import sys import os import hashlib from pathlib import Path from enum import Enum # function for calculating relative paths of path a to path b def calculate_relative_path(a, b): file_name = b[b.rindex('/') + 1:] a, b = a[:a.rindex('/')], b[:b.rindex('/')] a, b = a.split('/'), b.split('/') intersection = 0 for index in range(min(len(a), len(b))): m, n = a[index], b[index] if m != n: intersection = index break def backward(): return (len(a) - intersection - 1) * '../' def forward(): return '/'.join(b[intersection:]) out = backward() + forward() + '/' + file_name return out # transfer whitespaces in string to html string def transfer_str_to_html(s): return s.replace( ' ', ' ').replace('\t', '  ').replace('\n', '
') class ReadState(Enum): FRONT_OF_CARD = 0 BACK_OF_CARD = 1 CREATE = 2 UPDATE = 3 class Requirement: def __init__(self): self.state = ReadState.FRONT_OF_CARD self.identifier = '' self.front_of_card = '' self.front_lines = 0 self.back_lines = 0 self.back_of_card = '' self.create_info = '' self.update_info = '' self.code_links = {} def generate_identifier(self, exclusion=[]): m2 = hashlib.md5() m2.update((self.front_of_card + self.back_of_card).encode('utf-8')) digest = m2.hexdigest()[-4:] loop = 0 while digest in exclusion: last = digest[-1] if loop > 16: raise Exception('Too many collision') loop += 1 if last > 'f': last = '0' else: digest = digest[:-1] + chr(ord(digest[-1]) + 1) self.identifier = digest collision.append(digest) def text_append(self, line): if self.state == ReadState.FRONT_OF_CARD: if line.strip() != '': self.front_lines += 1 self.front_of_card += line elif self.state == ReadState.BACK_OF_CARD: if line.strip() != '': self.back_lines += 1 self.back_of_card += line elif self.state == ReadState.CREATE: self.create_info += line elif self.state == ReadState.UPDATE: self.update_info += line def generate_line_number(self): fronts = self.front_of_card.split('\n') backs = self.back_of_card.split('\n') def get_line_number(strings): line_number = 1 ret = '' for string in strings: if string.strip() == '': ret += string + '\n' else: ret += str(line_number) + ' ' + string + '\n' line_number += 1 return ret self.front_of_card = get_line_number(fronts) self.back_of_card = get_line_number(backs) def process_str(self, line): if line == '\n': return if 'back of card' in line.lower(): self.line_number = 1 self.state = ReadState.BACK_OF_CARD elif 'created by' in line.lower(): self.state = ReadState.CREATE self.text_append(line) elif 'updated by' in line.lower(): self.state = ReadState.UPDATE self.text_append(line) else: self.text_append(line) class CodeFile: def __init__(self): self.filename = '' self.filepath = '' self.lines = [] def find_next_code_signature(self, from_line): length = len(self.lines) index = from_line while index < length: line = self.lines[index].strip() if line == '' or line[0] == '#': index += 1 continue if line.startswith('def ') or line.startswith('class '): return index, line.split()[1][:-1] # delete end comments if '#' in line: line = line[:line.index('#')].strip() if '=' in line and '==' not in line: return index, line[:line.index('=')].strip() if line.startswith('if '): return index, line[3:-1] return index, line return None, None if __name__ == "__main__": argc = len(sys.argv) if argc != 2 and argc != 3: print('Usage:') print('"python ./srs.txt" to get a srs file with id') print('"python ./srs_id.txt ./src" to generate web pages for crossing reference') exit() need_identifier = True if argc == 2 else False # Read requirements requirements = {} problems = [] code_files = [] # root dir for out pages out_dir = './doc' os.makedirs(out_dir) srs_file = sys.argv[1] if not need_identifier: src_path = sys.argv[2] # Read requirements from file with open(srs_file) as srs: last_line = '' requirement = None lines = srs.readlines() collision = [] for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if 'front of card' in line.lower(): if need_identifier: if requirement != None: requirement.generate_identifier(collision) requirements[requirement.identifier] = requirement requirement = Requirement() else: requirement = Requirement() requirement.identifier = last_line.replace('\n', '') requirements[requirement.identifier] = requirement elif requirement != None: requirement.process_str(line) last_line = line if i == len(lines) - 1: if need_identifier: if requirement != None: requirement.generate_identifier(collision) requirements[requirement.identifier] = requirement # Write srs with id file to disk if need_identifier: with open(srs_file[:srs_file.rindex('.')] + '_with_id.txt', 'w') as srs: for _, requirement in requirements.items(): requirement.generate_line_number() srs.write(requirement.identifier + '\n') srs.write('FRONT OF CARD\n') srs.write(requirement.front_of_card) srs.write('BACK OF CARD\n') srs.write(requirement.back_of_card) srs.write(requirement.create_info) srs.write(requirement.update_info) srs.write('\n\n') exit(0) src_path = Path(src_path) requirement_out_file = out_dir + '/' + \ srs_file[srs_file.rindex('/') + 