Fork 0

与分支 Alpha-snapshot20230506 同步,并解决了合并冲突

your name 2023-05-10 16:57:32 +08:00
commit 7207683d42
16 changed files with 138 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -29,16 +29,19 @@ def get_article_body(s):
return '\n'.join(lst)
def get_today_article(user_word_list, existing_articles):
if existing_articles is None:
existing_articles = {
def get_today_article(user_word_list, visited_articles):
if visited_articles is None:
visited_articles = {
"index" : 0, # 为 article_ids 的索引
"article_ids": [] # 之前显示文章的id列表越后越新
if existing_articles["index"] > len(existing_articles["article_ids"])-1:
if visited_articles["index"] > len(visited_articles["article_ids"])-1: # 生成新的文章,因此查找所有的文章
result = list(get_article()) # 转为一个list
result = [get_article_by_id(existing_articles["article_ids"][existing_articles["index"]])]
else: # 生成阅读过的文章,因此查询指定 article_id 的文章
if visited_articles["article_ids"][visited_articles["index"]] == 'null': # 可能因为直接刷新页面导致直接去查询了'null',因此当刷新的页面的时候,需要直接进行“上一篇”操作
visited_articles["index"] -= 1
result = [get_article_by_id(visited_articles["article_ids"][visited_articles["index"]])]
# Choose article according to reader's level
@ -47,25 +50,33 @@ def get_today_article(user_word_list, existing_articles):
d3 = get_difficulty_level(d1, d2)
d = None
result_of_generate_article = "not found"
d_user = load_freq_history(user_word_list)
user_level = user_difficulty_level(d_user, d3) # more consideration as user's behaviour is dynamic. Time factor should be considered.
text_level = 0
if existing_articles["index"] > len(existing_articles["article_ids"])-1: # 下一篇
flag_get_article = False
for reading in result:
text_level = text_difficulty_level(reading.text, d3)
factor = random.gauss(0.8,
0.1) # a number drawn from Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0.8 and a stand deviation of 1
if reading.article_id not in existing_articles["article_ids"] and within_range(text_level, user_level, (8.0 - user_level) * factor): # 新的文章之前没有出现过且符合一定范围的水平
d = reading
existing_articles["article_ids"].append(d.article_id) # 列表添加新的文章id下面进行
flag_get_article = True
if not flag_get_article:
existing_articles["index"] -= 1
else: # 上一篇
if visited_articles["index"] > len(visited_articles["article_ids"])-1: # 生成新的文章
amount_of_visited_articles = len(visited_articles["article_ids"])
amount_of_existing_articles = result.__len__()
if amount_of_visited_articles == amount_of_existing_articles: # 如果当前阅读过的文章的数量 == 存在的文章的数量,即所有的书本都阅读过了
result_of_generate_article = "had read all articles"
for k in range(3): # 最多尝试3次
for reading in result:
text_level = text_difficulty_level(reading.text, d3)
factor = random.gauss(0.8, 0.1) # a number drawn from Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0.8 and a stand deviation of 1
if reading.article_id not in visited_articles["article_ids"] and within_range(text_level, user_level, (8.0 - user_level) * factor): # 新的文章之前没有出现过且符合一定范围的水平
d = reading
visited_articles["article_ids"].append(d.article_id) # 列表添加新的文章id下面进行
result_of_generate_article = "found"
if result_of_generate_article == "found": # 用于成功找到文章后及时退出外层循环
if result_of_generate_article != "found": # 阅读完所有文章或者循环3次没有找到适合的文章则放入空“null”
else: # 生成已经阅读过的文章
d = random.choice(result)
text_level = text_difficulty_level(d.text, d3)
result_of_generate_article = "found"
today_article = None
if d:
@ -80,7 +91,7 @@ def get_today_article(user_word_list, existing_articles):
"answer": get_answer_part(d.question)
return existing_articles, today_article
return visited_articles, today_article, result_of_generate_article
def load_freq_history(path):

