########################################################################### # Copyright 2019 (C) Hui Lan # Written permission must be obtained from the author for commercial uses. ########################################################################### from flask import abort, jsonify from markupsafe import escape from collections import Counter from Login import * from Article import * import Yaml from user_service import userService from account_service import accountService from admin_service import adminService, ADMIN_NAME from api_service import apiService import os from translate import * app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = os.urandom(32) # 将蓝图注册到Lab app app.register_blueprint(userService) app.register_blueprint(accountService) app.register_blueprint(adminService) app.register_blueprint(apiService) path_prefix = '/var/www/wordfreq/wordfreq/' path_prefix = './' # comment this line in deployment def get_random_image(path): ''' 返回随机图 :param path: 图片文件(JPEG格式),不包含后缀名 :return: ''' img_path = random.choice(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.jpg'))) return img_path[img_path.rfind('/static'):] def get_random_ads(): ''' 返回随机广告 :return: 一个广告(包含HTML标签) ''' return random.choice(['个性化分析精准提升', '你的专有单词本', '智能捕捉阅读弱点,针对性提高你的阅读水平']) def appears_in_test(word, d): ''' 如果字符串里没有指定的单词,则返回逗号加单词 :param word: 指定单词 :param d: 字符串 :return: 逗号加单词 ''' if not word in d: return '' else: return ','.join(d[word]) def good_word(word): return len(word) < len('Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis') \ and Counter(word).most_common(1)[0][1] <= 4 @app.route("/mark", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def mark_word(): ''' 标记单词 :return: 重定位到主界面 ''' if request.method == 'POST': d = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p') lst_history = pickle_idea.dict2lst(d) lst = [] for word in request.form.getlist('marked'): lst.append((word, 1)) d = pickle_idea.merge_frequency(lst, lst_history) pickle_idea.save_frequency_to_pickle(d, path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p') return redirect(url_for('mainpage')) else: # 不回应GET请求 return 'Under construction' @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def mainpage(): ''' 根据GET或POST方法来返回不同的主界面 :return: 主界面 ''' article_text = get_all_articles() texts = [item['text'] for item in article_text] oxford_words = load_oxford_words(oxford_words_path) # 提取所有单词 all_words = [] for text in texts: words = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text.lower()) all_words.extend(words) oxford_word_count = sum(1 for word in all_words if word in oxford_words) ratio = calculate_ratio(oxford_word_count, len(all_words)) if request.method == 'POST': # when we submit a form content = escape(request.form['content']) f = WordFreq(content) lst = [ t for t in f.get_freq() if good_word(t[0]) ] # only keep normal words # save history d = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p') lst_history = pickle_idea.dict2lst(d) d = pickle_idea.merge_frequency(lst, lst_history) pickle_idea.save_frequency_to_pickle(d, path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p') return render_template('mainpage_post.html', lst=lst, yml=Yaml.yml) elif request.method == 'GET': # when we load a html page random_ads = get_random_ads() number_of_essays = total_number_of_essays() d = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p') d_len = len(d) lst = sort_in_descending_order(pickle_idea.dict2lst(d)) return render_template('mainpage_get.html', admin_name=ADMIN_NAME, random_ads=random_ads, d_len=d_len, lst=lst, yml=Yaml.yml, number_of_essays=number_of_essays, ratio = ratio) @app.route("/translate", methods=['POST']) def translate_word(): data = request.get_json() word = data.get('word', '') from_lang = data.get('from_lang', 'en') # 假设默认源语言是英语 to_lang = data.get('to_lang', 'zh') # 假设默认目标语言是中文 result = translate(word, from_lang, to_lang) return jsonify({'translation': result}) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' 运行程序 ''' # app.secret_key = os.urandom(16) # app.run(debug=False, port='6000') app.run(debug=True) # app.run(debug=True, port='6000') # app.run(host='', debug=True, port='6000') # print(mod5('123'))