough
- cmd = 'wget %s -P %s' % (link, dest)
- os.system(cmd)
- file_path = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(link))
- curr_lst.append(file_path)
- downloaded_files.append(file_path)
- else:
- print('[download_and_map.py] IGNORE [%d MB] %s' % (int(sz/1000000.0), link))
- file_name = os.path.basename(link)
- sample_id = get_sample_id(file_name)
- write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, sample_id+'\n')
- print(curr_lst)
- if curr_lst != []:
- salmon_map(curr_lst)
- map_list.append(run_id)
- count += 1
- # Remove raw files (as they occupy lots of space)
- for f in downloaded_files:
- if os.path.exists(f):
- print('[download_and_map.py] To save space, I am removing %s.' % (f))
- os.remove(f)
- time.sleep(1)
- if count >= daily_map_num:
- return downloaded_files, map_list
- time.sleep(3)
- return downloaded_files, map_list
-def download_data2(lst, dest):
- ''' Download data from SRA, slow '''
- if not os.path.exists(FASTQ_DUMP_PATH):
- print('%s not exists.' % (FASTQ_DUMP_PATH))
- sys.exit()
- downloaded_files = [] # a list of paths to downloaded files, small files (size less than MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE) won't be downloaded
- for line in lst:
- run_id = line.strip()
- cmd = '%s -N 1000000 --split-files --skip-technical %s' % (FASTQ_DUMP_PATH, run_id)
- print('\n' + cmd)
- os.system(cmd)
- if glob.glob('%s*fastq*' % (run_id)) != []: # files are successfully downloaded
- cmd = 'mv %s*fastq* %s' % (run_id, dest)
- print(cmd)
- os.system(cmd)
- fastq_file_lst = glob.glob( os.path.join(dest, '%s*fastq*' % (run_id)) )
- if len(fastq_file_lst) == 1: # rename file
- cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (fastq_file_lst[0], os.path.join(dest, run_id+'.fastq'))
- os.system(cmd)
- cmd = 'gzip %s' % ( os.path.join(dest, run_id + '*.fastq') )
- print(cmd)
- os.system(cmd)
- for fname in glob.glob( os.path.join(dest, '%s*gz' % (run_id)) ) :
- downloaded_files.append(fname)
- else:
- write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, run_id+'\n')
- return downloaded_files
-def salmon_map(lst):
- gz_file = '../Data/temp/gz_files.txt'
- if os.path.exists(gz_file):
- cmd = 'rm -f %s' % (gz_file) # remove old parameter file (if any). gz means gzip. fastq files are usually zipped.
- os.system(cmd)
- f = open('../Data/temp/gz_files.txt', 'w')
- f.write('\n'.join(lst)) # lst contains paths to fastq files
- f.close()
- print('Start mapping %s' % (' '.join(lst)))
- cmd = 'python get_TPM_by_salmon.py ../Data/temp/gz_files.txt > /dev/null 2>&1' # mapped files will be saved in result
- os.system(cmd)
-def write_download_log_file(fname, s):
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- f = open(fname, 'w')
- else:
- f = open(fname, 'a')
- f.write(s)
- f.close()
-def write_network_log_file(s, fname):
- f = open(fname, 'a')
- curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
- s = '[' + curr_time + ']: ' + s
- if not '\n' in s:
- s += '\n'
- f.write(s)
- f.close()
-def last_session_finished(fname):
- ''' Return True iff the last non-empty line of fname starts with DONE. '''
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- return True
- f = open(fname)
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Check last status
- last_status = ''
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if line.upper().startswith('START'):
- last_status = 'START'
- if line.upper().startswith('DONE'):
- last_status = 'DONE'
- return last_status == 'DONE'
-def read_ena_data_info_json(fname):
- with open(fname) as json_data:
- json_dict = json.load(json_data)
- return json_dict
-def read_run_ids_from_file(fname):
- f = open(fname)
- lst = []
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- lst = line.split()
- if not line.startswith('#') and 'RR' in line:
- lst.append(lst[0])
- f.close()
- return list(set(lst))
-## main
-# For filtering RNA-seq data
-if not os.path.exists(RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE):
- print('[download_and_map.py] Must provide %s. See parse_ena_xml.py about how to make it.' % (RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE))
- sys.exit()
-# If there is no enough disk space for storing the downloaded sequencing data, then stop
-available_G = 4 * os.statvfs(RAW_RDATA_DIR).f_bavail / (1024*1024) # compute available space (in G). Each block has 4k bytes, work for Linux/UNIX systems only
-if available_G < 2 * DAILY_MAP_NUMBER:
- print('[download_and_map.py] home directory does not have enough space (only %d G available) ' % (available_G))
- write_network_log_file('[download_and_map.py] home directory does not have enough space (only %d G available).' % (available_G), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
- sys.exit()
-if not last_session_finished(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE): # last session not finished
- s = '[download_and_map.py] last downloading and mapping session not finished yet. Check file %s for details.' % (DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE)
- write_network_log_file(s, UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
- sys.exit()
-rna_data_info_dict = read_ena_data_info_json(RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE) # rna_data_info_dict contains only RNA-seq IDs.
