Merge pull request '[Refactor]: Remove loop.index0, as it is hard to understand.' () from Bug400-QiuZhonghui-Refactor into master

mrlan 2022-07-18 19:58:01 +08:00
commit 028e2f9d56
2 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
function familiar(index) {
function familiar(theWord) {
let username = $("#username").text();
let word = $("#word_" + index).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + index).text();
let word = $("#word_" + theWord).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + theWord).text();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/familiar",
let new_freq = freq - 1;
if(new_freq <1) {
$("#p_" + index).remove();
$("#p_" + theWord).remove();
} else {
$("#freq_" + index).text(new_freq);
$("#freq_" + theWord).text(new_freq);
function unfamiliar(index) {
function unfamiliar(theWord) {
let username = $("#username").text();
let word = $("#word_" + index).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + index).text();
let word = $("#word_" + theWord).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + theWord).text();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/unfamiliar",
let new_freq = parseInt(freq) + 1;
$("#freq_" + index).text(new_freq);
$("#freq_" + theWord).text(new_freq);
function delete_word(index) {
function delete_word(theWord) {
let username = $("#username").text();
let word = $("#word_" + index).text();
let word = $("#word_" + theWord).text();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/del",
$("#p_" + index).remove();
$("#p_" + theWord).remove();

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@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
{% if session.get('thisWord') == x[0] and session.get('time') == 1 %}
<a name="aaa"></a>
{% endif %}
<p id='p_{{ loop.index0 }}' class="new-word" >
<a id="word_{{ loop.index0 }}" class="btn btn-light" href='{{ word }}/#keyfrom=dict2.index'
<p id='p_{{ word }}' class="new-word" >
<a id="word_{{ word }}" class="btn btn-light" href='{{ word }}/#keyfrom=dict2.index'
role="button">{{ word }}</a>
( <a id="freq_{{ loop.index0 }}" title="{{ word }}">{{ freq }}</a> )
<a class="btn btn-success" onclick="familiar({{ loop.index0 }})" role="button">熟悉</a>
<a class="btn btn-warning" onclick="unfamiliar({{ loop.index0 }})" role="button">不熟悉</a>
<a class="btn btn-danger" onclick="delete_word({{ loop.index0 }})" role="button">删除</a>
( <a id="freq_{{ word }}" title="{{ word }}">{{ freq }}</a> )
<a class="btn btn-success" onclick="familiar('{{ word }}')" role="button">熟悉</a>
<a class="btn btn-warning" onclick="unfamiliar('{{ word }}')" role="button">不熟悉</a>
<a class="btn btn-danger" onclick="delete_word('{{ word }}')" role="button">删除</a>
{% endfor %}
<input id="selected-words2" type="hidden" value="{{ words }}">