Refactor_202031990423_qianjunqi #94

qianjunqi wants to merge 1 commits from Refactor_qianjunqi into master
13 changed files with 254 additions and 227 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
This module provides functions about article
from WordFreq import WordFreq
from wordfreqCMD import youdao_link, sort_in_descending_order
from UseSqlite import InsertQuery, RecordQuery
@ -46,7 +49,6 @@ def get_today_article(user_word_list, articleID):
d1 = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p')
d2 = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/words_and_tests.p')
d3 = get_difficulty_level(d1, d2)
d = {}
d_user = load_freq_history(user_word_list)
user_level = user_difficulty_level(d_user, d3) # more consideration as user's behaviour is dynamic. Time factor should be considered.

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
This module provides methods for Login
import hashlib
import string
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@ -7,15 +10,17 @@ path_prefix = '/var/www/wordfreq/wordfreq/'
path_prefix = './' # comment this line in deployment
def verify_pass(newpass,oldpass):
if newpass==oldpass:
return True
def verify_user(username, password):
rq = RecordQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
password = md5(username + password)
rq.instructions_with_parameters("SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=:username AND password=:password", dict(
username=username, password=password)) # the named style
"SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=:username AND password=:password",
dict( # the named style
result = rq.get_results()
return result != []
@ -23,12 +28,19 @@ def verify_user(username, password):
def add_user(username, password):
start_date ='%Y%m%d')
expiry_date = ( + timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y%m%d') # will expire after 30 days
# will expire after 30 days
expiry_date = ( + timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y%m%d')
# 将用户名和密码一起加密,以免暴露不同用户的相同密码
password = md5(username + password)
rq = InsertQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
rq.instructions_with_parameters("INSERT INTO user VALUES (:username, :password, :start_date, :expiry_date)", dict(
username=username, password=password, start_date=start_date, expiry_date=expiry_date))
"INSERT INTO user VALUES (:username, :password, :start_date, :expiry_date)",
@ -96,7 +108,7 @@ class UserName:
if ' ' in self.username: # a user name must not include a whitespace
return 'Whitespace is not allowed in the user name.'
for c in self.username: # a user name must not include special characters, except non-leading periods or underscores
if c in string.punctuation and c is not '.' and c is not '_':
if c in string.punctuation and c != '.' and c != '_':
return f'{c} is not allowed in the user name.'
if self.username in ['signup', 'login', 'logout', 'reset', 'mark', 'back', 'unfamiliar', 'familiar', 'del']:
return 'You used a restricted word as your user name. Please come up with a better one.'
@ -110,4 +122,3 @@ class WarningMessage:
def __str__(self):
return UserName(self.s).validate()

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@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
# Copyright 2019 (C) Hui Lan <>
# Written permission must be obtained from the author for commercial uses.
from wordfreqCMD import remove_punctuation, freq, sort_in_descending_order
This module produces word frequency
import string
from wordfreqCMD import remove_punctuation, freq, sort_in_descending_order
class WordFreq:
def __init__(self, s):
@ -22,4 +25,3 @@ class WordFreq:
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = WordFreq('BANANA; Banana, apple ORANGE Banana banana.')

