Courses > ($code) $name > Assignments
Faculty: $faculty   Year: $academic   Lecturer: $lecturer
"; } else { $ta_name = ""; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ta_result)) { $ta_name = $ta_name.$row['Full_Name']." "; } $ta_name = trim ($ta_name); echo "
Courses > ($code) $name > Assignments
Faculty: $faculty   Year: $academic   Lecturer: $lecturer   Teaching Assistant: $ta_name
"; } } } } ?>
'; $_SESSION['info_general']=null; } if (isset($_SESSION['info_courses'])) { echo '
'; $_SESSION['info_courses']=null; } ?>
'; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $title = $row['Title']; $marks = $row['Marks']; $ins = $row['Instructions']; $posted = $row['Posted_Date']; $deadline = $row['Deadline']; $att1 = $row['Attachment_link_1']; $att2 = $row['Attachment_link_2']; $att3 = $row['Attachment_link_3']; $att4 = $row['Attachment_link_4']; $id = $row['Lab_Report_ID']; $full_link = "None"; if ($att1 != "") { $full_link = "$att1"; } if($att2 != "") { $full_link = $full_link."| $att2"; } if($att3 != "") { $full_link = $full_link."| $att3"; } if($att4 != "") { $full_link = $full_link."| $att4"; } echo "
($marks Marks)


Posted: $posted     Deadline: $deadline          
Attachments: $full_link

"; } } ?>
'; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultx)) { $lab_repo_id=$row['Lab_Report_ID']; $title=$row['Title']; $marks=$row['Marks']; $ins=$row['Instructions']; $posted=$row['Posted_Date']; $deadline=$row['Deadline']; $att1=$row['Attachment_link_1']; $att2=$row['Attachment_link_2']; $att3=$row['Attachment_link_3']; $att4=$row['Attachment_link_4']; $id = $row['Lab_Report_ID']; if( $c_date < $deadline) { $submittedx="Re-submit"; } $full_link = "$att1"; if($att2!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."| $att2"; } if($att3!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."| $att3"; } if($att4!=""){ $full_link= $full_link."| $att4"; } echo "
$title ($marks Marks) Submitted
Posted: $posted   Deadline: $deadline       $submittedx  
Submitted files: "; $Sub_result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID, lab_report_submissions.Student_id sub_std, lab_report_submissions.Course_Group_id, `Attachment1`, `Notes`, `Attachment2`, `Attachment3`, `Attachment4`, `Marks`, lab_report_submissions.Status, `Title`,users_table.Full_Name,course_group_members_table.Student_ID FROM `lab_report_submissions` Left JOIN users_table on users_table.Student_ID=lab_report_submissions.Student_id left JOIN course_group_members_table on course_group_members_table.Course_Group_id=lab_report_submissions.Course_Group_id where Lab_Report_ID=$lab_repo_id and (lab_report_submissions.Student_id='$student_id')"); if(mysqli_num_rows($Sub_result) == 0) { echo "No Attachments found."; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Sub_result)) { $at1=$row['Attachment1']; $at2=$row['Attachment2']; $at3=$row['Attachment3']; $at4=$row['Attachment4']; $base_at1 = basename($at1); $base_at2 = basename($at2); $base_at3 = basename($at3); $base_at4 = basename($at4); $full_link = "$base_at1"; // prevent students from directly accessing their classmates' submissions if($at2!=""){ $full_link= $full_link." | $base_at2"; } if($at3!=""){ $full_link= $full_link." | $base_at3"; } if($at4!=""){ $full_link= $full_link." | $base_at4"; } echo $full_link; } } echo "
"; }} echo ""; ?>
'; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultx)) { $title=$row['Lab_Title']; $marks=$row['Marks']; $Originalmarks=$row['Original_marks']; $ins=$row['Instructions']; $posted=$row['Posted_Date']; $deadline=$row['Deadline']; $att1=$row['Attachment_link_1']; $att2=$row['Attachment_link_2']; $att3=$row['Attachment_link_3']; $att4=$row['Attachment_link_4']; $id=$row['Lab_Report_ID']; $Submission_ID=$row['Submission_ID']; $notes=$row['Notes']; $status= $row['Status']; $remarking_reason=$row['Remarking_Reason']; if($status=='Marked') { $rm_data="\Script.php?remarking=yes&id=$Submission_ID&url=$url&status=Remarking"; $remarking=""; } if($status=='Remarking') { $remarking=" Remarking request sent
Reasons for remarking: $remarking_reason
"; } echo "
($marks marks out of $Originalmarks)

Lecturer feedback $notes    $remarking

Submitted files: "; $Sub_result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID, lab_report_submissions.Student_id sub_std, lab_report_submissions.Course_Group_id, `Attachment1`, `Notes`, `Attachment2`, `Attachment3`, `Attachment4`, `Marks`, lab_report_submissions.Status, `Title`,users_table.Full_Name,course_group_members_table.Student_ID FROM `lab_report_submissions` Left JOIN users_table on users_table.Student_ID=lab_report_submissions.Student_id left JOIN course_group_members_table on course_group_members_table.Course_Group_id=lab_report_submissions.Course_Group_id where Lab_Report_ID=$id and lab_report_submissions.Student_id='$student_id'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($Sub_result)==0) { echo "No Attachments found."; } else { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Sub_result)) { $at1=$row['Attachment1']; $at2=$row['Attachment2']; $at3=$row['Attachment3']; $at4=$row['Attachment4']; $full_link="$at1"; if($at2!="") { $full_link= $full_link."| $at2"; } if($at3!="") { $full_link= $full_link."| $at3"; } if($at4!="") { $full_link= $full_link."| $at4"; } echo $full_link; } } echo "
"; // This statement's position must be correct. Otherwise, the "My groups" part won't be placed correctly. } } ?>

My groups

Create group"; ?>
Invite Others"; if($status=="Invited") { $extra2=" Accept"; $extra3=" Decline"; } # Add "delete group" button and allow only group creator to delete it $extra4 = ""; echo "