picked from articles selected for him to read according his vocabulary level. EnglishPal will determine a user's vocabulary level based on his picked words. After that, it will recommend articles for him to read, in order to booster his English vocabulary furthermore.
Assuming that docker has been installed and that you are a sudo user (i.e., sudoer), start the program by typing the following command in directory `EnglishPal`:
Open your favourite Internet browser and enter this URL address: `http://ip-address:90`. Note: you must update the variable `DEPLOYMENT_DIR` in `build.sh`.
- Stop all docker service: `sudo service docker restart`. If you know the docker container ID, then the above command is an overkill. Use the following command instead: `sudo docker stop ContainerID`. You could get all container IDs with the following command: `sudo docker ps`
- Rebuild container. Run the following command to rebuild a docker image each time after the source code gets updated: `sudo docker build -t englishpal .`
- Run the application: `sudo docker run -d -p 90:80 -v /home/lanhui/englishpal2/EnglishPal/app/static/frequency:/app/static/frequency -t englishpal`. If you use `sudo docker run -d -p 90:80 -t englishpal`, data will be lost after terminating the program. If you want to automatically restart the docker image after each system reboot, add the option `--restart=always` after `docker run`.
By default, an account's expiry is 30 days after first sign-up. To extend account's expiry date, open and edit `user` table in `app/db/wordfreqapp.db`. Simply update field `expiry_date`.
EnglishPal's bugs and improvement suggestions are recorded in [Bugzilla]( Send (lanhui at zjnu.edu.cn) an email message for opening a Bugzilla account or reporting a bug.
We use the Selenium test framework to test our app.
In order to run the test, first we need to download a webdriver executable.
Microsoft Edge's webdriver can be downloaded from [microsoft-edge-tools-webdriver](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/). Make sure the version we download matches the version of the web browser installed on our laptop.
After extracting the downloaded zip file (e.g., edgedriver_win64.zip), rename msedgedriver.exe to MicrosoftWebDriver.exe.
Add MicrosoftWebDriver.exe's path to system's PATH variable.
The above command will generate a HTML report file pytest_report.html after finishing executing test_add_word.py. Note: you need to install pytest-html package first: pip install pytest-html.
You may also want to use [webdriver-manager](https://pypi.org/project/webdriver-manager/) from PyPI, so that you can avoid tediously installing a web driver executable manually. However, my experience shows that webdriver-manager is too slow. For example, it took me 16 minutes to run 9 tests, while with the pre-installed web driver executable, it took less than 2 minutes.