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@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
This module provides services about account.
from flask import *
from Login import check_username_availability, verify_user, add_user, get_expiry_date, change_password, WarningMessage
from Login import check_username_availability, \
verify_user, add_user, get_expiry_date, change_password, WarningMessage
# 初始化蓝图
accountService = Blueprint("accountService", __name__)
### Sign-up, login, logout ###
# Sign-up, login, logout
@accountService.route("/signup", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def signup():
:return: 根据注册是否成功返回不同界面
# GET方法直接返回注册页面
if request.method == 'GET':
# GET方法直接返回注册页面
return render_template('signup.html')
elif request.method == 'POST':
if request.method == 'POST':
# POST方法需判断是否注册成功再根据结果返回不同的内容
username = escape(request.form['username'])
password = escape(request.form['password'])
password2 = escape(request.form['password2'])
#! 添加如下代码为了过滤注册时的非法字符
warn = WarningMessage(username)
if str(warn) != 'OK':
return str(warn)
available = check_username_availability(username)
if not available: # 用户名不可用
flash('用户名 %s 已经被注册。' % (username))
return render_template('signup.html')
elif len(password.strip()) < 4: # 密码过短
if len(password.strip()) < 4: # 密码过短
return '密码过于简单。'
elif password != password2:
if password != password2:
return '确认密码与输入密码不一致!'
else: # 添加账户信息
add_user(username, password)
verified = verify_user(username, password)
if verified:
# 写入session
session['logged_in'] = True
session[username] = username
session['username'] = username
session['expiry_date'] = get_expiry_date(username)
session['articleID'] = None
return '<p>恭喜,你已成功注册, 你的用户名是 <a href="%s">%s</a>。</p>\
<p><a href="/%s">开始使用</a> <a href="/">返回首页</a><p/>' % (username, username, username)
return '用户名密码验证失败。'
add_user(username, password)# 添加账户信息
verified = verify_user(username, password)
if verified:
# 写入session
session['logged_in'] = True
session[username] = username
session['username'] = username
session['expiry_date'] = get_expiry_date(username)
session['articleID'] = None
return '<p>恭喜,你已成功注册, 你的用户名是 <a href="%s">%s</a>。</p>\
<p><a href="/%s">开始使用</a> <a href="/">返回首页</a><p/>' % (username, username, username)
return '用户名密码验证失败。'
@accountService.route("/login", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@ -62,11 +62,10 @@ def login():
if not session.get('logged_in'):
# 未登录,返回登录页面
return render_template('login.html')
# 已登录,提示信息并显示登出按钮
return '你已登录 <a href="/%s">%s</a>。 登出点击<a href="/logout">这里</a>。' % (
# 已登录,提示信息并显示登出按钮
return '你已登录 <a href="/%s">%s</a>。 登出点击<a href="/logout">这里</a>。' % (
session['username'], session['username'])
elif request.method == 'POST':
if request.method == 'POST':
# POST方法用于判断登录是否成功
# check database and verify user
username = escape(request.form['username'])
@ -81,8 +80,7 @@ def login():
session['expiry_date'] = user_expiry_date
session['articleID'] = None
return redirect(url_for('user_bp.userpage', username=username))
return '无法通过验证。'
return '无法通过验证。'
@accountService.route("/logout", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@ -111,21 +109,18 @@ def reset():
if request.method == 'GET':
# GET请求返回修改密码页面
return render_template('reset.html', username=session['username'], state='wait')
# POST请求用于提交修改后信息
old_password = escape(request.form['old-password'])
new_password = escape(request.form['new-password'])
re_new_password = escape(request.form['re-new-password']) # 确认新密码
if re_new_password != new_password: #验证新密码两次输入是否相同
return '新密码不匹配,请重新输入'
if len(new_password) < 4: #验证新密码长度,原则参照注册模块
return '密码过于简单。(密码长度至少4位)'
flag = change_password(username, old_password, new_password) # flag表示是否修改成功
if flag:
session['logged_in'] = False
return \
# POST请求用于提交修改后信息
old_password = escape(request.form['old-password'])
new_password = escape(request.form['new-password'])
re_new_password = escape(request.form['re-new-password']) # 确认新密码
if re_new_password != new_password: #验证新密码两次输入是否相同
return '新密码不匹配,请重新输入'
if len(new_password) < 4: #验证新密码长度,原则参照注册模块
return '密码过于简单。(密码长度至少4位)'
flag = change_password(username, old_password, new_password) # flag表示是否修改成功
if flag:
session['logged_in'] = False
return \
@ -134,8 +129,7 @@ window.location.href="/login";
return \