-# Generate DRR/ERR/SRR ids to download
-if len(sys.argv) > 1: # user has provided a list of IDs in a file
- download_list = read_run_ids_from_file(sys.argv[1])
- DAILY_MAP_NUMBER = len(download_list)
- print('[download_and_map.py] Prepare download list ...')
- download_list = make_download_list(MAPPED_RDATA_DIR, rna_data_info_dict)
- print('[download_and_map.py] There are %d run IDs from which you could select %d of them.' % (len(download_list), DAILY_MAP_NUMBER))
-# Make a record in log.txt
-curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M') # append date info to newly created directories
-write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, 'START at %s\n' % (curr_time))
-# Download these RNA-seq IDs and map them using salmon
-print('[download_and_map.py] Start downloading and mapping ...')
-downloaded_file_paths, map_list = download_and_map_data(download_list, DAILY_MAP_NUMBER, RAW_RDATA_DIR) # or we can use the function download_data2 to download from SRA (in US).
-# Move all files to MAPPED_RDATA_DIR
-curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M') # append date info to newly created directories
-new_dir_name = MAPPED_RDATA_DIR
-if not os.path.isdir(new_dir_name):
- os.makedirs(new_dir_name)
-# after mapping is finished, move all resulting files to new_dir_name (MAPPED_RDATA_DIR)
-if glob.glob('%s/*_quant.txt' % (SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR.rstrip('/'))) != []:
- cmd = 'mv %s/*_quant.txt %s' % (SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR.rstrip('/'), new_dir_name)
- os.system(cmd)
- print('[download_and_map.py] Done. Check directory %s.' % (os.path.abspath(new_dir_name)))
- print('[download_and_map.py] No quant files to move.')
-write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, '%s\n' % ('\n'.join(map_list)))
-write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, 'DONE at %s\n' % (curr_time))
+# Usage: python dowload_and_map.py +# python download_and_map.py run_ids.txt +# +# Edit DAILY_DOWNLOAD_NUMBER and MIN_FILE_SIZE +# +# This program checks RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE for not yet downloaded, *public* RNA-seq data, make a list of them, download and map using Salmon. It is very important to prepare +# RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE (see parse_end_xlm.py). In fact, only first column of RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE is required in this file, that is a list of RNA-seq IDs. +# +# Purpose: automate downloading RNA-seq files from ENA or SRA. This program checks MAPPED_RDATA_DIR and RAW_RDATA_DIR to ensure that we are not re-mapping or re-downloading already mapped or downloaded data. +# +# Note: use download_data2() to download from SRA, and download_and_map_data() to download from ENA (closer to Cambridge so faster). This script depends on get_TPM_by_salmon.py +# +# 23 DEC 2016, hui, slcu. Updated: 9 Feb 2017 +# Last modified 10 APR 2017, hui, slcu +# Last reviewed 31 July 2018 +# Last revised 10 Feb 2021 + +import os, sys, glob, json +import fnmatch +import time +import re +import shutil +from datetime import datetime + +########################################################################################## +from configure import DAILY_MAP_NUMBER, MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE, RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE, DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE, MAPPED_RDATA_DIR, RAW_RDATA_DIR, SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR + +FASTQ_DUMP_PATH = '/home/hui/software/sratoolkit/sratoolkit.2.8.0-ubuntu64/bin/fastq-dump' + +########################################################################################## + +def glob_files(directory, pattern): + ''' return all file names (without paths) given directory and pattern ''' + result = [] + for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): + for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): + result.append(filename) + return result + + +def glob_files_include_path(directory, pattern): + ''' return all file names (with paths) given directory and pattern ''' + result = [] + + for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): + for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): + result.