# About LRR

LRR (Lab Report Repository) is an online software application for posting assignments, submitting assignments and marking (re-marking) assignments.

This software was originally developed by by Mahomed Nor, a postgraduate student in the Department of Computer Science at the Zhejiang Normal University,
while he was taking his graduate course **Advanced Software Engineering** (http://lanlab.org/course/2018f/se/homepage.html).

# Mission

Our mission is to make the learning experience great for tens of thousands of students around the world.

# Current Status

This software has been actively used by students who took or are taking courses taught by Hui.  There are more than 200 student accounts created since its first launch.

A running instance of this software is at

There are about 40 bugs (most being CRITICAL) that remain unresolved before LRR can hit its beta release.  See the section *The Bug Tracker* for more details.

Currently, there are a few groups (formed by students who are taking Software Project Management) working on these bugs.  

# The Original GitHub Repo

The original GitHub Repo is at https://github.com/EngMohamedNor/LabReportRepo

# The Bug Tracker

Most bugs of this software have been reported on the LRR bug tracker:


-   [SOLVED] A new user could not login immediately after sign up.

-  *Receiving email for password resetting*. Password resetting link is not always sent successfully.

-  *How assignements should be stored?*  Creating sub-directories on all student submissions course-code/semester/section-number.  (/student-number/course-code/semester/section-number/assignement-title/submission.txt)

-  *Feature request*. Editing the assignment title after uploading a new assignment (instructor).

We welcome your participation in this project.  Your participation does not have to be coding.  You could help us on ideas, suggestions, information, etc.

*Last modified on 22 March 2020*

# Contributor list

*Please put your name and student number below*.