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@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
# Written permission must be obtained from the author for commercial uses.
# Purpose: compute difficulty level of a English text
This module provides functions for calculating user words difficulty
Purpose: compute difficulty level of a English text
import pickle
import math
from wordfreqCMD import remove_punctuation, freq, sort_in_descending_order, sort_in_ascending_order
@ -23,8 +25,8 @@ def difficulty_level_from_frequency(word, d):
return level
if 'what' in d:
ratio = (d['what']+1)/(d[word]+1) # what is a frequent word
level = math.log( max(ratio, 1), 2)
ratio = (d['what'] + 1) / (d[word] + 1) # what is a frequent word
level = math.log(max(ratio, 1), 2)
level = min(level, 8)
return level
@ -33,18 +35,18 @@ def difficulty_level_from_frequency(word, d):
def get_difficulty_level(d1, d2):
d = {}
L = list(d1.keys()) # in d1, we have freuqence for each word
L2 = list(d2.keys()) # in d2, we have test types (e.g., CET4,CET6,BBC) for each word
L2 = list(d2.keys()) # in d2, we have test types (e.g., CET4,CET6,BBC) for each word
L3 = list(set(L)) # L3 contains all words
L3 = list(set(L)) # L3 contains all words
for k in L3:
if k in d2:
if 'CET4' in d2[k]:
d[k] = 4 # CET4 word has level 4
d[k] = 4 # CET4 word has level 4
elif 'CET6' in d2[k]:
d[k] = 6
elif 'BBC' in d2[k]:
d[k] = 8
if k in d1: # BBC could contain easy words that are not in CET4 or CET6. So 4 is not reasonable. Recompute difficulty level.
if k in d1: # BBC could contain easy words that are not in CET4 or CET6. So 4 is not reasonable. Recompute difficulty level.
d[k] = min(difficulty_level_from_frequency(k, d1), d[k])
elif k in d1:
d[k] = difficulty_level_from_frequency(k, d1)
@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ def get_difficulty_level(d1, d2):
return d
def revert_dict(d):
In d, word is the key, and value is a list of dates.
@ -62,12 +63,13 @@ def revert_dict(d):
for k in d:
if type(d[k]) is list: # d[k] is a list of dates.
lst = d[k]
elif type(d[k]) is int: # for backward compatibility. d was sth like {'word':1}. The value d[k] is not a list of dates, but a number representing how frequent this word had been added to the new word book.
elif type(d[
k]) is int: # for backward compatibility. d was sth like {'word':1}. The value d[k] is not a list of dates, but a number representing how frequent this word had been added to the new word book.
freq = d[k]
lst = freq*['2021082019'] # why choose this date? No particular reasons. I fix the bug in this date.
lst = freq * ['2021082019'] # why choose this date? No particular reasons. I fix the bug in this date.
for time_info in lst:
date = time_info[:10] # until hour
date = time_info[:10] # until hour
if not date in d2:
d2[date] = [k]
@ -76,42 +78,43 @@ def revert_dict(d):
def user_difficulty_level(d_user, d):
d_user2 = revert_dict(d_user) # key is date, and value is a list of words added in that date
d_user2 = revert_dict(d_user) # key is date, and value is a list of words added in that date
count = 0
geometric = 1
for date in sorted(d_user2.keys(), reverse=True): # most recently added words are more important while determining user's level
lst = d_user2[date] # a list of words
lst2 = [] # a list of tuples, (word, difficulty level)
for word in lst:
for date in sorted(d_user2.keys(),
reverse=True): # most recently added words are more important while determining user's level
lst = d_user2[date] # a list of words
lst2 = [] # a list of tuples, (word, difficulty level)
for word in lst:
if word in d:
lst2.append((word, d[word]))
lst3 = sort_in_ascending_order(lst2) # easiest tuple first
lst3 = sort_in_ascending_order(lst2) # easiest tuple first
# print(lst3)
for t in lst3:
word = t[0]
hard = t[1]
#print('WORD %s HARD %4.2f' % (word, hard))
# print('WORD %s HARD %4.2f' % (word, hard))
geometric = geometric * (hard)
count += 1
if count >= 10:
return geometric**(1/count)
return geometric ** (1 / count)
return geometric**(1/max(count,1))
return geometric ** (1 / max(count, 1))
def text_difficulty_level(s, d):
s = remove_punctuation(s)
L = freq(s)
lst = [] # a list of tuples, each tuple being (word, difficulty level)
lst = [] # a list of tuples, each tuple being (word, difficulty level)
for x in L:
word = x[0]
if word in d:
lst.append((word, d[word]))
lst2 = sort_in_descending_order(lst) # most difficult words on top
lst2 = sort_in_descending_order(lst) # most difficult words on top
# print(lst2)
count = 0
geometric = 1
for t in lst2:
@ -119,22 +122,18 @@ def text_difficulty_level(s, d):
hard = t[1]
geometric = geometric * (hard)
count += 1
if count >= 20: # we look for n most difficult words
return geometric**(1/count)
return geometric**(1/max(count,1))
if count >= 20: # we look for n most difficult words
return geometric ** (1 / count)
return geometric ** (1 / max(count, 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
d1 = load_record('frequency.p')
# print(d1)
d2 = load_record('words_and_tests.p')
# print(d2)
d3 = get_difficulty_level(d1, d2)
@ -197,7 +196,6 @@ Amidst the aftermath of this shocking referendum vote, there is great uncertaint
s = '''
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walks towards a voting station during the Brexit referendum in Britain, June 23, 2016. (Photo: EPA-EFE)
@ -218,7 +216,6 @@ The prime minister was forced to ask for an extension to Britain's EU departure
Johnson has repeatedly pledged to finalize the first stage, a transition deal, of Britain's EU divorce battle by Oct. 31. A second stage will involve negotiating its future relationship with the EU on trade, security and other salient issues.
s = '''
Thank you very much. We have a Cabinet meeting. Well have a few questions after grace. And, if you would, Ben, please do the honors.
@ -233,17 +230,9 @@ We need — for our farmers, our manufacturers, for, frankly, unions and non-uni
#f = open('bbc-fulltext/bbc/entertainment/001.txt')
f = open('wordlist.txt')
# f = open('bbc-fulltext/bbc/entertainment/001.txt')
f = open('wordlist.txt',encoding="utf-8")
s =
print(text_difficulty_level(s, d3))

