Administration panel

Copy & paste student number to the following box, and separate two student numbers with a space.

Create TA Accounts

"; } else if($_SESSION['user_type'] == "Admin"){ echo "

Create Lecturer Accounts

"; } ?>
Full name
Initial password (Enter a strong password or leave it empty to let LRR generate one)
User type: TA (Teaching Assistant) '; } else if ($_SESSION['user_type'] == "Admin"){ echo " Lecturer "; } ?>

'; $_SESSION['info_Admin_Users'] = null; } ?>

Reset"; if ($row['Status'] == "Active") { $newstatus = "Blocked"; $btnBlock = ""; } else { $newstatus = "Active"; $btnBlock = ""; } echo ""; } ?>
ID Name Email Reset password Block/Activate
" . $row['User_ID'] . "" . $row['Full_Name'] . "" . $row['Email'] . "$btn$btnBlock

Past courses

"; } } ?>
Course name Faculty Lecturer TAs Assign a new TA
$code - $name $faculty $lecturer$ta