# Purpose: When edges.txt.* contains multiple lines representing the
#          same edge, merge them and keep only one edge.
# Usage: python merge_edges.py
#        This script is used to produce a single file edges.txt for
#        the brain web application.  It searches in EDGE_POOL_DIR for
#        edge files (with 10 columns) from many sources, most likely
#        having duplicated edges.  It removes duplication and computes
#        strength for each edge.
# Note: make sure fname is edges.txt.
# Rationale: to save place, I am no longer going to use a full list of
# RNA-seq experiment IDs in the fifth column.  Use a number, i.e., the
# number of RNA-seq IDs, instead.  If no IDs are available, this
# number is 1 (very conservative).  However, I am still going to keep
# a full list of ChIP-seq experiment IDs (the sixth column).
# Created on 3 August 2019 by Hui Lan <lanhui@zjnu.edu.cn>

import os, operator, sys, math, datetime, glob
import sqlite3

def write_log_file(s, fname):
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        return None
    f = open(fname, 'a')
    curr_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    s = '[' + curr_time + ']: ' + s
    if not '\n' in s:
        s += '\n'

def get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(s):
    if s == '.':
        return 1
    if s.isdigit():
        return int(s)
    return len(s.split())

def add_dashes_to_date(s):
    return s[:4] + '-' + s[4:6] + '-' + s[6:]

def split_id_and_name(s):
    lst = s.split()
    result = lst[0]
    if lst[0] != lst[1]:
        result = lst[0] + ' (' + lst[1] + ')'
    return result

def make_html_list(s):
    if s.strip() == '':
        return 'None'
    result = '<ul>'
    for method in s.split(','):
        result += '<li>%s</li>' % (method)
    result += '</ul>'
    return result

def make_html_page(lst, fname):
    tf     = lst[1].split()[0] # ID only, no name
    target = lst[0].split()[0] 

    head = '<title>%s</title>\n' % ('Target is ' + lst[0] + ' and TF is ' + lst[1])
    head +=  '<link href="./c3.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />\n<script src="./d3.min.js"></script>\n<script src="./c3.min.js"></script>\n<script src="./scatterplot.js"></script>'
    s = '<html>'
    s += '<head>%s</head>\n' % (head)
    body =  '<p>TF: %s</p>\n' % (split_id_and_name(lst[1]))
    body += '<p>Target: %s</p>\n' % (split_id_and_name(lst[0]))
    body += '<p>Association strength: %s</p>\n' % (lst[8])
    body += '<p>Edge made on %s. </p>\n' % (add_dashes_to_date(lst[7]))
    body += '<p>Methods: %s</p>\n' % (make_html_list(lst[9]))
    body += '<p>Evidence of binding: %s.</p>\n' % (lst[5] if lst[5] != '.' else 'TBA')
    body += '<a id="myLink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="drawScatterPlot(\'json/%s.json\', \'json/%s.json\', \'rnaseq_info_database.json\', [\'.\']);">Gene expression scatter plot</a>\n' % (tf, target)
    body += '<p>For more detailed analysis, <a href="gene-expression-level-scatterplot-by-XuMengqi.zip">download</a> our gene expression scatter plotting tool.  No installation is required.  Input: <a href="json/%s.json">TF gene expression</a>  <a href="json/%s.json">Target gene expression</a>  <a href="rnaseq_info_database.json">RNA-seq annotation</a></p>\n' % (tf, target)    
    body += '<p id="chart"></p>\n'
    s += '<body>%s</body>\n' % (body)
    s += '</html>'
    f = open(fname, 'w')

def fill_database(lst, cursor):
    ''' Store all edge information in a SQLite database, which can be retrieved in the Webapp.'''
    tf     = lst[1].split()[0] # ID only, no name
    tf_name = split_id_and_name(lst[1])    
    target = lst[0].split()[0]
    target_name = split_id_and_name(lst[0])
    strength = lst[8]
    edge_date = add_dashes_to_date(lst[7])
    method = make_html_list(lst[9])
    evidence = lst[5] if lst[5] != '.' else 'TBA'
    cursor.execute('INSERT INTO edge (target_id, target_name, tf_id, tf_name, strength, date, method, evidence) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (target, target_name, tf, tf_name, strength, edge_date, method, evidence))

def compute_time_difference_in_days(t1, t2):
    ''' t1 and t2 has this format: yyyymmdd. '''
    if not t1.isdigit() and length(t1) != 8:
        raise Exception('t1 format wrong in compute_time_difference_in_days.')
    if not t2.isdigit() and length(t2) != 8:
        raise Exception('t2 format wrong in compute_time_difference_in_days.')
    t1 = datetime.date(int(t1[:4]), int(t1[4:6]), int(t1[6:]))
    t2 = datetime.date(int(t2[:4]), int(t2[4:6]), int(t2[6:]))
    return (t1 - t2).days

