2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
include 'NoDirectPhpAcess.php' ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< ? php
$page = 'Courses+' ;
include 'Header.php' ;
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$student_id = $_SESSION [ " user_student_id " ];
$group_id = $_SESSION [ " user_group_id " ];
$c_date = date ( " Y-m-d H:i " );
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ " id " ]))
$id = $_GET [ " id " ];
$course_id = $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ " header " ]))
$header = $_GET [ " header " ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ " total " ]))
$total = $_GET [ " total " ];
} else
$total = 0 ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resultx1 = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Lab_Report_ID`,Title, `Course_ID`, `Posted_Date`, `Deadline`, `Marks`, `Type` FROM `lab_reports_table` WHERE Lab_Report_ID= $id " );
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resultx1 )) {
$Report_Type = $row [ 'Type' ];
$c_id = $row [ 'Course_ID' ];
$Report_Title = $row [ 'Title' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
echo " <div class='alert' style='margin-left:20px;border-bottom:2px solid #1D91EF;'> <a href='#'>
</ a ></ div >
" ;
< div class = " row " style = " width:80%;margin:auto; text-align:left; " >
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
<!-- Lecturer CODE -->
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< ? php
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'user_type' ] == " Lecturer " || $_SESSION [ 'user_type' ] == " TA " )
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< div class = " col-md-12 " >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
error_reporting ( 0 );
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'info_Marking' ])) {
echo '<hr><div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">' . $_SESSION [ 'info_Marking' ] . '</div>' ;
$_SESSION [ 'info_Marking' ] = null ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resultx1 = mysqli_query ( $con , " Select Count(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID= $id " );
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resultx1 )) { $count_subs = $row [ 'cnt' ];}
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resultx2 = mysqli_query ( $con , " Select COUNT(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID= $id and Status='Marked' " );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $resultx2 ) == 0 ){ $count_marked = 0 ;} else { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resultx2 )) { $count_marked = $row [ 'cnt' ];}}
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resultx3 = mysqli_query ( $con , " Select COUNT(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID= $id and Status='Pending' " );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $resultx3 ) == 0 ){ $count_unmarked = 0 ;} else { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resultx3 )) { $count_unmarked = $row [ 'cnt' ];}}
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resultx4 = mysqli_query ( $con , " Select COUNT(*) as cnt from lab_report_submissions where lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID= $id and Status='Remarking' " );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $resultx4 ) == 0 ){ $count_remark = 0 ;} else { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resultx4 )) { $count_remark = $row [ 'cnt' ];}}
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< b > Lab Report Submissions ( < ? php echo $count_subs ; ?> )</b>
<!-- Nav tabs -->
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs " role = " tablist " >
< li class = " nav-item " >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< a class = " nav-link active " data - toggle = " tab " href = " #menu1 " > Un - Marked Submissions < b > ( < ? php echo $count_unmarked ; ?> )</b></a>
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ li >
< li class = " nav-item " >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< a class = " nav-link " data - toggle = " tab " href = " #menu2 " > Marked Submissions < b > ( < ? php echo $count_marked ; ?> )</b></a>
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ li >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< li class = " nav-item " >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< a class = " nav-link " data - toggle = " tab " href = " #menu3 " > Re - Marking Requests < b > ( < ? php echo $count_remark ; ?> )</b></a>
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ li >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< li class = " nav-item " >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< a class = " nav-link " data - toggle = " tab " href = " #menu4 " > View Course Groups </ a >
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ li >
</ ul >
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div id = " menu1 " class = " container tab-pane active " >< br >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $Report_Type == " Group " )
$result1 = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , `Marks` , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , course_groups_table . Group_Name
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