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@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ def appears_in_test(word, d):
if not word in d:
return ''
return ','.join(d[word])
return ','.join(d[word])
@app.route("/mark", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@ -71,8 +70,8 @@ def mark_word():
d = pickle_idea.merge_frequency(lst, lst_history)
pickle_idea.save_frequency_to_pickle(d, path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p')
return redirect(url_for('mainpage'))
else: # 不回应GET请求
return 'Under construction'
# 不回应GET请求
return 'Under construction'
@app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ def mainpage():
pickle_idea.save_frequency_to_pickle(d, path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p')
return render_template('mainpage_post.html', lst=lst, yml=Yaml.yml)
elif request.method == 'GET': # when we load a html page
if request.method == 'GET': # when we load a html page
random_ads = get_random_ads()
number_of_essays = total_number_of_essays()
d = load_freq_history(path_prefix + 'static/frequency/frequency.p')
@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ def mainpage():
d_len=d_len, lst=lst, yml=Yaml.yml)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
# Written permission must be obtained from the author for commercial uses.
# Purpose: dictionary & pickle as a simple means of database.
# Task: incorporate the functions into such that it will also show cumulative frequency.
Purpose: dictionary & pickle as a simple means of database.
Task: incorporate the functions into such that it will also show cumulative frequency.
import pickle
from datetime import datetime

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def dict2lst(d):
for k in d:
lst.append((k, ['%Y%m%d%H%M')]))
return lst
elif isinstance(d[keys[0]], list):
if isinstance(d[keys[0]], list):
return list(d.items()) # a list of (key, value) pairs
return []

View File

@ -11,34 +11,39 @@ function getWord() {
function fillInWord() {
let word = getWord();
if (isRead) read(word);
if (!isChoose) return;
if (isRead) {read(word);}
if (!isChoose) {return;}
const element = document.getElementById("selected-words");
element.value = element.value + " " + word;
document.getElementById("text-content").addEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
.addEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
function makeUtterance(str, rate) {
let msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(str);
msg.rate = rate;
msg.lang = "en-US"; // TODO: add language options menu
msg.onboundary = ev => {
if ( == "word") {
msg.onboundary = function(ev) {
if ( === "word") {
current_position = ev.charIndex;
return msg;
const sliderValue = document.getElementById("rangeValue"); // 显示值
const inputSlider = document.getElementById("rangeComponent"); // 滑块元素
inputSlider.oninput = () => {
inputSlider.oninput = function(){
let value = inputSlider.value; // 获取滑块的值
sliderValue.textContent = value + '×';
if (!reader.speaking) return;
sliderValue.textContent = value + "×";
if (!reader.speaking) {return;}
let msg = makeUtterance(to_speak.substring(original_position + current_position), value);
let msg = makeUtterance(
to_speak.substring(original_position + current_position),
original_position = original_position + current_position;
current_position = 0;