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) + # all check *.txt files where downloaded files are recorded. + for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, 'download*.txt')): + f = open(fname) + lines = f.readlines() + f.close() + for line in lines: + line = line.strip() + if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(line), pattern): + result.append(os.path.join(directory, line)) + return result + + +def get_list(fname): + ''' Convert a file to a list, each line is an element in the list ''' + if not os.path.exists(fname): + return [] + + result = [] + f = open(fname) + d = {} + for line in f: + line = line.strip() + if line != '': + lst = line.split() + s = lst[0].strip() # SRR, ERR, or DRR id + if (not s in d) and ('SRR' in s or 'ERR' in s or 'DRR' in s): + d[s] = 1 + result.append(s) + f.close() + return result # only return unique elements + + +def make_download_list(mapped_dir, rna_data_info_dict): + ''' + Make next n sample IDs. These samples must have not been downloaded yet. + + all_run_ids - a list of NextGen-Seq IDs to select from + mapped_dir - contain all mapped samples + rna_data_info_dict - a dictionary containing all RNA-seq samples from ENA. + ''' + + result = [] + mapped_files = glob_files(mapped_dir, '*_quant.txt') + mapped_run_ids = get_list(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) + small_ids = get_list(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) # these files are too small + for run_id in sorted(rna_data_info_dict.keys(), reverse=True): # SRR first, then ERR, then DRR + include_me = True if rna_data_info_dict[run_id]['library_strategy'].lower() == 'rna-seq' and rna_data_info_dict[run_id]['library_source'].lower() == 'transcriptomic' else False + if not (run_id + '_quant.txt') in mapped_files and (not run_id in result) and (not run_id in small_ids) and (not run_id in mapped_run_ids) and include_me: # not mapped yet and is RNA-seq + result.append(run_id) + return result + + +def num_of_digits(s): + count = 0 + for c in s: + if c.isdigit(): + count += 1 + return count + + +def get_file_url(fname): + ''' for wget ''' + f = open(fname) + url_list = [] + for line in f: + line = line.strip() + if 'ftp://' in line and '.fastq.gz' in line: + lst = line.split() + address = lst[-1].strip() + if '.fastq.gz' in address and address.startswith('ftp://') and not address in url_list: + url_list.append(address) + f.close() + return url_list + + +def get_file_size(fname): + sz = 0 + f = open(fname) + for line in f: + line = line.strip() + if line.startswith('==> SIZE'): + lst = line.split() + sz = int(lst[-1]) + f.close() + return sz + + +def get_remote_file_size(link): + cmd = 'rm -f ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt' + os.system(cmd) + + cmd = 'wget --spider %s 2> ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt' % (link) + os.system(cmd) + return get_file_size('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file1.txt') + + +def get_sample_id(fname): + ''' extra id from file name''' + index = fname.find('.fastq.gz') + if index < 0: + return '' + + s = fname[0:index] + lst = s.split('_') + return lst[0] + + +def download_and_map_data(lst, daily_map_num, dest): + ''' Download data from ENA; fast (but can be interruptive) ''' + downloaded_files = [] # a list of paths to downloaded files, small files (size less than MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE) won't be included in the list + map_list = [] + + if len(lst) < daily_map_num or daily_map_num < 1: + return downloaded_files, map_list + + count = 0 + for line in lst: # lst - a list of run IDs + run_id = line + dir1 = line[0:6] + dir2 = '' + n = num_of_digits(line) + address = '' + if n == 6: # follow ENA's data path convention + address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/' % (dir1, run_id) + elif n == 7: + dir2 = '00' + run_id[-1] + address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id) + elif n == 8: + dir2 = '0' + run_id[-2:] + address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id) + elif n == 9: + dir2 = run_id[-3:] + address = 'ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/%s/%s/%s/' % (dir1, dir2, run_id) + + if os.path.exists('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt'): + cmd = 'rm -f ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt' + os.system(cmd) + + cmd = 'wget --spider -T 20 %s 2> ../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt' % (os.path.join(address, '*.gz')) + os.system(cmd) + + url_lst = get_file_url('../Data/temp/wget_temp_file0.txt') + if url_lst == []: + write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, run_id+'\n') + + time.sleep(1) + + curr_lst = [] + for link in url_lst: + sz = get_remote_file_size(link) + if sz >= MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE: # remote file must be big enough + cmd = 'wget %s -P %s' % (link, dest) + os.system(cmd) + file_path = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(link)) + curr_lst.append(file_path) + downloaded_files.append(file_path) + else: + print('[download_and_map.py] IGNORE [%d MB] %s' % (int(sz/1000000.0), link)) + file_name = os.path.basename(link) + sample_id = get_sample_id(file_name) + write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, sample_id+'\n') + + + print(curr_lst) + if curr_lst != []: + salmon_map(curr_lst) + map_list.append(run_id) + count += 1 + + # Remove raw files (as they occupy lots of space) + for f in downloaded_files: + if os.path.exists(f): + print('[download_and_map.py] To save space, I am removing %s.' % (f)) + os.remove(f) + time.sleep(1) + + if count >= daily_map_num: + return downloaded_files, map_list + + time.sleep(3) + + return downloaded_files, map_list + + +def download_data2(lst, dest): + ''' Download data from SRA, slow ''' + if not os.path.exists(FASTQ_DUMP_PATH): + print('%s not exists.' % (FASTQ_DUMP_PATH)) + sys.exit() + + downloaded_files = [] # a list of paths to downloaded files, small files (size less than MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE) won't be downloaded + for line in lst: + run_id = line.strip() + cmd = '%s -N 1000000 --split-files --skip-technical %s' % (FASTQ_DUMP_PATH, run_id) + print('\n' + cmd) + os.system(cmd) + if glob.glob('%s*fastq*' % (run_id)) != []: # files are successfully downloaded + cmd = 'mv %s*fastq* %s' % (run_id, dest) + print(cmd) + os.system(cmd) + fastq_file_lst = glob.glob( os.path.join(dest, '%s*fastq*' % (run_id)) ) + if len(fastq_file_lst) == 1: # rename file + cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (fastq_file_lst[0], os.path.join(dest, run_id+'.fastq')) + os.system(cmd) + + cmd = 'gzip %s' % ( os.path.join(dest, run_id + '*.fastq') ) + print(cmd) + os.system(cmd) + for fname in glob.glob( os.path.join(dest, '%s*gz' % (run_id)) ) : + downloaded_files.append(fname) + else: + write_download_log_file(IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, run_id+'\n') + + return downloaded_files + + +def salmon_map(lst): + gz_file = '../Data/temp/gz_files.txt' + if os.path.exists(gz_file): + cmd = 'rm -f %s' % (gz_file) # remove old parameter file (if any). gz means gzip. fastq files are usually zipped. + os.system(cmd) + + f = open('../Data/temp/gz_files.txt', 'w') + f.write('\n'.join(lst)) # lst contains paths to fastq files + f.close() + + print('Start mapping %s' % (' '.join(lst))) + cmd = 'python get_TPM_by_salmon.py ../Data/temp/gz_files.txt > /dev/null 2>&1' # mapped files will be saved in result + os.system(cmd) + + +def write_download_log_file(fname, s): + if not os.path.exists(fname): + f = open(fname, 'w') + else: + f = open(fname, 'a') + f.write(s) + f.close() + + +def write_network_log_file(s, fname): + f = open(fname, 'a') + curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + s = '[' + curr_time + ']: ' + s + if not '\n' in s: + s += '\n' + f.write(s) + f.close() + + +def age_of_file_in_hours(fname): + timestamp = os.path.getmtime(path) + time_file = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + time_now = datetime.now() + age = time_now - time_file + return age.total_seconds()/3600 + + +def last_session_finished(fname): + ''' Return True iff the last non-empty line of fname starts with DONE. ''' + if not os.path.exists(fname): + return True + f = open(fname) + lines = f.readlines() + f.close() + # Check last status + last_status = '' + for line in lines: + line = line.strip() + if line.upper().startswith('START'): + last_status = 'START' + if line.upper().startswith('DONE'): + last_status = 'DONE' + return