left JOIN course_groups_table on course_groups_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Pending' order by Submission_Date desc " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$result1 = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Student_id sub_std , lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , `Marks` , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , users_table . Full_Name , course_group_members_table . Student_ID
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
Left JOIN users_table on users_table . Student_ID = lab_report_submissions . Student_id
left JOIN course_group_members_table on course_group_members_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Pending' order by Submission_Date desc " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result1 ) == 0 )
echo " No Un-Marked Submissions for this Lab Report. " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
} else {
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result1 )) {
$title = $row [ 'Title' ];
$Marks = $row [ 'Marks' ];
$posted = $row [ 'Submission_Date' ];
$deadline = $row [ 'Deadline' ];
$att1 = $row [ 'Attachment1' ];
$att2 = $row [ 'Attachment2' ];
$att3 = $row [ 'Attachment3' ];
$att4 = $row [ 'Attachment4' ];
$labid = $row [ 'Lab_Report_ID' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$submitted_std = $row [ 'Student_id' ];
$submitted_group = $row [ 'Course_Group_id' ];
$Submission_ID = $row [ 'Submission_ID' ];
$names = $row [ 'Full_Name' ];
$groupname = $row [ 'Group_Name' ];
$student_id = $row [ 'sub_std' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $submitted_group == 0 )
$submitted_by = $names . " ( " . $student_id . " ) " ;
} else {
$submitted_by = " <i>(GROUP)</i> $groupname " ;
$base_att1 = basename ( $att1 );
$base_att2 = basename ( $att2 );
$base_att3 = basename ( $att3 );
$base_att4 = basename ( $att4 );
$full_link = " <a href='~ \ .. \ Download.php?file= $att1 &attachment=1'> $base_att1 </a> " ; // prevent students from directly accessing their classmates' submissions
if ( $att2 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Download.php?file= $att2 &attachment=2'> $base_att2 </a> " ;
if ( $att3 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Download.php?file= $att3 &attachment=3'> $base_att3 </a> " ;
if ( $att4 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Download.php?file= $att4 &attachment=4'> $base_att4 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
echo " <k href='#'> <div class='btn btn-default break-word' style='dislay:block; word-wrap: break-word; border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;border-left: 4px solid #03407B;'>
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$title < br > by : < b > $submitted_by </ b >
< br > < span style = 'font-size:8pt' > Submitted at $posted < button class = 'btn-sm btn-info' style = 'margin-left:50px;' onclick = 'mark($Submission_ID,\"$title\",$total)' > Mark Submission </ button >< br > Attachments : $full_link </ span >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
</ div ></ k > " ;
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< div id = " menu2 " class= " container tab - pane " ><br>
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $Report_Type == " Group " )
$result = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`,Visibility, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , `Marks` , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , course_groups_table . Group_Name
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
left JOIN course_groups_table on course_groups_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Marked' " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$result = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`,Visibility, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Student_id sub_std , lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , `Marks` , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , users_table . Full_Name , course_group_members_table . Student_ID
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
Left JOIN users_table on users_table . Student_ID = lab_report_submissions . Student_id
left JOIN course_group_members_table on course_group_members_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Marked' Order by lab_report_submissions . Student_id Desc " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) == 0 )
echo " No Marked submissions for this lab " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
} else {
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " <h3><a href='~ \ .. \ Script.php?exportgrade=true&lab= $id &lab_name= $Report_Title '><i class='fa fa-book'></i> Export Grade Sheet </a></h3> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$title = $row [ 'Title' ];
$Marks = $row [ 'Marks' ];
$posted = $row [ 'Submission_Date' ];
$deadline = $row [ 'Deadline' ];
$att1 = $row [ 'Attachment1' ];
$att2 = $row [ 'Attachment2' ];
$att3 = $row [ 'Attachment3' ];
$att4 = $row [ 'Attachment4' ];
$labid = $row [ 'Lab_Report_ID' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$submitted_std = $row [ 'Student_id' ];
$submitted_group = $row [ 'Course_Group_id' ];
$Submission_ID = $row [ 'Submission_ID' ];
$names = $row [ 'Full_Name' ];
$student_id = $row [ 'sub_std' ];
$Visibility = $row [ 'Visibility' ];