View File

@ -3,6 +3,18 @@ import string
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from UseSqlite import InsertQuery, RecordQuery
def md5(s):
:param str: 字符串
:return: 经MD5以后的字符串
h = hashlib.md5(s.encode(encoding='utf-8'))
return h.hexdigest()
# import model.user after the defination of md5(s) to avoid circular import
from model.user import get_user_by_username, insert_user, update_password_by_username
path_prefix = '/var/www/wordfreq/wordfreq/'
path_prefix = './' # comment this line in deployment
@ -12,13 +24,9 @@ def verify_pass(newpass,oldpass):
def verify_user(username, password):
rq = RecordQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
password = md5(username + password)
rq.instructions_with_parameters("SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=:username AND password=:password", dict(
username=username, password=password)) # the named style https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html
result = rq.get_results()
return result != []
user = get_user_by_username(username)
encoded_password = md5(username + password)
return user is not None and user.password == encoded_password
def add_user(username, password):
@ -26,19 +34,12 @@ def add_user(username, password):
expiry_date = (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y%m%d') # will expire after 30 days
# 将用户名和密码一起加密,以免暴露不同用户的相同密码
password = md5(username + password)
rq = InsertQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
rq.instructions_with_parameters("INSERT INTO user VALUES (:username, :password, :start_date, :expiry_date)", dict(
username=username, password=password, start_date=start_date, expiry_date=expiry_date))
insert_user(username=username, password=password, start_date=start_date, expiry_date=expiry_date)
def check_username_availability(username):
rq = RecordQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
"SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=:username", dict(username=username))
result = rq.get_results()
return result == []
existed_user = get_user_by_username(username)
return existed_user is None
def change_password(username, old_password, new_password):
@ -54,35 +55,16 @@ def change_password(username, old_password, new_password):
# 将用户名和密码一起加密,以免暴露不同用户的相同密码
if verify_pass(new_password,old_password): #新旧密码一致
return False
password = md5(username + new_password)
rq = InsertQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
rq.instructions_with_parameters("UPDATE user SET password=:password WHERE name=:username", dict(
password=password, username=username))
update_password_by_username(username, new_password)
return True
def get_expiry_date(username):
rq = RecordQuery(path_prefix + 'static/wordfreqapp.db')
"SELECT expiry_date FROM user WHERE name=:username", dict(username=username))
result = rq.get_results()
if len(result) > 0:
return result[0]['expiry_date']
user = get_user_by_username(username)
if user is None:
return '20191024'
def md5(s):
:param str: 字符串
:return: 经MD5以后的字符串
h = hashlib.md5(s.encode(encoding='utf-8'))
return h.hexdigest()
return user.expiry_date
class UserName:
def __init__(self, username):

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def signup():
session[username] = username
session['username'] = username
session['expiry_date'] = get_expiry_date(username)
session['existing_articles'] = None
session['visited_articles'] = None
return jsonify({'status': '2'})
return jsonify({'status': '1'})
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def login():
session['username'] = username
user_expiry_date = get_expiry_date(username)
session['expiry_date'] = user_expiry_date
session['existing_articles'] = None
session['visited_articles'] = None
return jsonify({'status': '1'})
return jsonify({'status': '0'})

View File

@ -91,10 +91,7 @@ def article():
question = data.get("question", "")
level = data.get("level", "4")
if content:
try: # check level
if level not in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
if level not in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
return "Level must be between 1 and 4."
add_article(content, source, level, question)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from model import *
from Login import md5
from pony import orm
def get_users():
with db_session:
@ -11,6 +12,11 @@ def get_user_by_username(username):
if user:
return user.first()
def insert_user(username, password, start_date, expiry_date):
with db_session:
user = User(name=username, password=password, start_date=start_date, expiry_date=expiry_date)
def update_password_by_username(username, password="123456"):
with db_session:
user = User.select(name=username)

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def save_frequency_to_pickle(d, pickle_fname):
d2 = {}
for k in d:
if not k in exclusion_lst and not k.isnumeric() and not len(k) < 2:
d2[k] = list(sorted(set(d[k])))
d2[k] = list(sorted(d[k])) # 原先这里是d2[k] = list(sorted(set(d[k])))
pickle.dump(d2, f)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# 全局引入的css文件地址
- static/css/bootstrap.css
- ../static/css/bootstrap.css
# 全局引入的js文件地址
head: # 在页面加载之前加载
- static/js/jquery.js
- static/js/word_operation.js
- ../static/js/jquery.js
- ../static/js/word_operation.js
bottom: # 在页面加载完之后加载
- static/js/fillword.js
- static/js/highlight.js
- ../static/js/fillword.js
- ../static/js/highlight.js
# 高亮样式,目前仅支持修改颜色

