Add the following words: ---- wallow, vulture, vitreous, vertebrata, suture, stalk, slit, sessile, putrid, prodigal, presumptuous, prehension, pied, pedunculated, pasture, parturition, ovigerous, ova, orifice, obliterate, niggard, neuter, locomotion, lineal, glottis, frivolous, frena, flotation, ductus, dorsal, dearth, crustacean, cornea, contrivance, collateral, cirriped, chromatic, canon, canal, branchiae, auditory, articulata, alimentary, adduce, aberration ---- Then suddenly my level became 3.0, a quite low level considering that the highest level is 8.0. English Pal says, "According to your word list, your level is 3.0". I expect that my level would have gone up after adding the above words. Hui
Pull Request 153 提供了一种解决方案,但是有点难以理解