# From get_TPM_by_salmon.py SALMON = '/home/lanhui/brain/Salmon/Salmon-0.7.2_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon' # salmon software path SALMON_INDEX = '/home/lanhui/brain/Salmon/salmon_index' TRANSCRIPTOME = '/home/lanhui/brain/Salmon/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.cdna.all.fa' SALMON_MAP_RESULT_DIR = '../Data/temp/salmon_map_result' KMER = 31 # From download_and_map.py DAILY_MAP_NUMBER = 4 # download this many samples each time. I have tested the values of 3, 4, 5, 8. MIN_FASTQ_FILE_SIZE = 200000000 # in bytes, approximately 200MB RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE = '../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.json' # some data downloaded from ENA are not RNA-seq (they are ChIP-seq). Use this file to tell whether the file is RNA-seq DOWNLOADED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE = '../Data/log/download_log.txt' # a list of downloaded SRA IDs IGNORED_SRA_ID_LOG_FILE = '../Data/log/download_log_small_sized_ids.txt' # store SRA IDs with small file size. MAPPED_RDATA_DIR = '../Data/R/Mapped/public' # mapped RNA-seq (file names ended with _quant.txt) go here RAW_RDATA_DIR = '../Data/R/Raw' # downloaded files go here # From update_network.py # Don'T change the following paths and names HISTORY_DIR = '../Data/history/edges/many_targets' # each edge file contains edges for many targets HISTORY_DIR2 = '../Data/history/edges/one_target' # edges.txt.* files are here, all edge files have the name edges.txt.*, the leading string 'edges.txt' must be present. FILE_TIMESTAMP = '../Data/log/file_timestamp.txt' # record last modified time of several important files SAMPLE_SIZE_FILE = '../Data/log/total.samples.txt' # each line contains a date and the number of samples on and after that date TEMP_DIR = '../Data/temp' PARAMETER_FOR_BUILDCMATRIX = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_buildCmatrix.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_BUILDRMATRIX = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_buildRmatrix.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_NET = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_net.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_NET_TRAVADB_STRESS = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_net_travadb_stress.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_NET_TRAVADB_MAP = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_net_travadb_map.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_NET_MILD_DROUGHT = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_net_mild_drought.txt' PARAMETER_FOR_NET_WIGGELAB_DIURNAL = '../Data/parameter/parameter_for_net_wiggelab_diurnal.txt' BINDING_FILE = '../Data/history/bind/binding.txt' TPM_FILE = '../Data/history/expr/TPM.txt' # gene expression data PARAMETER_FOR_BUILDRMATRIX_RENEW_INTERVAL = 18 # check every 18 days for updating TPM.txt MIN_RNA_SEQ_INCREASE = -10000 # minimum RNA-seq experiments needed when updating parameter_for_buildRmatrix.txt UPDATE_NETWORK_LOG_FILE = '../Data/log/update.network.log.txt' # network update log. We should check this file from time to time. NEW_OR_UPDATED_CHIP_FILE = '../Data/log/new.or.updated.chip.file.txt' RNA_SEQ_INFO_DATABASE = '../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.txt' # same as RNA_SEQ_INFO_FILE RNA_SEQ_INFO_DATABASE_JSON = '../Data/information/rnaseq_info_database.json' GENE_ID_FIRST_TWO_LETTERS = 'AT' MEMORY_STRENGTH = 365 # strength of memory, larger value means better memory # MAPPED_CDATA_DIR = '../Data/C/Mapped' # mapped ChIp-seq data # Used in merge_edges.py EDGE_POOL_DIR = '/disk1/edge_pool' MERGED_EDGE_FILE = '../Data/temp/edges.txt' DIFF_EDGE_FILE = '../Data/temp/edges-diff.txt' # the difference between two edge files from yesterday and from today TARGET_TF_FILE = '../Data/information/target_tf.txt'