View File

@ -40,10 +40,36 @@ function highLight() {
list[i] = list[i].replace('|', "");
list[i] = list[i].replace('?', "");
if (list[i] !== "" && "<mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1 && "</mark>".indexOf(list[i]) === -1) {
//将文章中所有出现该单词word的地方改为" <mark>" + word + "<mark> "。 正则表达式RegExp()中,"\\s"代表单词前后必须要有空格,以防止只对单词中的部分字符高亮的情况出现。
articleContent = articleContent.replace(new RegExp("\\s"+list[i]+"\\s", "g"), " <mark>" + list[i] + "</mark> ");
articleTitle = articleTitle.replace(new RegExp("\\s"+list[i]+"\\s", "g"), " <mark>" + list[i] + "</mark> ");
articleQuestion = articleQuestion.replace(new RegExp("\\s"+list[i]+"\\s", "g"), " <mark>" + list[i] + "</mark> ");
//将文章中所有出现该单词word的地方改为"<mark>" + word + "<mark>"。 正则表达式RegExp()中,"\\b"代表单词边界匹配。
let articleContent_fb = articleContent; //文章副本
let articleTitle_fb = articleTitle;
let articleQuestion_fb = articleQuestion;
while(articleContent_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase()) !== -1 && list[i]!=""){
const index = articleContent_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase());
list[i] = articleContent_fb.substring(index, index + list[i].length);
articleContent_fb = articleContent_fb.substring(index + list[i].length); // 使用副本中list[i]之后的子串替换掉副本
articleContent = articleContent.replace(new RegExp("\\b"+list[i]+"\\b","g"),"<mark>" + list[i] + "</mark>");
while(articleTitle_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase()) !== -1 && list[i]!=""){
const index = articleTitle_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase());
list[i] = articleTitle_fb.substring(index, index + list[i].length);
articleTitle_fb = articleTitle_fb.substring(index + list[i].length); // 使用副本中list[i]之后的子串替换掉副本
articleTitle = articleTitle.replace(new RegExp("\\b"+list[i]+"\\b","g"),"<mark>" + list[i] + "</mark>");
while(articleQuestion_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase()) !== -1 && list[i]!=""){
const index = articleQuestion_fb.toLowerCase().indexOf(list[i].toLowerCase());
list[i] = articleQuestion_fb.substring(index, index + list[i].length);
articleQuestion_fb = articleQuestion_fb.substring(index + list[i].length); // 使用副本中list[i]之后的子串替换掉副本
articleQuestion = articleQuestion.replace(new RegExp("\\b"+list[i]+"\\b","g"),"<mark>" + list[i] + "</mark>");
document.getElementById("article").innerHTML = articleContent;

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/{{ username }}">返回 {{ username }}</a>
<a class="nav-link" href="/{{ username }}/userpage">返回 {{ username }}</a>

View File

@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
// 密码生成器
function generatePassword(length) {
var charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+~`|}{[]\:;?><,./-=";
var password = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^*()_+~`|}{[]\:;?,./-=";
let password = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
password += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length));
return password;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
window.location.href = "/login";
} else if (response.status === '1') {
window.location.href = "/"+username;
window.location.href = "/"+username+"/userpage";

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="container-fluid">
<p><b><font size="+3" color="red">English Pal - Learn English smartly!</font></b></p>
{% if session['logged_in'] %}
<a href="/{{ session['username'] }}">{{ session['username'] }}</a>
<a href="/{{ session['username'] }}/userpage">{{ session['username'] }}</a>
{% if session['username'] == admin_name %}
<a href="/admin">管理</a></p>
{% endif %}

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<input type="password" placeholder="新密码" class="new-password" name="new-password" id="new-password"/>
<input type="password" placeholder="确认新密码" class="re-new-password" name="re-new-password" id="re-new-password"/>
<button id="submit" class="btn" onclick="reset()">提交</button>
<button class="btn" onclick="window.location.href='/{{ username }}'">放弃修改</button>
<button class="btn" onclick="window.location.href='/{{ username }}/userpage'">放弃修改</button>
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ You're logged in already! <a href="/logout">Logout</a>.
} else if (response.status === '2') {
let f = confirm("恭喜,你已成功注册,你的用户名是"+username+'.\n点击“确认”开始使用或点击“取消”返回首页');
if (f) {
window.location.href = '/'+username;
window.location.href = '/'+username+'/userpage';
} else {
window.location.href = '/';