$notes = $row [ 'Notes' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $submitted_group == 0 )
$submitted_by = $names . " ( " . $student_id . " ) " ;
} else {
$submitted_by = " <i>(GROUP)</i> Group X " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$full_link = " <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att1 '> $att1 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $att2 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att2 '> $att2 </a> " ;
if ( $att3 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att3 '> $att3 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $att4 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att4 '> $att4 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
echo " <k href='#'> <div class='btn btn-default break-word' style='dislay:block; word-wrap: break-word; border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;border-left: 4px solid #03407B;'>
$title < br > by : < b > $submitted_by & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; [ Marked $Marks ] </ b > & nbsp ; Visibility : < b > $Visibility </ b > < button class = 'btn-sm btn-success' style = 'margin-left:50px;' onclick = 'updatev($Submission_ID)' > Update visibility </ button >
< hr > Lecturer / TA notes : $notes < br > < span style = 'font-size:8pt' > Submitted : $posted < b > </ b > < button class = 'btn-sm btn-info' style = 'margin-left:50px;' onclick = 'mark($Submission_ID,\"$title\",$total)' > Re - Mark Submission </ button >< br > Attachments : $full_link </ span >
</ div ></ k > " ;
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< div id = " menu3 " class = " container tab-pane " >< br >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $Report_Type == " Group " )
$resulty = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , lab_report_submissions . Marks , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , course_groups_table . Group_Name
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
left JOIN course_groups_table on course_groups_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Remarking' " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$resulty = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Submission_ID`, `Submission_Date`, lab_report_submissions.Lab_Report_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
lab_report_submissions . Remarking_Reason ,
lab_report_submissions . Student_id sub_std , lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id , `Attachment1` ,
`Notes` , `Attachment2` , `Attachment3` , `Attachment4` , lab_report_submissions . Marks , lab_report_submissions . Status ,
`Title` , users_table . Full_Name , course_group_members_table . Student_ID
FROM `lab_report_submissions`
Left JOIN users_table on users_table . Student_ID = lab_report_submissions . Student_id
left JOIN course_group_members_table on course_group_members_table . Course_Group_id = lab_report_submissions . Course_Group_id
where Lab_Report_ID = $id and lab_report_submissions . Status = 'Remarking' " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $resulty ) == 0 )
echo " No Remarking Request for this lab " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
} else { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $resulty )) {
$title = $row [ 'Title' ];
$Marks = $row [ 'Marks' ];
$posted = $row [ 'Submission_Date' ];
$deadline = $row [ 'Deadline' ];
$att1 = $row [ 'Attachment1' ];
$att2 = $row [ 'Attachment2' ];
$att3 = $row [ 'Attachment3' ];
$att4 = $row [ 'Attachment4' ];
$labid = $row [ 'Lab_Report_ID' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$remarking_reason = $row [ 'Remarking_Reason' ];
$submitted_std = $row [ 'Student_id' ];
$submitted_group = $row [ 'Course_Group_id' ];
$Submission_ID = $row [ 'Submission_ID' ];
$names = $row [ 'Full_Name' ];
$student_id = $row [ 'sub_std' ];
$gname = $row [ 'Group_Name ' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $submitted_group == 0 )
$submitted_by = $names . " ( " . $student_id . " ) " ;
} else {
$submitted_by = " <i>(GROUP)</i> $gname " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$full_link = " <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att1 '> $att1 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $att2 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att2 '> $att2 </a> " ;
if ( $att3 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att3 '> $att3 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( $att4 != " " ){
$full_link = $full_link . " | <a href='~ \ .. \ Lab_Report_Submisions \\ $att4 '> $att4 </a> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
echo " <k href='#'> <div class='btn btn-default break-word' style='dislay:block; word-wrap: break-word; border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;border-left: 4px solid #03407B;'>
$title < br > by : < b > $submitted_by & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; [ Marked $Marks ] </ b > < br > Remarking Reason : < b > $remarking_reason </ b >
< hr > < span style = 'font-size:8pt' > Submitted : $posted < b > </ b > "
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
. " <button class='btn-sm btn-info' style='margin-left:50px;' onclick='mark( $Submission_ID , \" $title\ " , $total ) ' > Re - Mark Submission </ button > "