def get_unique_cids(lst):
    ''' Return a list of unique, sorted ChIP-seq IDs. '''
    cids = []
    for x in lst:
        sublst = x.split()
    result = sorted(list(set(cids)))
    if len(result) > 1 and result[0] == '.':
    return ' '.join(result)

def make_new_edge(d):
    best_edge = list(d['best_edge'])
    S = 365 * 10
    curr_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
    most_recent_edge_date = d['stat']['most_recent_edge_date']
    time_diff = compute_time_difference_in_days(most_recent_edge_date, curr_date)
    F = d['stat']['F']
    strength = (d['stat']['sumr']/F) * math.log(d['stat']['sumRN']/F + 1, 10) * math.log(F+1, 2) * math.exp(time_diff/S)
    best_edge[4] = '%d' % d['stat']['maxRN']
    best_edge[5] = get_unique_cids(d['stat']['allCID'])
    best_edge[7] = most_recent_edge_date
    best_edge[8] = '%.2f' % strength
    method_or_tissue = d['stat']['method_or_tissue']
    best_edge[9] = ','.join(sorted(list(set(method_or_tissue))))
    return best_edge

write_log_file('[merge_edges.py] Go through all edge files in the edge pool %s.' % (EDGE_POOL_DIR) , UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
d = {} # d will contain all edges computed so far, where the key is TargetGeneID_TFGeneID, and the value is a list of tuples.  Each tuple is a historical edge.
file_count = 0
for fname in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(EDGE_POOL_DIR, 'edges*.*'))):
    file_count += 1
    print('[merge_edges.py] Including %s.  Dictionary size %d.' % (fname, len(d)))
    #write_log_file('[merge_edges.py] including file %s.' % (fname) , UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
    f = open(fname)

    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        if len(line.split('\t')) == 10:  # a valid edge line has 10 fields, separated by a TAB
            lst = line.split('\t')
            target = lst[0]
            tf = lst[1]
            score = lst[2]
            type_of_score = lst[3]
            rids = lst[4]
            cids = lst[5]
            ll = lst[6]
            date = lst[7]
            strength = lst[8]
            method_or_tissue = lst[9]

            key = target.split()[0] + '_' + tf.split()[0] # target or tf has two fields, Gene ID and Gene Name, split()[0] means using Gene ID only.
            t = (target, tf, score, type_of_score, rids, cids, ll, date, strength, method_or_tissue)
            if not key in d:
                d[key] = {'best_edge':t, 'stat':{'sumr':abs(float(score)) , 'allCID':[cids], 'maxRN':get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(rids), 'sumRN':get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(rids), 'F':1, 'most_recent_edge_date':date, 'method_or_tissue':[method_or_tissue]}}
                # update best edge
                old_score = float(d[key]['best_edge'][2])
                new_score = float(score)
                if abs(new_score) > abs(old_score):
                    d[key]['best_edge']  = t

                # update stat information
                d[key]['stat']['sumr'] += abs(new_score)
                d[key]['stat']['sumRN'] += get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(rids)
                d[key]['stat']['F'] += 1

                if get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(rids) > d[key]['stat']['maxRN']:
                    d[key]['stat']['maxRN'] = get_number_of_RNAseq_ids(rids)
                if date > d[key]['stat']['most_recent_edge_date']:
                    d[key]['stat']['most_recent_edge_date'] = date
                if not cids in d[key]['stat']['allCID']:
                if not method_or_tissue in d[key]['stat']['method_or_tissue']:


write_log_file('[merge_edges.py] BRAIN has collected edges from %d files.' % (file_count) , UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)            

# make html pages
folder_path = '../Data/temp/html_edges'
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):

write_log_file('[merge_edges.py] Make text edge file %s ...' % (MERGED_EDGE_FILE), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)
fout = open(MERGED_EDGE_FILE, 'w')
for k in d:
    lst = make_new_edge(d[k])
    fout.write('\t'.join(lst) + '\n')

db_fname = os.path.join(folder_path, 'edges.sqlite')
write_log_file('[merge_edges.py] Make SQLite database file %s.'  % (db_fname), UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE)

if os.path.exists(db_fname):

conn = sqlite3.connect(db_fname)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS edge (target_id text, target_name text, tf_id text, tf_name text, strength text, date text, method text, evidence text)')
for k in d:
    lst = make_new_edge(d[k])
    # Make an html page for each edge (taking Big disk space).  This will take about 5GB disk space
    # for 1.3 million edges, not very disk space friendly.  So I use a database-driven dynamic method
    # to save space.
    # pagename = lst[1].split()[0] + '_' + lst[0].split()[0] + '_0.html' # TF_Target.html
    # make_html_page(lst, folder_path + '/' + pagename)  
    # Write to a SQLite database file called edges.sqlite, which will be used for the Webapp.
    # edges.sqlite will be put under static/edges/ for querying.
    fill_database(lst, c)