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@ -2,44 +2,60 @@ let isHighlight = true;
function cancelBtnHandler() {
document.getElementById("text-content").removeEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").removeEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").addEventListener("click", fillInWord2, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").addEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord2, false);
.removeEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
.removeEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord, false);
.addEventListener("click", fillInWord2, false);
.addEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord2, false);
function showBtnHandler() {
document.getElementById("text-content").removeEventListener("click", fillInWord2, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").removeEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord2, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").addEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
document.getElementById("text-content").addEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord, false);
.removeEventListener("click", fillInWord2, false);
.removeEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord2, false);
.addEventListener("click", fillInWord, false);
.addEventListener("touchstart", fillInWord, false);
function getWord() {
return window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text;
return (window.getSelection ?
window.getSelection() :
function highLight() {
if (!isHighlight) return;
if (!isHighlight) {return;}
let articleContent = document.getElementById("article").innerText; //将原来的.innerText改为.innerHtml使用innerText会把原文章中所包含的<br>标签去除,导致处理后的文章内容失去了原来的格式
let pickedWords = document.getElementById("selected-words"); // words picked to the text area
let dictionaryWords = document.getElementById("selected-words2"); // words appearing in the user's new words list
let allWords = ""; //初始化allWords的值避免进入判断后编译器认为allWords未初始化的问题
if(dictionaryWords != null){//增加一个判断检查生词本里面是否为空如果为空allWords只添加选中的单词
if(dictionaryWords !== null){//增加一个判断检查生词本里面是否为空如果为空allWords只添加选中的单词
allWords = pickedWords.value + " " + dictionaryWords.value;
allWords = pickedWords.value + " ";
const list = allWords.split(" ");//将所有的生词放入一个list中用于后续处理
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
list[i] = list[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); //消除单词两边的空字符
list[i] = list[i].replace('|', "");
list[i] = list[i].replace('?', "");
if (list[i] !== "" && "<mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1 && "</mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1) {
//将文章中所有出现该单词word的地方改为" <mark>" + word + "<mark> "。 正则表达式RegExp()中,"\\s"代表单词前后必须要有空格,以防止只对单词中的部分字符高亮的情况出现。
articleContent = articleContent.replace(new RegExp("\\s"+list[i]+"\\s", "g"), " <mark>" + list[i] + "</mark> ");
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i+=1) {
list[i] = list[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gm, ""); //消除单词两边的空字符
list[i] = list[i].replace("|", "");
list[i] = list[i].replace("?", "");
if (list[i] !== "" &&
"<mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1 &&
"</mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1
) {
//将文章中所有出现该单词word的地方改为" <mark>" + word + "<mark> "。 正则表达式RegExp()中,"\\s"代表单词前后必须要有空格,以防止只对单词中的部分字符高亮的情况出现。
articleContent = articleContent.replace(
new RegExp("\\s"+list[i]+"\\s", "g"),
" <mark>" + list[i] + "</mark> ");
document.getElementById("article").innerHTML = articleContent;
@ -50,21 +66,27 @@ function cancelHighlighting() {
let pickedWords = document.getElementById("selected-words");
const dictionaryWords = document.getElementById("selected-words2");
const list = pickedWords.value.split(" ");
if (pickedWords != null) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
list[i] = list[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
if (pickedWords !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i+=1) {
list[i] = list[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gm, "");
if (list[i] !== "") { //原来判断的代码中替换的内容为“list[i]”这个字符串这明显是错误的我们需要替换的是list[i]里的内容
articleContent = articleContent.replace(new RegExp("<mark>"+list[i]+"</mark>", "g"), list[i]);
articleContent = articleContent.replace(
new RegExp("<mark>"+list[i]+"</mark>", "g"),
if (dictionaryWords != null) {
if (dictionaryWords !== null) {
let list2 = pickedWords.value.split(" ");
for (let i = 0; i < list2.length; ++i) {
for (let i = 0; i < list2.length; i+=1) {
list2 = dictionaryWords.value.split(" ");
list2[i] = list2[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
list2[i] = list2[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gm, "");
if (list2[i] !== "") { //原来代码中替换的内容为“list[i]”这个字符串这明显是错误的我们需要替换的是list[i]里的内容
articleContent = articleContent.replace(new RegExp("<mark>"+list2[i]+"</mark>", "g"), list2[i]);
articleContent = articleContent.replace(
new RegExp("<mark>"+list2[i]+"</mark>", "g"),

