How to run EnglishPal =========================== Hui Lan 1 November 2019 Run it on a local machine ------------------------- python3 Run it within Docker -------------------- Assuming that docker has been installed... ssh to ubuntu@ cd to /home/lanhui/englishpal # Stop service sudo service docker restart # Rebuild container. Run this after modifying the source code. sudo docker build -t englishpal . # Run the application sudo docker run -d -p 90:80 -v /home/lanhui/englishpal/app/static/frequency:/app/static/frequency -t englishpal # for permanently saving data sudo docker run -d -p 90:80 -t englishpal # data will be lost after existing # Save space. Run it after sudo docker run sudo docker system prune -a -f # Other commands sudo docker ps -a sudo docker logs image_name, where image name could be obtained from sudo docker ps. contains all the above commands. Run "sudo ./" to rebuild the web application. Feedback --------- Need a smart phone app. I use phone a lot. Can take a picture for text. Automatic translation. You cannot ask students to use computers.