BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterspm-slides.tex: make some edits while reading Chapter 5 of Karl Forgel's book.Hui Lan5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-05-21spm-slides.tex: make some edits while reading Chapter 5 of Karl Forgel's book.HEADmasterHui Lan
2020-05-18spm-slides.tex: work on Canned Hosting slide. Ben Balter writes good blogs o...Hui Lan
2020-05-18spm-slides.tex: make Development Status a distinct slide.Hui Lan
2020-05-18spm-slides.tex: make Avoid Private Discussions a slide title because it is im...Hui Lan
2020-05-07spm-slides.tex: add a new line.Hui Lan
2020-05-07spm-slides.tex: fix grammar error.Hui Lan
2020-04-26spm-slides.tex: add stuff from Chapter 4 of Karl Fogel. Producing Open Source...Hui Lan
2020-04-20spm-slides.tex: placeholder for Fail Fast slide.Hui Lan
2020-04-20spm-slides.tex: use a real example of bug fix from my course Software Project...Hui Lan
2020-04-15spm-slides.tex: edits while reading Chapter 3. Technical Infrastructure [http...Hui Lan