View File

@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ function familiar(theWord) {
let word = $("#word_" + theWord).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + theWord).text();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/familiar",
let new_freq = freq - 1;
const allow_move = document.getElementById("move_dynamiclly").checked;
const allow_move = document
if (allow_move) {
if (new_freq <= 0) {
} else {
renderWord({ word: theWord, freq: new_freq });
renderWord({ freq: new_freq,word: theWord });
} else {
if(new_freq <1) {
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ function familiar(theWord) {
$("#freq_" + theWord).text(new_freq);
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/familiar"
@ -31,34 +33,38 @@ function unfamiliar(theWord) {
let word = $("#word_" + theWord).text();
let freq = $("#freq_" + theWord).text();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/unfamiliar",
let new_freq = parseInt(freq) + 1;
const allow_move = document.getElementById("move_dynamiclly").checked;
const allow_move = document
if (allow_move) {
renderWord({ word: theWord, freq: new_freq });
renderWord({ freq: new_freq,word: theWord });
} else {
$("#freq_" + theWord).text(new_freq);
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/unfamiliar"
function delete_word(theWord) {
let username = $("#username").text();
let word = theWord.replace('&amp;', '&');
let word = theWord.replace("&amp;", "&");
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/del",
const allow_move = document.getElementById("move_dynamiclly").checked;
const allow_move = document
if (allow_move) {
} else {
$("#p_" + theWord).remove();
url:"/" + username + "/" + word + "/del"
@ -75,11 +81,12 @@ function delete_word(theWord) {
function parseWord(element) {
const word = element
.querySelector("a.btn.btn-light[role=button]") // 获取当前词频元素的词汇元素
.innerText // 获取词汇值;
const freq = Number.parseInt(element.querySelector(`#freq_${word}`).innerText); // 获取词汇的数量
.innerText; // 获取词汇值;
const freq = Number// 获取词汇的数量
return {
@ -104,7 +111,7 @@ function wordTemplate(word) {
function removeWord(word) {
// 根据词频信息删除元素
word = word.replace('&amp;', '&');
word = word.replace("&amp;", "&");
const element_to_remove = document.getElementById(`p_${word}`);
if (element_to_remove != null) {
@ -134,7 +141,11 @@ function renderWord(word) {
// 让发生变化的元素抖动
// 移动到该元素
new_element.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest"});
behavior: "smooth",
block: "center",
inline: "nearest"
// 抖动完毕后删除抖动类
setTimeout(() => {
@ -145,7 +156,7 @@ function renderWord(word) {
* 从string中创建一个HTML元素并返回
function elementFromString(string) {
const d = document.createElement('div');
const d = document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = string;
return d.children.item(0);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
This module provides methods for user_services
from datetime import datetime
from flask import *
# from app import Yaml
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ def user_reset(username):
return 'Under construction'
@userService.route("/<username>/back", methods=['GET'])
def user_back(username):
@ -48,7 +51,6 @@ def user_back(username):
return redirect(url_for('user_bp.userpage', username=username))
@userService.route("/<username>/<word>/unfamiliar", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def unfamiliar(username, word):
@ -141,9 +143,6 @@ def userpage(username):
@userService.route("/<username>/mark", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user_mark_word(username):