. " <a href='~ \ .. \ Script.php?ignoreremarking=yes&id= $id &subid= $Submission_ID &header= $header &total= $total &status=Marked' class='btn-sm btn-warning'> Ignore Request </a> "
. " <br> Attachments : $full_link </span>
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
</ div ></ k > " ;
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< div id = " menu4 " class = " container tab-pane " >< br >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< h3 > Course Groups </ h3 >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< hr >
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< ? php
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$result = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `Course_Group_id`, `Group_Name`, `Group_Leader`, `Course_id`,users_table.Full_Name
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
FROM `course_groups_table`
INNER JOIN users_table on users_table . Student_ID = course_groups_table . Group_Leader
WHERE Course_id = $c_id " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) == 0 )
echo " You have no Group in this Course " ;
} else { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
$name = $row [ 'Group_Name' ];
$leader = $row [ 'Full_Name' ] . " ( " . $row [ 'Group_Leader' ] . " ) " ;
$id = $row [ 'Course_Group_id' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " <div class='btn-default'><small> $name - Leader : $leader </small></div> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$rs2 = mysqli_query ( $con , " SELECT `ID`, `Course_Group_id`, course_group_members_table.Student_ID,
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
course_group_members_table . `Status` , users_table . Full_Name FROM `course_group_members_table`
INNER JOIN users_table on users_table . Student_ID = course_group_members_table . Student_ID
where course_group_members_table . Course_Group_id = $id " );
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rs2 )) {
$name = $row [ 'Full_Name' ];
$id = $row [ 'Course_Group_id' ];
$status = $row [ 'Status' ];
$Student_ID = $row [ 'Student_ID' ];
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
echo " <li><small> $name - $Student_ID ( $status )</small></li> " ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ div >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< ? php
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
include 'Footer.php' ;
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< script src = " ./css/jquery-1.11.1.min.js " ></ script >
< script src = " ./css/jquery-ui.min.js " ></ script >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " ./css/jquery-ui.css " />
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
< script >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
function mark ( id , title , marks ) {
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-12-22 18:22:35 +08:00
$ ( '<form id="submit-form" method="get" action="Script.php">' + title + '(' + marks + ' marks ) < input type = " hidden " name = " savemarks " value = " true " > \n\
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " total " value = " '+marks+' " > < input type = " hidden " name = " id " value = " '+id+' " >< br > Marks < input type = " text " name = " marks " > \n\
Comments < textarea name = " feedback " ></ textarea > \n\
< input type = " hidden " name = " labid " value = " <?php echo $course_id ; ?> " > < input type = " hidden " name = " header " value = " <?php echo $header ; ?> " > </ form > ' ) . dialog ({
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
modal : true ,
title : 'Mark Submission' ,
buttons : {
'Submit Marking' : function () {
2020-12-22 18:22:35 +08:00
$ ( '#submit-form' ) . submit ();
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$ ( this ) . dialog ( 'close' );
'X' : function () {
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$ ( this ) . dialog ( 'close' );
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
} catch ( e ){ alert ( e ); }
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
function updatev ( id )
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-12-22 18:22:35 +08:00
$ ( ' < form id = " submit-form " method = " get " action = " Script.php " > < input type = " hidden " name = " updatevisibility " value = " true " > \n\
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " id " value = " '+id+' " > < br > \n\
Update Visibility < br >< select name = " status " > < option > Public </ option >< option > Private </ option > </ select > \n\
< input type = " hidden " name = " labid " value = " <?php echo $id ; ?> " > < input type = " hidden " name = " total " value = " <?php echo $total ; ?> " > < input type = " hidden " name = " header " value = " <?php echo $header ; ?> " > </ form > ' ) . dialog ({
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
modal : true ,
title : 'Update Report Visibility' ,
buttons : {
'Update' : function () {
2020-12-22 18:22:35 +08:00
$ ( '#submit-form' ) . submit ();
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$ ( this ) . dialog ( 'close' );
'X' : function () {
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
$ ( this ) . dialog ( 'close' );
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
} catch ( e ){ alert ( e ); }
2020-10-02 17:02:20 +08:00
</ script >
2020-03-16 15:23:14 +08:00
2020-09-26 20:08:39 +08:00