1:srs_file.rindex('.')] + '.html' # Read source code python_files = [] # Add python paths recursively def recursion_view_path(path): if path.is_dir(): for single_path in path.iterdir(): recursion_view_path(single_path) else: if path.match('*.py'): python_files.append(path) recursion_view_path(src_path) for python_file in python_files: code_file = CodeFile() code_files.append(code_file) code_file.filename = code_file.filepath = str(python_file.parent).replace('\\', '/') with open(python_file, encoding='UTF-8') as file: for line in file.readlines(): code_file.lines.append(line) # generate pages for code for code_file in code_files: out_path = out_dir + '/' + code_file.filepath code_out_file = out_path + '/' + code_file.filename + '.html' relative_requirement_file = calculate_relative_path( code_out_file, requirement_out_file) relative_code_file = calculate_relative_path( requirement_out_file, code_out_file) if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) with open(code_out_file, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as out_file: out_file.write('') len_of_code = len(code_file.lines) former_superlink = None superlink_line = None infect_lines = None for i in range(len_of_code): line = code_file.lines[i] insertion_line = transfer_str_to_html(line) if '#' in line: code = line[:line.index('#')] + '\n' comment = line[line.index('#'):] # make sure this commet is for linking requirements if '@req ' in comment: requirement_identifier = comment[comment.index( '@req') + 5:].strip() requirement_split = requirement_identifier.split() requirement_identifier = requirement_split[ 0] if len(requirement_split) > 1: infect_lines = requirement_split[1] else: infect_lines = None card_line = None is_front = True requirement_link = requirement_identifier[:] if ':' in requirement_identifier: requirement_identifier, card_line = requirement_identifier.split( ':') if card_line.lower().startswith('front'): card_line = card_line[5:] elif card_line.lower().startswith('back'): is_front = False card_line = card_line[4:] if i + 1 < len_of_code and requirements.__contains__(requirement_identifier): requirement = requirements[requirement_identifier] if card_line != None: card_line = int(card_line) if is_front: if requirement.front_lines < card_line: problems.append('WARNING: ' + '' + code_out_file + ':' + str( i) + '' + ' requirement identifier: [' + requirement_link + '] not found') else: superlink_line, signature = code_file.find_next_code_signature( i) former_superlink = relative_requirement_file + '#' + requirement_link requirement.code_links[signature] = relative_code_file + \ '#line' + str(superlink_line) insertion_line = transfer_str_to_html( code) else: if requirement.back_lines < card_line: problems.append('WARNING: ' + '' + code_out_file + ':' + str( i) + '' + ' requirement identifier: [' + requirement_link + '] not found') else: superlink_line, signature = code_file.find_next_code_signature( i) former_superlink = relative_requirement_file + '#' + requirement_link requirement.code_links[signature] = relative_code_file + \ '#line' + str(superlink_line) insertion_line = transfer_str_to_html( code) else: superlink_line, signature = code_file.find_next_code_signature( i) former_superlink = relative_requirement_file + '#' + requirement_link requirement.code_links[signature] = relative_code_file + \ '#line' + str(superlink_line) insertion_line = transfer_str_to_html(code) else: problems.append('WARNING: ' + '' + code_out_file + ':' + str( i) + '' + ' requirement identifier: [' + requirement_identifier + '] not found') if i == superlink_line: insertion_line = '' + insertion_line + "" line_number = str(i) while len(line_number) < 4: line_number = ' ' + line_number insertion_line = '' + \ line_number + '' + '' + \ insertion_line + '' out_file.write(insertion_line) # generate the page for requirements with open(requirement_out_file, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write( '') total_req_count = len(requirements) covered_count = 0 for _, requirement in requirements.items(): link_str = '' for key, value in requirement.code_links.items(): link_str += '' + key + '
' if link_str != '': covered_count += 1 fronts = '' for card_line in requirement.front_of_card.split('\n'): if card_line.strip() != '': fronts += '' + \ transfer_str_to_html(card_line) + '
' backs = '' for card_line in requirement.back_of_card.split('\n'): if card_line.strip() != '': backs += '' + \ transfer_str_to_html(card_line) + '
' out_file.write('') out_file.write('
IdentifierFront CardBack CardDateLinks
' + requirement.identifier + '' + fronts + '' + backs + '' + transfer_str_to_html(requirement.create_info) + transfer_str_to_html(requirement.update_info) + '' + link_str + '

') problems.append('Conclusion: Total Requirements Count: ' + str(total_req_count) + ', Covered Requirements: ' + str(covered_count) + ', Coverage Rate: ' + str(100 * round(covered_count / total_req_count, 4)) + '%.') out_file.write('

') for problem in problems: out_file.write(problem + '
') out_file.write('