View File

@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
# Copyright 2019 (C) Hui Lan <>
# Written permission must be obtained from the author for commercial uses.
This Module produces word frequency
import collections
import string
import operator
import os, sys # 引入模块sys因为我要用里面的sys.argv列表中的信息来读取命令行参数。
import os, sys # 引入模块sys因为我要用里面的sys.argv列表中的信息来读取命令行参数。
import pickle_idea
def freq(fruit):
功能 把字符串转成列表 目的是得到每个单词的频率
@ -18,40 +21,39 @@ def freq(fruit):
result = []
fruit = fruit.lower() # 字母转小写
fruit = fruit.lower() # 字母转小写
flst = fruit.split() # 字符串转成list
c = collections.Counter(flst)
result = c.most_common()
return result
def youdao_link(s): # 有道链接
link = '' + s + '/#keyfrom=dict2.index'# 网址
def youdao_link(s): # 有道链接
link = '' + s + '/#keyfrom=dict2.index' # 网址
return link
def file2str(fname):#文件转字符
f = open(fname) #打开
s = #读取
f.close() #关闭
def file2str(fname): # 文件转字符
f = open(fname) # 打开
s = # 读取
f.close() # 关闭
return s
def remove_punctuation(s): # 这里是s是形参 (parameter)。函数被调用时才给s赋值。
special_characters = '\_©~<=>+-/[]*&$%^@.,?!:;#()"“”—‘’{}|' # 把里面的字符都去掉
def remove_punctuation(s): # 这里是s是形参 (parameter)。函数被调用时才给s赋值。
special_characters = '\_©~<=>+-/[]*&$%^@.,?!:;#()"“”—‘’{}|' # 把里面的字符都去掉
for c in special_characters:
s = s.replace(c, ' ') # 防止出现把 apple,apple 移掉逗号后变成 appleapple 情况
s = s.replace(c, ' ') # 防止出现把 apple,apple 移掉逗号后变成 appleapple 情况
s = s.replace('--', ' ')
s = s.strip() # 去除前后的空格
s = s.strip() # 去除前后的空格
if '\'' in s:
n = len(s)
t = '' # 用来收集我需要保留的字符
for i in range(n): # 只有单引号前后都有英文字符,才保留
t = '' # 用来收集我需要保留的字符
for i in range(n): # 只有单引号前后都有英文字符,才保留
if s[i] == '\'':
i_is_ok = i - 1 >= 0 and i + 1 < n
if i_is_ok and s[i-1] in string.ascii_letters and s[i+1] in string.ascii_letters:
if i_is_ok and s[i - 1] in string.ascii_letters and s[i + 1] in string.ascii_letters:
t += s[i]
t += s[i]
@ -60,12 +62,12 @@ def remove_punctuation(s): # 这里是s是形参 (parameter)。函数被调用
return s
def sort_in_descending_order(lst):# 单词按频率降序排列
def sort_in_descending_order(lst): # 单词按频率降序排列
lst2 = sorted(lst, reverse=True, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
return lst2
def sort_in_ascending_order(lst):# 单词按频率降序排列
def sort_in_ascending_order(lst): # 单词按频率降序排列
lst2 = sorted(lst, reverse=False, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
return lst2
@ -85,39 +87,30 @@ def make_html_page(lst, fname):
## main程序入口
# main程序入口
if __name__ == '__main__':
num = len(sys.argv)
if num == 1: # 从键盘读入字符串
if num == 1: # 从键盘读入字符串
s = input()
elif num == 2: # 从文件读入字符串
elif num == 2: # 从文件读入字符串
fname = sys.argv[1]
s = file2str(fname)
print('I can accept at most 2 arguments.')
sys.exit()# 结束程序运行, 下面的代码不会被执行了。
s = remove_punctuation(s) # 这里是s是实参(argument),里面有值
sys.exit() # 结束程序运行, 下面的代码不会被执行了。
s = remove_punctuation(s) # 这里是s是实参(argument),里面有值
L = freq(s)
for x in sort_in_descending_order(L):
print('%s\t%d\t%s' % (x[0], x[1], youdao_link(x[0])))#函数导出
print('%s\t%d\t%s' % (x[0], x[1], youdao_link(x[0]))) # 函数导出
# 把频率的结果放result.html中
make_html_page(sort_in_descending_order(L), 'result.html')
if os.path.exists('frequency.p'):
d = pickle_idea.load_record('frequency.p')
d = {}
# 合并频率
lst_history = pickle_idea.dict2lst(d)
d = pickle_idea.merge_frequency(L, lst_history)
pickle_idea.save_frequency_to_pickle(d, 'frequency.p')