View File

@ -37,24 +37,28 @@
<div class="container-fluid">
<p><b>English Pal for <font id="username" color="red">{{ username }}</font></b>
{% if username == admin_name %}
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/admin" role="button" onclick="stopRead()">管理</a>
{% endif %}
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/logout" role="button" onclick="stopRead()">退出</a>
<a id="quit" class="btn btn-secondary" href="/logout" role="button" onclick="stopRead()">退出</a>
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/reset" role="button" onclick="stopRead()">重设密码</a>
{# {% for message in flashed_messages %}#} {# 根据user_service.userpage,取消了参数flashed_messages因此注释了这段代码 #}
{# <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Congratulations! {{ message }}</div>#}
{# {% endfor %}#}
<a class="btn btn-success" href="/{{ username }}/reset" role="button"> 下一篇 Next Article </a>
{% if session.get('existing_articles') != None and session.get('existing_articles')["index"] !=0 %}
<a class="btn btn-success" href="/{{ username }}/back" role="button"> 上一篇 Previous Article </a>
{% if result_of_generate_article != "had read all articles" %}
<a id="next_btn" class="btn btn-success" href="/{{ username }}/reset" role="button"> 下一篇 Next Article </a>
{% endif %}
{% if session.get('visited_articles') and session.get('visited_articles')['index']>0 %}
<a id="pre_btn" class="btn btn-success" href="/{{ username }}/back" role="button"> 上一篇 Previous Article </a>
{% endif %}
<div id="text-content">
{% if today_article %}
{% if result_of_generate_article == 'found' %}
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">According to your word list, your level is <span class="badge bg-success">{{ today_article["user_level"] }}</span> and we have chosen an article with a difficulty level of <span class="badge bg-success">{{ today_article["text_level"] }}</span> for you.</div>
<p class="text-muted">Article added on: {{ today_article["date"] }}</p><br/>
<div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-light text-dark"><br/>
@ -74,10 +78,14 @@
<button onclick="toggle_visibility('answer');">ANSWER</button>
<div id="answer" style="display:none;">{{ today_article['answer'] }}</div><br/>
{% else %}
{% elif result_of_generate_article == "not found" %}
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<p class="text-muted"><span class="badge bg-success">Notes:</span><br>No article is currently available for you. You can try again a few times or mark new words in the passage to improve your level.</p>
{% elif result_of_generate_article == "had read all articles" %}
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<p class="text-muted"><span class="badge bg-success">Notes:</span><br>You've read all the articles.</p>
{% endif %}
@ -93,7 +101,7 @@
<p><b>收集生词吧</b> (可以在正文中划词,也可以复制黏贴)</p>
<form method="post" action="/{{ username }}">
<form method="post" action="/{{ username }}/userpage">
<textarea name="content" id="selected-words" rows="10" cols="120"></textarea><br/>
<input type="submit" value="把生词加入我的生词库"/>
<input type="reset" value="清除"/>

View File

@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ def user_reset(username):
:return: 返回页面内容
if request.method == 'GET':
existing_articles = session.get("existing_articles")
existing_articles["index"] += 1
session["existing_articles"] = existing_articles
visited_articles = session.get("visited_articles")
if visited_articles['article_ids'][-1] == "null": # 如果当前还是“null”则将“null”pop出来,无需index+=1
else: # 当前不为“null”直接 index+=1
visited_articles["index"] += 1
session["visited_articles"] = visited_articles
return redirect(url_for('user_bp.userpage', username=username))
return 'Under construction'
@ -45,9 +48,11 @@ def user_back(username):
:return: 返回页面内容
if request.method == 'GET':
existing_articles = session.get("existing_articles")
existing_articles["index"] -= 1
session["existing_articles"] = existing_articles
visited_articles = session.get("visited_articles")
visited_articles["index"] -= 1 # 上一篇index-=1
if visited_articles['article_ids'][-1] == "null": # 如果当前还是“null”则将“null”pop出来
session["visited_articles"] = visited_articles
return redirect(url_for('user_bp.userpage', username=username))
@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ def deleteword(username, word):
return "success"
@userService.route("/<username>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@userService.route("/<username>/userpage", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def userpage(username):
@ -134,8 +139,8 @@ def userpage(username):
words = ''
for x in lst3:
words += x[0] + ' '
existing_articles, today_article = get_today_article(user_freq_record, session.get('existing_articles'))
session['existing_articles'] = existing_articles
visited_articles, today_article, result_of_generate_article = get_today_article(user_freq_record, session.get('visited_articles'))
session['visited_articles'] = visited_articles
# 通过 today_article加载前端的显示页面
return render_template('userpage_get.html',
@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ def userpage(username):
# flashed_messages=get_flashed_messages(), 仅有删除单词的时候使用到flash而删除单词是异步执行这里的信息提示是同步执行所以就没有存在的必要了