last_status == 'DONE' + + +def append_done(fname): + if not os.path.exists(fname): + return + # backup fname, e.g., download_log.txt + shutil.copy2(fname, fname+'.old') + curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M') + with open(fname, 'a') as f: + f.write('DONE at %s BY FORCE\n' % (curr_time)) + + +def read_ena_data_info_json(fname): + with open(fname) as json_data: + json_dict = json.load(json_data) + return json_dict + + +def read_run_ids_from_file(fname): + f = open(fname) + lst = [] + for line in f: + line = line.strip() + lst = line.split() + if not line.startswith('#') and 'RR' in line: + lst.append(lst[0]) + f.close() + return list(set(lst)) + + + + +## main + +# For filtering RNA-seq data +if not os.path.exists(RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE): + print('[download_and_map.py] Must provide %s. See parse_ena_xml.py about how to make it.' % (RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE)) + sys.exit() + +# If there is no enough disk space for storing the downloaded sequencing data, then stop +available_G = 4 * os.statvfs(RAW_RDATA_DIR).f_bavail / (1024*1024) # compute available space (in G). Each block has 4k bytes, work for Linux/UNIX systems only +if available_G < 2 * DAILY_MAP_NUMBER: + print('[download_and_map.py] home directory does not have enough space (only %d G available) ' % (available_G)) + write_network_log_file('[download_and_map.py] home directory does not have enough space (only %d G available).' % (available_G), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE) + sys.exit() + +if not last_session_finished(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE): # last session not finished + s = '[download_and_map.py] last downloading and mapping session not finished yet. Check file %s for details.' % (DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) + write_network_log_file(s, UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE) + if age_of_file_in_hours(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) > 24: # add DONE to the log file anyway + append_done(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE) + sys.exit() + +rna_data_info_dict = read_ena_data_info_json(RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE) # rna_data_info_dict contains only RNA-seq IDs. + +# Generate DRR/ERR/SRR ids to download +if len(sys.argv) > 1: # user has provided a list of IDs in a file + download_list = read_run_ids_from_file(sys.argv[1]) + DAILY_MAP_NUMBER = len(download_list) +else: + print('[download_and_map.py] Prepare download list ...') + download_list = make_download_list(MAPPED_RDATA_DIR, rna_data_info_dict) + print('[download_and_map.py] There are %d run IDs from which you could select %d of them.' % (len(download_list), DAILY_MAP_NUMBER)) + + +# Make a record in log.txt +curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M') # append date info to newly created directories +write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, 'START at %s\n' % (curr_time)) + +# Download these RNA-seq IDs and map them using salmon +print('[download_and_map.py] Start downloading and mapping ...') +downloaded_file_paths, map_list = download_and_map_data(download_list, DAILY_MAP_NUMBER, RAW_RDATA_DIR) # or we can use the function download_data2 to download from SRA (in US). + +# Move all files to MAPPED_RDATA_DIR +curr_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M') # append date info to newly created directories +new_dir_name = MAPPED_RDATA_DIR +if not os.path.isdir(new_dir_name): + os.makedirs(new_dir_name) + +# after mapping is finished, move all resulting files to new_dir_name (MAPPED_RDATA_DIR) +if glob.glob('%s/*_quant.txt' % (SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR.rstrip('/'))) != []: + cmd = 'mv %s/*_quant.txt %s' % (SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR.rstrip('/'), new_dir_name) + os.system(cmd) + print('[download_and_map.py] Done. Check directory %s.' % (os.path.abspath(new_dir_name))) +else: + print('[download_and_map.py] No quant files to move.') + + +write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, '%s\n' % ('\n'.join(map_list))) +write_download_log_file(DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE, 'DONE at %s\n' % (curr_time)) |